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B, Chambers end V. K, Thomas December 1986 u68-S ENERGY SAVING BY OPTIMISATION OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE AERATION CONTENTS: ‘SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. DESIGN OF HIGH-EFFICTENCY ACTIVATED SLUDGE SYSTEMS Introduction Basis of design Aeration tank geometry Use af anoxic zone Design of aeration systems Dissolved oxygen control system 1 3. SUMMARY OF RESULTS OBTAINED FROM 14 THE RYE MEADS PROJECT REFERENCES 19 Seossww w ENERGY SAVING BY OPTIMISATION OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE AERATION B. Chambers, V.K Thomas WRe Processes, Elder Way, Stevenage, Herts, UK SUMMARY The cost of energy for aeration can represent a high proportion of the total energy costs at sewage treatment works employing the activated sludge Process. In the UK there are approximately 80 activated plants serv ing Populations between 10,000 and 2.4 million, amounting to a total population Served of abott 25 million. This figure is equivalent to an average sewage flow rate of about 5 x 106 m3/d. The energy used for aeration in activated sludge systems is sometimes about 80% of the total process requirement and amounts to about 4 x 108 kWh per annum in the UK. The efficiency of aeration processes can be measured by determining the amount of energy required to transfer unit mass of oxygen. A survey of several activated sludge plants in the UK has revealed that, in mary cases, high energy costs were caused by low aeration efficiencies. The survey Indicated that substantial improvements in aeration efficiency might result fran optimisation of the design and operation of such plants. The differences in potential aeration efficiency of the various types of aeration device have been found to be less than is often claimed by manufacturers. Results obtained fran full-scale plant have indicated that fine-bubble, diffused-air systens may be capable of high aeration efficiency in plants designed to produce fully nitrified effluents but only if an anoxic zone for denitrification is included at the aeration tank inlet. Conversely it has been found that mechanical aeration systems are potentially more efficient in systems designed to produce nomnitrified effluents. Substantial energy savings can be made at many existing plants by incorporating several minor modifications to the aeration tank design. The modif ications consist essentially of designing the aeration system so that the demand for oxygen exerted by the microbial reactions is closely matched by the rate of supply of oxygen at all points in the aeration tank under varying conditions of organic loading. Excessively high concentrations of dissolved oxygen result in a low net driving force for gas to liquid oxygen transfer and poor aeration efficiency. Low concentrations of dissolved oxygen result in reaction-rate limitation and poor effluent qual ity. Variations in sewage flow rate and organic concentration result in varying demands for oxygen which can be accommodated by a closed-loop control systen which maintains mixed liquor DO concentrations at the required level. The flexibility of the control systen also alloys greater throughputs of sewage to be treated without risk to effluent qual ity. Confirmation that substantial energy savings can be made at a works employing fine-bubtle diffused aeration has been obtained. A 3-year full-scale demonstration project has recently been completed at the Rye Meads works of Thanes Water. This project received financial support fran Envirorment Canada, The United States Env irormental Protection Agency and the UK Department of Energy. Results obtained from the project shoved that a 50% improvement in aeration efficiency could be achieved and maintained in an optimised nitrifying aeration tank compared to a similar unmodified tank. In addition the sewage flowrate was increased ty 65% per unit aeration tank volume without affecting effluent quality. A similar full-scale project on the optimisation of a mechanical aeration system producing a nor-nitrified effluent is now in progress at the Blackburn Meadows plant of Yorkshire Water. Results fran the full-scale Projects have been combined with results obtained previously in laboratory and pilot-scale work to produce a general design method for efficient activated sludge plants. A dynamic model of the activated sludge process has been developed in the form of a computer simulation which can be used interactively by the designer. The simulation can predict effluent quality for any variation in input sewage flowrate and concentration with a given tank geanetry. The amount of oxygen required at various points in the aeration tank can also be determined and used to specify aeration equipment. The simulation is being used to optimise the design of several full-scale activated sludge plants in the UK with considerable success. 1. INTRODUCTION It is well established that the activated sludge process can consistently produce high quality effluents and until recently this aspect of plant operation has been of primary importance. The energy costs associated with the operation of activated sludge systems can be a high Proportion of the total energy costs incurred for complete sewage treatment Processes. Aeration of activated sludge is by far the largest energy consuming operation in that process. The energy used in pumping recycled Sludge is typically 5-106 of that used in aeration. Recently in the UK there has been considerable interest in reducing energy costs in the activated sludge process without affecting effluent qual ity. The amount of oxygen required in a given activated sludge process is a function of the flavrate and composition of the sewage and the effluent Quality required. If the oxygenation capacity is underestimated the process will produce a poor quality effluent. However, if excessive aeration is employed then it is unlikely that the effluent will be adversely affected. The necessity of maintaining a particular effluent standard combined with the difficulty of accurate oxygenation capacity prediction