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From Westbahnhof or Wien Meidling: : subway Us (direction Foridsdor!) to Alser StraBe, change to tramway 43 (direction Schottentor) to Lange Gasse approx 15-20min a e m a | ve From Schottentor: Somes s ue aces or tramway 44 (direction saa S U mM mM it how to go to unicampus... contacts for actions legal aid: +43 650 49 60 43 0 inform us: +43 650 48 53 21 2 get infos: +43 681 20 22 53 19 wap-ticker: infotwitter: #blockbologna infoticker: contacts other stuff... best to go to: the uate asus infopoint or “cafe transnational" ( or to the academy of fine-arts ) checklist - days of action - camping mat and a sleeping bag - your own dishes!!! - warm clothes!!! and a thermos bottle / flask - something soft fo sit on the street - ass isolation (nothing you want to keep: f.e. carton

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