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Gomez 1

Amber Gomez
Professor Hornbuckle
English 102
20 February 2014
Argument Essay
Pablo Picasso once said, Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain
an artist once we grow up. Basically, we are all born creative. We all have the ability
to imagine and this imagination is what becomes artistic. As we progress through life
we learn what is expected of us, which in turn causes us to forget our inner child,
passions, and desires. In a society where math and science are heavily taught in schools
and are considered the most important subjects, it is becoming more difficult to
maintain this creativity that we were all born with. In the United States alone, billions
of dollars are funded to schools to help improve math, reading and science scores, so in
return American children will be able to compete with their peers in other countries.
With the demand of technology and innovation on the rise, more schools
are placing focus on the core subjects: math and science. Schools fail to realize that the
one thing missing to set Americans apart from other countries is creativity. Yes, math,
reading and science are important elements for creating technology, but creativity is
equally as important as these core subjects. However, many schools in the United
States spend more money on test preparations, rather than the arts. As we all know art
is the stem of creativity. Art is what allows us to use our creativity and imagination. By
definition, art is the expression or application of a persons creativity and imagination.
With this being said the lack of focus and funding on art has shown through the lack of

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creativity in many companies and businesses. This lack of creativity in businesses,
both local and global, has caused many businesses to suffer tremendously in this
dwindling economy. However this problem can be fixed, with the help of art. If
schools were to place as much focus on art as they do math, science and reading, the
lack of creativity seen in businesses would slowly began to decline over the years. The
more students are introduced to art while in school, the better chances they will retain
and expand the creativity that we were all born with.
In order to ensure that every American child receives art in their school
curriculum, we must first began to fund the schools that have poor educational systems
and lack art programs. For example, the state of Alabama has been placed at the top for
states who have poor educational systems. The Birmingham City Public School system
alone has suffered over the years from lack of funds to support art and music programs
in elementary schools. It is necessary to introduce art programs at an early age in the
Birmingham School Systems to ensure a quality education that will produce creative
students in any work field.

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Serig, Dan. "Research Review." Teaching Artist Journal 10.1 (2012): 54-60. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.
Karkou, Vassiliki, and Judy Glasman. "Arts, Education And Society: The Role Of The Arts In
Promoting The Emotional Wellbeing And Social Inclusion Of Young People." Support
For Learning 19.2 (2004): 57-65. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.

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