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You should be knowing what password you have given for sys and system account wh

ile installing the Oracle sofware.

In Oracle10g, by default Scott account will be locked.
To unlock:SQL> alter user scott account unlock;
You must know the sys or system user login to create or change other logins. The
re is no default login in 10g (most people think SCOTT/TIGER). That account will
be there but will be locked. so you need to unlock the same during installation
or after wards by loggin in from the sys or system account. To log in as sys tr
y the following
conn sys/ as sysdba
when prompted for password just hit enter
try the above at command prompt.\
For 10g Database
If Database platform is windows than it will be hr/hr
If its on linux than it will be 'system/manager' or use at user level '$sqlplus
/ as sysdba';

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