has tended to result in excessive overdesign of activated sludge plants. Thus, aeration tanks may be too large for the flovrate of sewage to be treated and a considerable fraction of the total volume may be being aerated downstream of the region where treatment has been completed. The potential for energy savings in existing activated sludge systens can be assessed by measuring dissolved oxygen concentrations in the aeration tank. High DO concentrations result when oxygen is being supplied at a rate greater than that required by the microbial population. The efficiency of the activated sludge process, in terms of energy usage, can be determined by measuring the mass of oxygen transferred to the aeration tank mixed liquor per unit of electrical energy used in aeration. The units of aeration efficiency might be kg 02/kWh. Aeration efficiency is quite a difficult variable to determine in an existing process, Most. of the methods employed for ‘clean water! testing are inapplicable and in fact any method involving alteration of DO levels over a wide range could result in a disturbance to normal effluent qual ity. A reasonably simple approximate method of calculating aeration efficiency is to use an indirect procedure which involves estimating the mass of oxygen required to achieve the degree of treatment obtained in a given system, In general, oxygen is required to satisfy BOD, to achieve nitrification, if applicable, and to maintain the microbial population. It should therefore be possible to relate the mass of oxygen transferred to the flowrate and composition of the sewage treated. The following equation can be used to assess the oxygen demand of a given process with reasonable accuracy :~ Oxygen demand = 0,084 a5 [0.75(BOD{-BODe) + 3:25 x 10-4 OLSSV 4 3¢i-Ne)) Ke/d 1 as Average settled sewage flowrate (1/s) Average BOD concentration in settled sewage influent (mg/1) Average BOD concentration in effluent (mg/1) MLSS concentration (ng/3) Aeration tank volume (m3) oe nitrogen concentration in settled sewage influent Ammoniacal nitrogen concentration in effluent (mg/1) Equation 1.1 is not sufficiently accurate for use as a standard performance test of aeration equipment. However, it is useful for comparative assessment of the aeration efficiencies of operational activated sludge plants. The oxygen demand value obtained fran equation 1.1 can be converted into an aeration efficiency by dividing by the daily consumption of electrical energy (Kih/d) used in aeration. If excessive aeration is being employed then the energy usage figure will be high and the corresponding aeration efficiency will be lov. It must be stressed that the calculation of aeration efficiencies using this method produces Values which are merely an indication of excessive DO concentrations and aeration tank underloading. It is not usually practical to convert the results to 'standard' values at zero DO and hence the procedure is not really suitable for comparing the performance of different types of aerator. Equation 1.1 was used by Houck and Boon(1) to assess aeration efficiency in a survey of several large diffused-air activated sludge plants. The results indicated that there was a wide variation in efficiencies between plants producing effluents of comparable quality. The aeration efficiency of 13 plants investigated varied between 1.1 and 2.1 kg02/ldvh. A similar survey of mechanically aerated systems has recently been completed. The aeration efficiencies of 12 plants varied between 0.6 and 1.4 kg0o/idih, The survey results indicated a general design philosophy which should be followed to optimise the operation of activated sludge plants. The same principles apply to both diffused-air and mechanically aerated systems. The design procedure has been successfully demonstrated in a recently completed full-scale project at the Rye Meads STW of Thanes Water. Diffused-air aeration tanks were modified to produce nitrified and non-nitrified effluents and the performance of each has been compared during the course of the project with the performance of an unmodified tank. This project received financial support fron Env irorment Canada, the US EPA and the UK Department of Energy. Reports describing the result's in detail have been publ ished(2,3) and further reference will be made later in this paper. A project on the optimisation of mechanical aeration has recently been initiated at the Blackburn Meadows SIW of Yorkshire Water. 2. DESIGN OF HIGH-EFFICIENCY ACTIVATED SLUDGE SYSTEMS 2.1. Introduction In general high aeration efficiencies will be achieved if attention is given to the following areas of process design:- i, Utilisation of available aeration tank volume - The ratio of aeration tank volume to sewage flowrate has traditionally been based on past experience with various naminal values of sewage retention time. High aeration efficiencies will result if most of the aeration tank volume is used for sewage treatment. In many plug-flow aeration tanks DO concentrations approach saturation levels long before the tank outlet. Obviously increasing the sewage flavrate per unit aeration tank volume reduces the design 'safety factor’ and demands a procedure which can be used with confidence. ii, Matching oxygen supply to process demand - It has been commonly observed that a gradient in DO concentration exists in many aeration tanks. Typically DO concentrations tend to be lay at the tank inlet regions where sewage and recycled sludge are mixed and thereafter the DO gradually increases as treatment proceeds. High aeration efficiencies can be achieved by reducing the oxygenation capacity to match the changing demand. iii, Installation of a DO control system - The time varying inputs of sewage flowrate and composition to an activated sludge plant result in corresponding changes in oxygen demand in the aeration tank. In the past such variations have been dealt with by designing for a constant high oxygen input which allows DO concentrations to vary between high and low levels in the aeration tank. High aeration efficiencies can be achieved by installing a DO control system which varies the oxygen input to maintain constant DO concentrations. 