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County oF Los ANG#ES Public Health fern brea ING MPA soar or surevsons JEFFREY D. GUNZENHAUSER, M.D, MP.H, Fimo! inten Heath Otoor Mor iy Tomas 813 Nor Figueroa SrtA 708 Shae Kutt tts Angie, Caton 0012 Smebaset ‘TEL (219) 40-8150 + FAX (219) 401-2700, on Ke wera publicheath incounty. gov Mhae,Antonovich September 30, 2015 TO: Each Supervisor FROM: Cynthia A. Harding, M.P.H. (yillua ri aaa Interim Director SUBJECT: FOOD FACILITY GRADING SYSTEM (ITEM NO. 64-4, AGENDA OF JUNE 9, 2015 AND ITEM 59-A, AGENDA. OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2015) In.a motion by Supervisor Antonovich on June 9, 2015, the Department of Public Health (DPH) ‘was directed fo (1) conduct a thorough review of the retail food facility grading system in Los Angeles County, including an assessment of current grading factors, methodology, and a review of grading systems used in other jurisdictions and (2) provide a report of its findings and recommendations to the Board within 30 days. Reports were provided to the Board on July 8, 2015 and on August 18, 2015. In a subsequent motion by Supervisor Antonovich on September 1, 2015, DPH was instructed to provide monthly progress reports to the Board on the restaurant grading recommendation implementation activities. This is the first monthly progress report in response to the motion. The Implementation Plan for Restaurant Grading Recommendations was developed to report on the progress or status of each recommendation (Attachment A). Target dates have already been identified for many of the recommendations, and additional dates will be added as further progress is made. Our next progress report will include targeted completion dates for all of the recommendations. Future monthly reports will consist of updates to this implementation plan. DPH has also determined two of the recommendations have broader policy implications: (1) changes to point value deductions in inspection reports and the preclusion of the issuance of “A” grades to facilities ordered closed or found to have two major violations and (2) the public disclosure of foodbone illnesses which are potentially associated with a particular restaurant. Each Supervisor September 30, 2015 Page 2 ‘These items will be discussed with colleagues from the California Conference of the Directors of Environmental Health and be the subject of ongoing discussion with neighboring jurisdictions, as well. In this way, any changes to the State inspection form or disclosure of foodborne illnesses will be consistent with surrounding counties. If you have any questions or need additional information, please let us know. CAH:tw H:1508:005| Attachments Implementation Plan for Restaurant Grading Recommendations - Status Report of 9-30-15 _Mern08S OF SCORING AND GRADING RECOMMENDATION BE bcos he County of ved by he pu PH recomments conarang Iw rtng mtd on whch the rade se ved predethe vance ofan" ree upon sp Rave te major los, OPTIMIZE NSPECTION THROUGH GREATER USE OF DATA Attachment B Seeking public input The Department of Public Health is implementing recommendations to improve the food facility letter grading program, including additional information to be placed on the grade card which is posted in the food business window in plain view of the public. We are soliciting your input to determine what additional infor- ‘mation to include on the grade card that would be useful to the public. Do you consicerthe restaurant grade before going out to eat? oh ome ees ‘Where do you look to find the current grade of a restaurant? | 1 The Public Heath website 1 The Grade Card atthe restaurant when you ave © Online Yelp reviews Other (Pease explain the space below) In addition tothe letter grade (A, B,C), which ofthe following would be important for you to see.on the posted grade card? Please mark all that apply. 7 Date the inspection was made , t=] 0 Grade received on previous inspections (2 Vilaons observed inthe curentnspecon, 2 Vidlation information for the last inspection | 7 Other (Please explain the space beow) | ‘Would it be helpful for the numerical inspection score to be posted, along with theletter =|" grade? For example: A- 92%, B-84%, C- 78% Yes ONo ‘Thank you for your tme! Your inputwillhelp improve the Los Angeles County restaurant gracing program. Los Angeles County Department of Public Health + Environmental Health www publichealth.tacounty.govieh

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