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NEHEMIAH // Return ➙ Respond ➙ Restore

Ruins: Relationships in the City

Nehemiah 5
wk 6

Additional Bible Study Questions

Note: A small number of discussion questions will be given each week (see page 11).
These addtional Bible study questions (page 12) are optional, and intended as supplemental
questions for group or individual study. They carry an emphasis on life application.

The people of Israel had traveled from the foreign land (Persian Empire) with the great obstacles
being a city in ruins needing to be rebuilt. Then they face opposition from their neighbors. Here
we read of the “enemy within,” how the family members were infighting; Nehemiah became
outraged and led the way back to God and loving one another.

4. Nehemiah responds in righteous anger to the injustices around him (5:5-8). What is the
difference between righteous anger and anger that is sin? When have you experienced
righteous anger contributing to true change?

5. Nehemiah led the way in making right the injustices around him (5:9-13). When have you
become involved in broken relationships and a situation where it cost you much but change
for good came about?

6. What is Nehemiah’s motivation for the way he governs God’s people (5:14-19)?

7. To what project or church endeavor do you need to renew your commitment (regardless of
the opposition you might face and the cost)?

8. We often go to great lengths to protect ourselves from outside influences only to get
blindsided by our own internal battle. Where do we find hope to save us from this struggle?
How is this real in your life?


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