2.2. There are only about 80 activated sludge plants in the UK which serve populations greater than 10,000. Of this number just under half employ diffused-air. Diffused-air plants tend to be larger than mechanically aerated plants. It is unlikely that many large installations will be constructed in the UK in the near future and it is therefore probable that the optimisation procedures must be applied to existing plants where improvements in aeration efficiency are required. The modification of existing plants must be performed in such a way that the resulting savings in energy produce rapid recovery of the capital investment initially required. The differences in design and layout of existing plants are so great that each optimisation is really a separate exercise. In general the optimisation procedure at an existing works will involve modifying the layout of the aeration equipment and the installation of a DO control system, It is generally not an econanic proposition to redesign the aeration tank geanetry. The most expensive itens in diffused air systems are the air compressors. These can be converted to variable out put according to the requirements of the DO control system but total replacement can be econamically unattractive. The design of a completely new works can be considerably easier than the modification of an existing works since there are fever constraints on the designer. In the UK the survey results previously referred to indicated that diffused-air systems were considerably more energy efficient than mechanically aerated systems. However, the real differences in observed efficiency are more a result of variations in process design than inherent differences in aeration equipment. Activated sludge processes can be broadly classified into two types depending on the effluent quality produced. The available evidence suggests that diffused-air systems are potentially more efficient in Processes designed to produce fully-nitrified effluents. Conversely mechanically aerated systems should be more efficient in processes achieving carbonaceous oxidation only. However, it is only rarely economically justifiable to convert one type af aeration system to the other. 2.3. Aeration tank geometry In 1976 the WR undertook a survey of 65 activated sludge plants in order to determine opgrational Parameters which were associated with poor sludge settleability(4). Very nearly half of the plants investigated suffered fran bulking sludge either intermittently or continuously. This work revealed that poor sludge settleabil ity seemed to be associated with aeration tanks that approached completely-mixed conditions. A further quantitative investigation at selected plants revealed a definite relationship between the degree of longitudinal mixing in aeration tanks and the sludge settleability(5), All aeration tanks can be considered as exhibiting mixing characteristics sanewhere in a continuous spectrum between the extremes of plug-flow and complete mixing. Departure fran ideal plug-flai can be quantified in terms of a dimensionless group called the Dispersion Number, which varies between values of 0 for plug-flaw and infinity for complete mixing. The relationship between sludge settle ability and Dispersion Nunber is shown in Fig. 1. This figure was derived fran full-scale results where the Dispersion Number was determined fran tracer tests. A pulse of suitable tracer injected at the aeration tank inlet produces a distribution of aeration tank residence times when measured at the outlet. The Dispersion Number is a function of the variance of the residence time distribution. Consideration of the factors ottlined in Section 2.1 Suggests that a simple way to ensure high aeration efficiencies is to design aeration tanks on a completely-mixed basis. In such tanks there are no concentration gradients and the installation of aeration equipment and the associated control system becomes relatively simple. Unfortunately the problems of Sludge bulking caused by complete mixing conditions can be so severe that no possibility would exist of any optimisation procedure being successfully implemented. Moreover, it is virtually impossible, after plant commissioning, to convert a completely mixed flaw regime into a plug-flow regime without substantially rebuilding the aeration tanks. It is therefore of considerable importance to design aeration tanks with an adequate degree of plug-flow in order to ensure good sludge settleability. The designer is faced with the problem of trying to relate Dispersion Number to the aeration tank geanetry. Table 2.1 shows that the Dispersion Number is not simply a function of the aeration tank length to width ratio. Dispersion Number tends to decrease with increasing length to width ratio since it is obvious that extreme values of length to width must display marked plug-flaw characteristics. It has been Suggested that the fairly common design of aeration tank with a length to width ratio of 4 or 6 represents a plug-flow system. Measurenent of the values of Dispersion Number of such systems reveals that this is not always the case. oO ALITIGVATLIGS FOONTS CNY UAGWAN NOISUEdSTO NABMIIG NOTIVISY “tL TunoTa qn “T= —-w3GHNN NOISUadSIC 10 10-0 400-0 0 ° o ¢ ° @ ° © 0° e@ 001 ° 00z ° 00E XZO0NI SHMIOA JIdID3dS TIBUILS TASS. (67m) The Dispersion Number, Np is actually equal to D+ where D is a coefficient of axial dispersion, u is the mean Velocity of flow in the aeration tank and L is the total length of the aeration tank. The axial dispersion coefficient is analagous to the property of diffusivity in mass transfer and is a function of certain fluid properties Such as a viscosity and density. It is a measure of the tendency of fluid elements in the aeration tank to alter their relative positions and should therefore depend on the magnitude of turbulent eddies in the system. Thus the value of the dispersion coefficient may be expected to depend upon the rate of energy dissipation per unit volume of the aeration tank. TABLE 2.1. LONGITUDINAL MIXING CHARACTERISTICS AND