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Island Scenario

How will:
The island be ruled Monarchy
Laws and decisions be established The monarch and a small counsel of others will decide on
reasonable laws and decisions.
Laws and decisions be enforced A small group selected by the counsel and monarch will be made as
officers whos job will be too make sure that others are following the laws put in place by the monarch.
Leaders be selected Anyone from the ages 18 and up could be selected as the first monarch, one
strong male leader and a skill full, politically smart women, who understands the needs of her people will
be chosen as the first couple, and from that line, other leaders will be chosen.
How long will a leader remain the islands leader Until the current leader as died, or given up his title to
the next in line, or to his son/daughter.
What powers and responsibilities will be given to the leader The leader will have final say in all new
laws and decisions, but first must be talked through with the counsel members. The punishment of
anyone who breaks these laws will be left up to the leader. The new selection of council members will be
chosen by the leader, based on the original council members line or house. Choice of marriage following
the first couple will be left up to the new leader by birth right.
Who will work? How will work be distributed Anyone under the ages 12 will be exempted from work, but
will be taught by those who are too old to work themselves, which is anyone over the ages of 45 and up.
And from the ages 18 to 45 they will work full time, and the people from the ages 12-17 work as part
timers under the supervision of those 18 to 45. Women who are chosen to be mothers will be exempted
from work until their child is 12 or under, women are limited to no more than 3 children.
Will there be anyone who is exempt from work Only those that are under 12 years of age, and those
who are too old to work, 45 and up.
Create 5 laws for the island 1.Any women who is not chosen as to be mother that has a child, will be force to give up child to a person
who is of the ages 45 and up to teach the child so that the mother may have time to work, the mother may
have at most 2 days of visit per week, where both the child and mother are exempt from work.
2.Religious beliefs are left up to each person of their own choosing, forcing ones beliefs on someone of
lower rank in the society will break this law, and punishment will be left up to the monarch.
3.If anyone has repeated more than 3 offences will be put to death or sentenced to life of imprisonment
until the current monarch dies or is changed.
4.Marriage is left up to each person, but they cannot marry within the same house. The women must
adapt the house of her husband, leaving her current one, but is allowed 1 visit per week to her old house.
5.Murder, theft, affairs within marriage, destruction of others property, or breaking Any of the 4 other laws,
will be treated as a serious offence, and punishment will be left to the current leader.

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