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The TPACK Lesson Plan

(Oct 23rd 27th 2014)

Another assignment that we did as a group work was creating a TPACK
lesson plan. We attended a session about how to create a TPACK lesson
plan that includes meeting pedagogy, content and technology with the
context of the lesson.
My peer and I thought about connecting the learning goals with the
different components of the lesson plan, such as context, pedagogy,
21st century skills, and technology. The topic of the lesson was
Bullying Phenomenon and it was a reading lesson. The main learning
goals of the lesson was to raise awareness and find ways to reduce the
phenomenon. In fact, we tried to use the technology when it was really
needed to make it an effective lesson. Whats more, we included the
new apps and sites that we learnt about in our training, such as
Polleverywhere which is an amazing site to run a discussion.
The main activities of the lesson were showing a picture, providing
students a video about a case of bullying and creating a poster that
have sentences to prevent the case from happening. To be more
specific, while thinking about the activities, we thought about
pedagogy, content, and technology. What is more important was that
the 21st century skills were addressed as we offered problem solving,
collaborative and communicative skills, critical and creative thinking,
information and technology literacy, initiative, and leadership. Creating
a TPACK lesson plan is not that difficult as you need to think of making
a successful lesson through implementing pedagogy, technology and
the 21st century skills.
Finally, I believe that it is crucial to bear in mind that we do not need to
use technology all the time, but we can use it when it is needed. Also,
the 21st century skills should be included in the activities to offer
learners what they exactly need for their workplace.


Rasha Alzaabi

Mentor: Tracy Munteanu


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