AERATION TANK GEOMETRY OF VARIOUS ACTIVATED SLUDGE PLANTS Aeration tank Length Plant Bar merars Dispersion number 1 12 0.072 2 13 0.160 3 12 0.210 4 12 0.109 5 16 0.065 6 4 0.132 1 10 0.017 8 10 0.058 9 9 0.046 10 1 0.150 1 15 0,122 12 7 0.015 13, 10 0, 104 4 18 0.048 15 6 0.092 16 4 0.460 7 3 0.420 18 1 0.254 19 6 0.133 20 6 0.109 21 3 0.143 22 106 0.005 23 2 0.369 24 4 0.245 25 6 0.530 26 30 0,038 The average flow velocity, u, is given by: uz gsr) ws 2 WH where Qs is the average settled sewage flavrate (m3/s) Wo is the aeration tank width (m) His the aeration tank depth (m) r is the recycle ratio (-) Hence Np = —__D#H_ 2.2 Tae Equation 2.2 indicates that the Dispersion Number may be related to aeration tank geometry and operating conditions if the value of the dispersion coefficient is known. If it is assumed that the rate of energy dissipation in aeration tanks is approximately constant then it can be assumed that the dispersion coefficient is constant also. ‘The measured values of Dispersion Number given in Table 2.1 can be used in connection with equation 2.2 to calculate values of D, the dispersion coefficient, for all the plants in Table 2.1. surprisingly, this procedure produces an almost constant value for the dispersion coefficient and suggests that the assumptions stated previously were Yeasonable. Consequently it has been determined that a value of D = 0.068 m/s can be used in equation 2.2 to estimate the Dispersion Number of diffused-air systems with an accuracy of about 415%. ‘The allowable range of values of the variables is:- were = se00 qgtirey | SS.” (agyation tanke Equation 2.2 can be used to estimate the degree of longitudinal mixing that a proposed design of aeration tank will exhibit. The value of dg used must be representative of the average flow of sewage. Aeration tanks should be designed so that Np < 0.06 to ensure good sludge settling properties. ‘An example of the use of equation 2.2 is given by the data in Table 2.2, ‘The two activated sludge plants referred to in Table 2.2 are plants 25 and 26 of Table 2.1. Dispersion mmbers predicted from equation 2.2 compare very well with the values obtained from tracer tests on the actual aeration tanks. ‘The tracer output curves obtained are shown in Figure 2. It can be seen that the different aeration tank geanetries and operating conditions result in the two plants exhibiting widely differing degrees of longitudinal mixing. ‘TABLE 2.2. COMPARISON OF MEASURED AND PREDICTED VALUES OF AERATION ‘TANK DISPERSION NUMBERS Plant 25 26 Average sewage flowrate (m3/s) 0.065 0.090 Recycle ratio 1.0 1.0 eration tank length (m) 28 140 Aeration tank width (m) 5 4.3 Aeration tank depth (m) 6 3.2 Dispersion Number (eqn. 2.2) 0.560 0.037 Dispersion Number (measured from tracer test) 0.527 0.038 04 OS SUNVL NOLLVWAY MOY 9nd NV GAXIW ATHLATAWOD WO SHAUND INNO BAOVUL GASTIVHYON ani of oz — so 020 =*N = _ G3StVWION Oy ey “2 awnora 'SIWHYON a3 NOLLWY.LN3INOD It might be assuned at the design stage that there is not much difference between the two systens and that comparable performance might result. In practice plant 25 suffers fron permanently bulking sludge with an SSVI of over 200 ml/g and consequent poor effluent quality. Plant 26 consistently produces sludge with an SSVI of about 50 ml/g and an effluent quality of about 4:5 BOD:SS (mg/l) standard. The relevant data fran these plants is shown in Figure 1 by the black datum points, The design of an aeration tank with the correct Dispersion Number is thus a reasonably simple procedure using equation 2.2. A system which Produces a consistently good settling sludge is potentially capable of a high aeration efficiency. 2.4, Limits on the maximum concentration of ammonia which may be discharged fran sewage treatment works are becoming increasingly common in the UK. Hence, many activated sludge plants originally designed to produce nom-nitrified effluents are being uprated to achieve substantially complete nitrification. The modifications required can be carried out according to the general philosophy outlined in Section 2.1 in order to optimise aeration-efficiency. In addition, it is always advantageous to incorporate a denitrifying anoxic zone at the aeration tank inlet of any system designed to achieve full nitrification. The use of anoxic zones for reducing effluent nitrate concentrations is well established(). More recently the beneficial effects of anoxic zones on sludge settleabil ity have been noted(7). An anoxic zone may be incorporated into an aeration tank by remov ing the aeration equipment fran a volume sufficient to produce a naninal retention time of about 1 hour based on sewage flow. In the absence of dissolved oxygen the microbial population obtains oxygen fram nitrate and nitrogen gas is evolved. A carbon source is required for the denitrification reactions to proceed and this can be efficiently provided by installing the anoxic zone at the aeration tank inlet where sewage and recycled sludge enter the system. A slow speed stirrer with a power input of about 10 Wn3 is required to maintain sludge in suspension as shown in Figure 3. It is also good practice to install baffles to prevent short circuiting of the mixed-liquor through the zone. The advantages of including anoxic zones in nitrifying systems can be sunmarised as follows:- i, The sludge produced in plants with anoxie zones usually has excellent settling properties. In addition the surplus activated sludge can often be dewatered readily without the use of chenicals. ii, The reduction of nitrate to nitrogen gas releases oxygen which is utilised by the microbial population. The overall oxygen requirements of the process are therefore reduced by the incorporation of an anoxic zone. A small, but significant, net energy saving should result. iii, The oxidation of ammonia to nitrate during the processes of nitrification can result in a lavering of pH. The extent of the pH reduction depends on the nature of the waste being treated but in some cases nitrification can be inhibited by the increase in acidity. The reactions occurring in an anoxic zone can partially restore the systen alkalinity and ensure efficient nitrification subsequently. iv. The problems of rising sludge caused by denitrification in final settling tanks are greatly alleviated by allowing denitrification to occur in an anoxic zone. v. The removal of a proportion of the organic load in an anoxic zone would appear to reduce the problems associated with sliming and blockage of diffusers in fine-bubble systems. vi, Anoxic zones present a very simple and cost-effective method for reducing the concentration of nitrate in plant effluents. The process advantages of anoxic zones are such that no nitrifying system should be designed without their inclusion. 