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Quick Facts on Planned Parenthood

During fiscal year 2013/2014

Planned Parenthood received more
than $1,400,000 per day in the
form of government grants,
contracts, and Medicaid
reimbursements. *
Taxpayer funding accounts for
41% of Planned Parenthood's overall
revenue. *
PP reported more than
$127,000,000 in excess revenue,
and more than $1,400,000,000 in
net assets. *
PP's cancer prevention services
are down 17% over one year. (PP
does NOT provide mammograms.) *
Planned Parenthood committed
327, 653 abortions in 2013. *
The United States is ranked 2nd in
the world in number of abortions
each year with over 1,000,000
(China is ranked 1st). **
There are 9,170 Federally Qualified
Health Centers who provide
health services (but NOT abortions)
to low-income populations,
compared to about 700 Planned
Parenthood clinics. **

Prayer for the Conversion of Planned Parenthood

Join in prayer and fasting Aug. 22-29
Lord for whom all things are possible, We are
confronted once again today with the evil of the
abortion industry and the corruption found in the
world's largest abortion business,
Planned Parenthood.
Lord, we pray for all who plan to be parents,
and we ask your mercy on those who teach others to
reject parenthood. In light of your Word, Lord, we
affirm today that children are a blessing from you,
and that the origin of all parenthood is likewise in
You, the God of life and love.
Therefore, Oh God, we stand against the evil that
has been exposed in Planned Parenthood and in the
entire abortion industry. We stand today for the
triumph of truth over falsehood, of light over
darkness, and of life over death.
Bring an end to the killing of children in the womb,
and bring an end to the sale of their body parts.
Bring conversion to all who do this, and
enlightenment to all who advocate it.
Close the doors of the death camps in our midst, and
open the doors of your mercy and healing! Close the
grisly trade in baby body parts. And open the
abundant gifts of your salvation and life!
Hasten the day when our land will no longer be
stained with innocent blood, and when the bodies of
all your children will be raised from the dead and set
free forever.
We pray in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen!
--Rev. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

Seven undercover videos have been released showing top PP executives

discussing the harvesting of aborted babies' organs.
View them here:
*from Planned Parenthood's 2013-2014 Annual Report
** from Lozier Institute, July 2015

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