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NEHEMIAH // Return ➙ Respond ➙ Restore

Protection from Competition

Nehemiah 2:19-20; 4:1-23
wk 5

Additional Bible Study Questions

Note: A small number of discussion questions will be given each week (see page 11).
These addtional Bible study questions (page 12) are optional, and intended as supplemental
questions for group or individual study. They carry an emphasis on life application.

5. There are some great statements of perseverance in Nehemiah 4, such as in verses 6, 14, 17,
18. They had a mind to work, kept a tool in one hand and a sword in another. ➤ What are the
connections between working hard, being ready for opposition, and trusting in God’s

6. The discouragement came right at the outset of this chapter (4:2), when the work had just
begun and little progress was evident. Read 1 Timothy 4:12 and reflect on any parallels.

7. We see Sanballat and Tobiah are insecure over losing their former control over the region and
place of power and influence.
➤ As a Samaritan1 Sanballat was in some way an “insider” to to Jewish people. How is his
coming up from “within” to oppose God’s work similar to what Paul said would happen
in the church in Acts 20:28-32? Do you see any parallels?
➤ Do you think their lack of identity as (not being) God’s people or worshipers of Him
affected how they jealously responded? In some way can we become like them?

8. The opposition came to frustrate the people’s work, note the irony that God frustrated their
plans instead (see 4:15). God worked all things together for good, to fulfill His purposes.
➤ How does this scenario relate to overarching biblical themes and promises? (See Romans

1The Samaritans re the inhabitants of Samaria just north of Jerusalem after the beginning of the Assyrian
Exile of the Israelites. When Assyria overran the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 722 BC, part of the Jewish
population was deported, and other peoples from the Assyrian Empire were resettled in Israel, intermingling
and intermarrying with the Jewish people. Later, in Jesus’ day there was a great prejudice against these so-
called ‘half-breeds,’ a great animosity between races. They historically worshiped different gods than Israel,
not the God of the Bible (see John 4).

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