2.5. The most important aspect of the design procedure for high efficiency activated sludge plants is to supply air to the process as required by variations in the oxygen demand. Previous approaches to modelling the behaviour of activated sludge systems have tended to concentrate on predictions of effluent quality for given inputs of sewage characteristics. The extreme complexity of the microbial reactions which occur has resulted in a wide variety of theoretical models. The simplest of these tend to be inaccurate while others depend upon a knowledge of sewage composition which is difficult to measure in practice. Developing @ model which predicts spatial changes in oxygen demand in an aeration tank requires that assumptions about the flay regime are made. Moreover, since sewage flovrates and composition vary considerably with time, the model must include dynamic terms to be of real value. It is possible to generate a set of equations which realistically describe the behaviour of the activated sludge process by combining microbial reaction rate terms with expressions for longitudinal mixing based on the Dispersion Number concept ottlined in Section 2.3. Olsson and Andrews(8) have shoin how this approach can be used to predict the dissolved oxygen concentration profile in an aeration tank. However, the description of non-ideal flow behaviour using the dispersion model results in second order differential equations, which, even for steady-state solution, requires the use of advanced numerical techniques. An alternative approach to the description of nomideal flaw in aeration tanks is the so-called 'tanks in series’ model. This model assumes that the actual flow system can be considered as being equivalent: to an appropriate number of equal-sized completely-mixed tanks in series. Plug flay is approached as the number of tanks in the series increases. This concept has an obvious application in describing the behaviour of aeration tanks consisting of a series of compartments each containing a single surface aerator. Experience has shown that the tanks in series model can also be used to describe the flow behaviour of systems which are not physically divided into real compartments. Although no absolute comparison between the dispersion model and the tanks in series model exists it is usually sufficiently accurate to assume a simple relationship. Equating the variances of tracer output curves for identical systems results in the equation:- ye 23 2ND where N is the number of tanks in series. The advantage of the tanks in series model is that quite complex models of the activated sludge process can be developed without generating differential equations higher than first order. A dynamic model of the activated sludge process has been developed at the WRc. The model is based on the tanks in series concept and consists of a set of simultaneous, first-order, differential equations. Discontinuities in parameter values occur only at the boundaries between theoretical tanks and hence numerical integration of the equations is greatly facilitated. The model equations consist of a series of mass balances on various components in the system. A representation of an activated sludge process as a series of stirred tanks is shown in Figure 4, A mass balance on dissolved oxygen for the jth tank in the series can be written:- Accumulation of Bulk flow Bulk flow of Oxygen transferred oxygen in = of oxygen - of oxygen + — to Liquid fran ‘tank into tank leaving tank air Oxygen consumed by = micro-organisns In symbols the equation becomes:- F As 44rOj-1 = as t4r)Cj + e.)5 F (Cs-C5) = RI 24. = Concentration of DO in jth tank Concentration of DO in (j-1)th tank Overall mass transfer coefficient for oxygen in jth tank Rate of consumption of DO by micro-organisns RRs All the terms in equation 2.4 are rates and have units of mass/time. The rate of oxygen consumption is a function of the concentration of the micro-organisms and their position in the aeration tank. The microbial reaction rates for growth and substrate utilisation are based on work reported elsewhere by Jones(9) and include a Monod term for substrate utilisation by growing bacteria and Michaelis-Menten type expression for the consumption of substrate by nomviable bacteria. The fraction of viable cells in a culture depends on the gravth rate which in turn is a function of the nature of the substrate and the position of the micro-organisms in the aeration tank. Loss of viability of the microbial population is determined fran the concentration of substrate remaining in the mixed liquor. The model also includes equations which approximately describe the solids settling behaviour in final settling tanks. These cations are based on the methods of mass-flux analysis as reported by White(10). The liquid volume in the settling tanks also acts as a dead time in the flav system which must be included in a dynamic model. Solution of the model equations is a relatively straightforward procedure using numerical methods on a computer. The program has been written in such a way that the process is simulated on the screen of a compiter terminal. It is therefore possible for the plant designer to observe the time dependent behaviour of the simulation outputs in response to changes made in input parameters. The computer simulation solves equation 2.4 for any number of theoretical tanks between 1 and 12. This covers the majority of activated sludge systems. It is not