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Surya Namaskar

Sculpture depicting 12 asana's of Surya Namaskara A in Terminal T3 at IGIA Airport, New Delhi, India,
created by Nikhil Bhandari.[12]

A well-known Hindu mode of worship of the devotional movements of Surya is done at

the rising of the Sun, known as Srya namaskra (sun salutation). Ten yogic postures
are assumed in successive flowing movements to complete one namaskar. Twelve
sacred Hindu mantras uttered and for each mantra one complete namaskar is done.
Ancient practice is to do 108 namaskaras a day. It is considered most auspicious by
Hindus to do this.
The 12 mantras for surya namaskara:
1. Om mitrya namah
2. Om ravay namah
3. Om sryya namah
4. Om bhnav namah
5. Om khagya namah
6. Om ps n namah
7. Om hiran yagarbhya namah
8. Om marchay namah
9. Om dityya namah
10. Om savitr namah
11. Om arkya namah
12. Om bhskarya namah

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