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Date: ___________________

Age of Absolute Monarchies

Do Now- Define:
Divine Right:
Absolute Monarch:

Absolute Monarchies in Europe 15501800

Prussia (precursor to Germany)

Thirty Years War


In 1640, the Holy Roman Empire has broken down into several Prussian (German)
Electors from the 7 major German states elect the Holy Roman emperor. Many
other German states, upset that they did not have electors, no longer recognize
the power of the Holy Roman emperor.
1641: Ferdinand of Bohemia elected emperor. He is Anti Protestant. Remember,
in this period, almost all of Prussia (Germany) is Protestant. Ferdinand of Bohemia
tried to return Prussia to Catholicism. Spain and Poland (Catholic nations)
supported Ferdinand. Protestant countries Sweden, Netherlands sent troops into
Prussia to protect Protestants. France comes in on side of Sweden, because they
are wary of the Prussians becoming too powerful.
Over thirty years alliances continually changed.
War led to starvation, famine and disease. The area became severely depopulated.
1648: Peace of Westphalia signed. France is clear winner, gains territory from Spain
and Prussia. Prussia remains fragmented and loses much power.

The men behind the Age of Absolutism in


Thomas Hobbes

Charles I

Thomas Hobbes
1660 Wrote The Leviathan.
Discussed the perfect government:
-People first lived in anarchy
(no rules)
-They needed a social
contract, where they would give
up freedom in order to be kept
-Required an absolute
monarch to maintain order.
-He believed the only rights
people had were the right to be
-He said without his type of
government (Absolute Monarchy),
life would be brutish, nasty, and

Charles I of England
Absolute monarch - had no problem
with putting his enemies in prison
without trial
Ran up a huge debt
Dissolved Parliament (British
version of Congress laws are
voted on) in 1629
Touched off a massive English Civil
War between supporters of Charles
and supporters of Parliament led by
Oliver Cromwell.
Charles I beheaded in 1649.
1625 - 1649


Oliver Cromwell:
Lord Protector of England (head of
their military)
Ruled through the army
Extremely Pro-Protestant
Exiled Catholics to Ireland
Strict Puritan laws passed
theaters closed, Sunday set aside
for worship, no lewd (sexy)
dancing, bars, or gambling
Religious freedom for everyone
else (but not Catholics)
When Cromwell died, The
Restoration began.
1649 - 1658
Charles II
Popular ruler
Monarchy restored Hence:
Even though he was pro-monarchy,
he was not Anti-Parliament
Bowed to the wishes of Parliament
Restored the Church of England
(Protestant faith)
Stabilized government

Charles II

James II

The Restoration
1660 - 1685
James II - Absolute Ruler
Antagonized (argued with, made
angry) Parliament
Ran up a huge debt
Openly Catholic
Forced from throne in what came to
be called The Glorious Revolution.

1685 - 1688

The Glorious Revolution

William and Mary
& The English Bill of Rights -1689
After James II took the throne, he undid all of the good work that had been done in the
previous years. Parliament and The Throne (the Monarch) had been getting along. The
Church of England and the Protestant faith were back in power in England again. But
then James II changed all of that. He was openly Catholic, and was constantly showing
Parliament he didnt care about them. When he had a son, the country became very
nervous that they were going to get a line of succession (when a king passes the throne
down to his son) of Catholic kings. The people begged his son-in-law, William of Orange
to take over the throne, which he did. James II fled to France, and William, and his wife
Mary, became the King and Queen of England. It is called The Glorious Revolution
because almost no blood was spilled. Shortly after becoming king, William passed the
English Bill of Rights, which is the precursor to our American Bill of Rights.

William and Mary were given the throne after the English Bill of Rights
was passed.
Guaranteed supremacy of Parliament (democratic congress) over the
Parliament had to meet on a regular basis
Monarchy could neither make nor suspend laws
Trial by jury reinstated.
Abolished fines and cruel and unusual punishment.
Affirmed writ of habeas corpus no person can be held in prison
without first being charged with a specific crime. Due process of laws.
Laid groundwork for American system of laws

The Enlightenment Begins

John Locke
People first lived in anarchy
Needed a social contract
People gave up only SOME of
their individual rights.
Kept the right to:
- Live
- Enjoy Liberty
- Own Property
Rulers who violated these rights
broke the social contract and
could be overthrown.

John Locke
Date: ________________
Directions: After reading the information on pages 1-4 of the handout Age of Absolute
Monarchies, answer the following questions.
1) Based on the context clues of the passage The Thirty Years War, what do you think
the word depopulated means?
2) Read about Thomas Hobbes philosophy regarding government. Fill in the table below
about what aspects you agree with and which aspects you disagree with:
Thomas Hobbes Ideas on Government

3) Read about the rulers of England; Charles I, Oliver Cromwell, Charles II, and James II.
Fill in the table below about which rulers were pro-Catholic and which were proProtestant.
Religious Beliefs of English Monarchs

4) Read the passage The Glorious Revolution. What features of the English Bill of
Rights do you recognize as being part of the American Bill of Rights as well? List them
5) How are the political ideas/beliefs of John Locke different from those of Thomas
Hobbes? Explain their differences below.
6) Writing Assignment
John Locke and Thomas Hobbes were fundamentally different in an extremely important
way. Thomas Hobbes believed that people were naturally evil, and that they needed to
be controlled, otherwise they would do horrible things to each other. John Locke believed
that people were naturally good, and that if you didnt spend all your time controlling
them and telling them what to do, they would do good things and treat each other well.

In the first part of your writing reflection, describe your opinion on the Locke vs.
Hobbes debate. Who do you agree with? Do you think people are naturally good, or
naturally evil?
In the second part of your writing reflection, discuss some examples you can
think of in real life that provide evidence to one side of the debate or the other (or
both). In what ways does society treat people like theyre up to no good? In what
ways does society treat people like they are good and can be trusted?

There are countless examples of both of these things in society, so I will not accept I
dont know or I cant think of anything as an answer. If you were going to answer with
either of those, it means youre not thinking hard enough! Take some time to think
about it (or discuss it with a classmate) and craft a well-written response. (Use looseleaf
if you need additional writing space.)


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