actually necessary for the tanks to be of equal size, neither must all of the sewage feed enter the first tank. However, the latter considerations cast some doubt on the use of equation 2.2. The use of the simulation in optimising aeration systems is illustrated by the data given in Tables 2.3 and 2.4. Table 2.3 is a list of the necessary input data which in this case refers to a single large, existing aeration tank. Thus in this case, some of the values are fixed ‘TAQON FOGNIS GALVATLOV dO NOLLVINESHUdaY “y TUNOTd ayoydn Jaysunsy jndjno 4ndur uolyojnwn32D N _ den a - (9-SovAtoby + (sey ?b - Hocuey’b = SRA YNVL Wf NO JINVIVa NJDAXO Sba & IN uf and may not be altered by the designer during the optimisation procedure. The settling characteristics of the sludge may orly be input as good, average or poor which corresponds to SSVI values of about 80 ml/g, 120 m/g and 150 ml/g respectively. The aeration tank has been simulated as 10 equal-sized, completely-mixed tanks in series, the first af which is to be configured as an anoxic zone. All of the sewage feed enters the first theoretical compartment. The diurnal variation information is required to predict the dynamic behaviour of the process. The column headed strength is a measure of the variation in either BOD or ammonia concentration which are assumed to be in Phase with each other. The figures are proportions of the average values given previously. It is assumed that the diurnal variation is repeated indefinitely and it is therefore important to ensure that the values chosen are typical of normal operation. Table 2.4. shows the output data generated by the simulation for five points in time during the diurnal variation. These data are sunmarised in Fig. 5. The object of the optimisation procedure in this example is to maintain substantial nitrification while matching the supply of oxygen to the demand exerted. This objective is achieved by choosing appropriate values of the oxygen transfer coefficient so as to maintain an adequate DO concentration in each compartment. It can be seen that the values chosen decrease from inlet to outlet of the aeration tank. This is typical of systems which approach plug-flow behaviour. Setting the KLa value in the first compartment equal to zero autanatically defines that zone as anoxic and all microbial reactions other than denitrification will cease. Nitrification will proceed efficiently if aeration tank DO concentrations are maintained at about 2 mg/l. During daily variations in flowrate and organic load the DO concentrations will tend to change. KLa values are consequently set to achieve about 2 mg/l in each theoretical stage at the time when the peaks of the diurnal variation are applied. The high DO concentrations predicted under minimun load conditions are an indication of the range of control required at various points in the aeration tank, It can be seen that there is a much greater variation in DO tavards the end of the aeration tank than at the inlet. The values of oxygen transfer coefficient are a measure of the rate of mass transfer which must be achieved in the process. Hence the quoted values include the so-called ‘alpha factor’. The values given in Table 2.3 are representative of the maximim rates of oxygen demand that must be achieved and may be used to specify ary type of aeration equipment with known oxygen transfer performance characteristics. The data used here as an example refers to a diffused air system and thus the decreasing KLa values can be used to specify the optimum tapered aeration layout of diffusers and air flasrate. In mechanically aerated systems the oxygen transfer coefficients can be related to a power requirement for driving the aerators. The simulation has been used extensively in the UK to specify modifications to existing activated sludge plants and as a basis for the design of completely new systems. A successful demonstration of the overall design philosophy has been achieved on full-scale plant at Rye Meads sewage treatment works. Results obtained fran this project are discussed in Section 3 of this paper. 2.6. Dissolved Oxygen Control System Aeration tanks which exhibit a high degree of plug-flow have the advantage of producing sludges with good settling properties. However, 10 ore a are ® sz ¥ sf 2 ay ’ sss 5 ou > on ‘ é 0 ' or ou voy sesay pana wer 1/o8 U'AR SPH1O8 penuedens eNtyuT —4/E" AOE ejuoMME JUENE UL —L7EM OFA oUN ow Oe F4yDEFEYD HUF LTD HOE UOUGS Cosy FULD VO} reIUsMINES 7 “BY USL HIMVesBUBL BLENDS E/LO-ML —-AO{JJOPUN wos) d4e4 wOw LEER v9TH — Caes wwUasu0d) eFa¥E B19KIHH CSINOYD BETS — HHEY UOFAMeIEE BOERBS (PYOI9S/¥2 Tvs odes mL stunes ‘THGOW FOGNIS AIVAILOV WOd VIVG IndNT "E°Z TV en eee ee arserut fra you) i ares a thy em w124o0m worueseesaty e-eart 12 met ow a0 cyesy ase fea aeetal um C47eM) a Wyn (izes) va Bry nay 124204 awemtisa at ‘ ® 1 ° ‘ sap U74L vow oop tyew se un vster uz M14 on own a0 ayemy t6 przees a9 oe wt 24284 1 ° Sep WUE 20H suEmig —I7om uree GON 18LET Macueer¢.Cuet ecccet esac) euenas 6 eu owe ‘0 sh a eet lanmn iat) yee) ore Sif erzk Stan em 2 9 cree) ort yeut resme 278294 UTYUNE BT HERS FodULL DTeULE OrZUZE Peooy F9KM C1Zee) z0 Bb gee wets gre 66 fst 8 Czem ou pot ey 1 wse ms Oem aokoaa . ‘ ® L ° ‘ > 5 ? ' » vas) Crew C1788) Cressy a Wavtet— puvaveyeeoanE Ztesye NOLLVIMWIS JO SLINSTY *¥°2 aTUVL on steady sHoowee, 0% iy 4eu win aan eyuouee wy 486 awe Fertoe wivouee, wou won wea. tee etuouwe nw such systems present a more difficult problem of effective D0 control. than completely mixed systems. The control system for any plant requires a DO sensor and a controller which is capable of changing the oxygenation capacity of the aeration device. The controller compares the measured DO value with the desired set-point and uses a suitable control algorithm to provide an output signal for the aeration dev ice. Results obtained fran the Rye Meads project have indicated that a single DO control point in a plug-flaw aeration tank is usually inadequate for optimisation of aeration efficiency. The main problem lies in correctly locating the DO probe in the aeration tank. Full-scale results and simulation predictions have shown that the range of oxygenation capacities required to satisfy a given oxygen demand is a function of position in the aeration tank. Thus the oxygen transfer coefficient may be required to vary over the range 3 Ir1 to 6 tr! at the outlet of an aeration tank but only between 9 Ir and 121 at the inlet. Single point DO control for the entire aeration tank is obviously not the most efficient option for such a system. It is therefore necessary to install a multi-point Do control system consisting of independent. aeration zones. The ‘tanks in series' modelling approach suggests that the number of independently controllable zones should be equal to the number of aeration tank theoretical stages. However, it is uneconomic and practically impossible, to achieve stable control of DO when the number of stages is very large. In systems designed to produce a fully nitrified effluent it would appear that 2 independently controllable zones represent a reasonable compranise between process efficiency and system complexity. The zones need not be of equal size or aeration capacity. In addition, it is often not justifiable to install aeration equipment to match the average oxygenation capacity predicted for each theoretical stage. A typical theoretical range of oxygen transfer coefficients for an aeration tank configured as twelve tanks in series is shown in Figure 6a. The average values required in each stage are also shovn. A reasonable practical installation of aeration equipment might be as shown in Figure 6b. No attempt has been made to exactly match the theoretical oxygenation capacity requirements in each stage. Thus stages 2 and 3 would contain the same density of diffusers or the same aerator power and stages 4 and 5 would also be identical. Efficient control of DO might be achieved by dividing the entire aeration system into two zones consisting of stages 2 to 5 inclusive and 6 to 10 inclusive. Stages 11 and 12 would not normally be controlled but allowed to operate at a reasonably high DO to enhance final effluent quality. These stages will be inefficient but inexpensive, since very little oxygenation capacity is involved. As a general rule DO set-points of 2 mg/l are useful for design. In practice the set-points can be different in each control zone but should not normally be below 1.5 mg/1 if complete nitrification is to be maintained. In existing diffused-air systems the layout of the air supply pipework is usually such that automatic valves are necessary to achieve zonal DO control. The DO signals actuate the control valves and consequently the pressure in the air supply pipework varies. A pressure sensor is then used to provide a signal for controlling the delivery of a variable-out put blaver. Figure 6c shais the outline of a system based on the use of programmable logic controllers (PLC's). This layout is similar to that installed on nitrifying aeration tanks at Rye Meads. The manually controlled valve in the final aeration zone is set to give the desired high DO concentration and should not require frequent re-adjustment. 13, ANOXIC STAGE NO. mo ANOXIC _ | he z 012 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 12 STAGE NO. BIGURE 6. CONVERSION OF SIMULATION RESULTS INTO PRACTICAL DESIGN The control of nomnitrifying systems is apparently more difficult but the consequences of poor control are less serious. During a 3 year experimental progranme at Rye Meads it was never possible to achieve statle control by reducing the number of installed control zones to less than three. Moreover, the aeration efficiency achieved by the nomnitrifying unit was never as high as the nitrifying system. It can be concluded that diffused air is not particularly suitable for nonm-nitrifying systems and hence DO control is unlikely to lead to significant benefits. However, there would appear to be a considerable potential for controlling nornitrifying systems which employ mechanical aerators. A full-scale project to investigate the feasibility of various control options has been initiated at the Blackburn Meadows sewage treatment works of Yorkshire Water. Results will be published in late 1986. 3. SUMMARY OF RESULTS OBTAINED FROM THE RYE MEADS PROJECT A full-scale demonstration of the design philosophy for achiev ing high aeration efficiencies was commenced at the Rye Meads works of Thames Water in 1981. The project has recently been completed and the results obtained have been published(3). The objectives of the project were to modify diffused-air aeration tanks to produce nitrified and non-nitrified effluents and to compare the performance of each with an existing nitrifying unit. Modifications to the aeration tarks were carried out according to the procedures outlined in Section 2. A summary of the average results obtained between March and December 1983 is given in Table 3.1. This table shozs results from a nitrifying unit, designed to achieve a high aeration efficiency and incorporating a DO control system; a nomnitrifying unit with a DO control systen and an existing unmodified nitrifying aeration tank. The slight difference in settled sewage feed to the existing aeration tank compared with the modified units is a function of the hydraulic connections between groups of primary tanks and aeration tanks on the site. Comparing the modified nitrifying unit with the existing nitrifying unit, it can be seen that the aeration efficiency has been increased fran about 1.2 to 1.8 kg O2/lih without affecting effluent quality. This improvement is due to an increased sewage flowrate per unit tank volume (30 to 49 1/s per 1000 m) which utilises the installed aeration tank capacity; an improved layout of diffusers, which matches air supply to oxygen demand; and the installation of a DO cortrol systen which maintains the correct oxygen supply throughout the range of diurnal variation. ‘At Rye Meads same attempts have been made to optimise the diffuser layout by removing diffusers periodically fran the existing tank during periods of maintenance. The diffuser density per unit tank volume is shown in Fig. 7 for the optimised and existing aeration tanks. The area belay the plots is proportional to the oxygen supplied. Optimising the diffuser layot results in a significant energy saving but really substantial improvements in efficiency can te achieved by installing an efficient DO control system. Fig. 8 illustrates this effect for the modified nitrifying system at Rye Meads. The unshaded area beneath the curve is proportional to the energy saving resulting fran the DO control system. The non-nitrifying aeration tank exhibited a rather low aeration efficiency throughott the project. Average values were no higher than those calculated for the existing unmodified aeration tank. It is well kmown that the rate of oxygen transfer obtainable with 1% Ss eh Shoz 0sse €€"h 1E°6 Lt 90°0 of €s St O9EL osth 62 ol 9se 66 2 on yuey uoyyes9e eso En Ralgonus Raddmerares re St 0s9 o1gt 68 2m ise 901 te hol yuey uoyqesae BupASTsg FU Bupyetxa BupAsT sz FU-uON 06°0 Bil S'oL S96 OfLL gre AL's bu O10 8h ise 901 te no yuey uoyqe43e BUTASTAIIN (pertddy qog 8/8) uoTzonpoad aBpnts (umpi720 84) Aouators ye voTaesay (&) UOTAeSTT Fan UaBAxo (PAW) UoTe4ae Joy pasn AB42Ug (P/B4) patJstyes puewep uaBAxo (4) au] UoTqe4Ey (Y) ewyy WoT {ueqe4 TeUTWON (p) a8e aBpnts (,-P) BuTpeot aBpnts (4 000L 42d /T) BuTpeot oF4QauNToA (8/1 TASS) Aa TIGeeTI498 aBpnTs eyep partied (1/8) No pasTPTXO (1/8u) Goo (1/8) _sprtos papuadsns (T/Bu) ua8o49 Tu Teoe TuouY (1/8w) dod RUTTEN JOST IIT (90) eanqesaduey W (8/1) aqearoTy aBpnts snTdang (dIN 8 8/1) a7e4MOTJ ITV (T/8u) gs" (S/T) aqesroTy aBpnTs paTosoay (8/1) aqe4M0TJ aBenag SUOTITPUCS-BUTTETSAG (1/8!) Goo (1/8m) Spr {os papuedsns (1/8u1) N- Teoe TuouNy: (1/8) oa BREREE POTTTES £961 WIENIOId ONY HOUWH NISMLIG SdV3A 3kY LY G3NIVLGO SLINSTY FOVUBAV 4O AUVMHNS “L"E SIGVL SLINN ‘TWNOTINZANOD GNV GISIWIL4O NI ALISNAG Wasndita AINE INV HOWS JDNVISIO 3NOZ JIXONY 3 GH Yad SUBSNsIIG 40 ON oF st WAISAS ONTAMIYLIN NI LNOAV1 WdSNdaTa WOWILAO GNY WALSAS TOULNOD Od WOUd ONTLINSTY SONTAVS YIV dO NOSTuVaWOD “8 aUNOT (aH) SW 0087 00% — 000% +~—OUE_—cDOZE«—« CHAZ _—sOOWZ_~—=D0O_— OME ~—HOZL_— 00800040 / J oO ANOAV] 4ASNISI GISINIdO HLIM oY uv ZL ; W3ISAS TOULNOD OG ONY AMOAYT HASNs4Id —GaSINILdO HLIM G3AvS Uv GAYS uIV (%) LIND ONIASILLIN C3SIGOW Ad fine-bubble systems is affected by the nature of the wastewater being treated. The so-called ‘alpha factor’ is commonly used to distinguish between transfer rates obtainable in clean water and mixed liquor. The value of the alpha factor is known to depend upon the concentration of surface active material in the sewage. Typically, values might lie in the range 0.4 to 0.8 fram the inlet of a plug flow aeration tank to the outlet. The variation is caused by the decrease in surface active material due to microbial degradation. The nomnitrifying aeration tank was operated under fairly high loading conditions in order to prevent any significant degree of nitrification, Small concentrations of detergent were routinely detected in the plant effluent (about 0.3 mg/l). Detergent concentrations in the nitrifying plant effluent were usually below the limit of detection. It is thought that the rate of treatment occurring in the non-nitrify ing unit caused low alpha-factors to be maintained throughout most of the aeration tank length. Consequently more air has to be supplied to maintain the required DO concentrations. This hypothesis has been substantiated by analysis of the exhaust gas leaving the surface of the nitrifying and nonmnitrifying aeration tanks(3). Periodic examination of the diffusers fran both systems revealed significant differences in the rates of diffuser fouling by slime growths. Two distinct phenamena have been observed. Firstly, an internal accumulation of biological growth can cause a deterioration in diffuser pressure drop characteristics. This internal blockage is not detectable by visual inspection. Secondly, substantial deposits of bacterial slime can accumulate on the exterior surface of diffusers. The presence of slime affects the performance of the diffusers by preventing the formation of fine-bubbles. Diffuser sliming and blockage are exacerbated by high organic loading rates and regions of low DO concentration. Diffuser sliming is most serious at the inlet regions of plug-floy non-nitrifying systems. The Phenonenon is much less serious in nitrifying systems, particularly those incorporating anoxic zones at the inlet. The absence of exterior slime on a diffuser is not a good indication of the pressure-drop characteristics of a diffuser. Visibly ‘clean’ diffusers from the outlet regions of nonm-nitrifying systems usvally exhibit a large pressure-drop in comparison with new diffusers. The rate of increase of pressure-drop is much more rapid in non-nitrifying systens than nitrifying systems and may lead to the necessity of cleaning in as little as 2 years fram installation. The available evidence tends to suggest that fine-bubble diffused-air systems are not the optimum type of aeration equipment for nonm-nitrifying plants. Mechanical aeration systems are not affected by the presence of surface-active materials to the same extent and may represent the optimun type of equipment for non-nitrification. The determination of the maximum aeration efficiency of an optimised non-nitrifying, mechanically aerated process is the main objective of a full-scale project recently started at the Blackburn Meadows sewage treatment works of Yorkshire Water in Sheffield. In some cases the potentially high rate of treatment obtainable with non-nitrifying systems may be more important than aeration efficiency considerations. The data given in Table 3.1 can be used to calculate the unit cost of treatment for each system. For the modified nitrifying and non-nitrifying units these costs are about 0.5 p/m} and 0.32 p/ respectively. Thus as might be expected the cost of non-nitrif ication is still less than nitrification even though aeration efficiencies are widely different. If comparable aeration efficiencies could be achieved then the cost difference would be much greater. 16

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