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Lecture-demonstration by another instructor(s)

from a special field (guest speaker)

- A guest lecture is when a speaker from another area
comes into your classroom to speak to your students
about a related topic. Many of these speakers come in
to illustrate points in their lessons, and give students a

Experiential Learning
- Its an approach to education that focuses on "learning by doing,".
- The role of the teacher is to design "direct experiences" that
include preparatory and reflective exercises.

- The student can apply his or her knowledge to situations where the

break from their own teacher. The guest speaker holds

instructor directs and facilitates learning. The classroom, art

the power and superior knowledge, with the lesson now

projects, science labs, or music studios can serve as settings for

being theirs.

experiential learning.

- Students get bored by hearing your voice, this gives

them a chance to adapt to different teaching aids,

- The learning becomes more powerful when studying in authentic

situations by developing skills through practice and reflection.

voices, and engage with

- This creates self directed learners

students differently.

because students are introduced

- Students learn something new,

even subjects that you may not
be familiar about.

- Giving students a chance to

Teaching Strategies

students become comfortable

with talking to unfamiliar people.

they need to figure out what they

know, what they dont know, and
how to learn it.

-Many forms of this include:

connect with professionals,

- Depending the speaker or subject, but

with unfamiliar situations, which

internships, student teaching,

practicum, field work, study abroad, community
based research, and many more.

students attention wanes quickly if not

- However, if a student has a negative experience


with experiential learning, it can affect future

- This can also assume that all students

learning for that student.

learn at the same pace and the same

- The learning outcomes are not predictable, and

level of understanding, which most

have almost infinite possibilities.

usually are not.

The process of this learning can be broken up

into some basic steps: knowledge of what the

student already knows, activity which the student
participates in, and reflection of what was

Collaborative/Cooperative Learning
- This is when students work together in small groups to accomplish a common learning goal. These are not necessary permanent formed groups, but they
do need to be planned carefully in order for all students to receive learning benefits.

- Students are able to work with all types of people, creating diverse reflections and responses to the questions raised.
- It creates interpersonal development as students learn to relate to their peers. They become more actively involved as they come together to work,
developing their social skills for future assignments and life-long skills of interaction.

- Students receive more personal feedback because there are more thoughts being exchanged and everyone is participating rather than in large groups where
two people debate while the rest of the class listens.

- Although, there will be students who try and take over the group with their thoughts. From this, not all students are given an equal voice and able to
state their opinion. You could also have the opposite with people not pulling their weight. With one group member not contributing as much, this can make
other students frustrated and not able to focus on the task given.

- Also, no matter how hard you try, sometimes people may not get along and their personalities clash with one another. This can become a big disadvantage
because students are not able to get any work done.

Teaching Strategies

Independent Study
- Offered mostly in higher grades, this is an educational activity
undertaken by the student with little to no supervision. The power is
completely in the students hands from start to finish. If a teacher
would be involved, it would be when both the student and the teacher
pick a topic for the student to work on.

- This allows well motivated students to choose a topic of their

interest that doesnt have to fit in the academic curriculum.

- Students gain research experience by themselves by exploring their interests

- It supports the theory Learning From a Distance. This theory imposes that the teacher is at some
distance from the students, and they are connected by only a worksheet, website or even email.

- Independent studies are not for everyone, they are only beneficial with certain personality types.
Students who need guidance and someone there to tell them something is due, would not work well in a

- Students who do this are able to work at their own pace, the hours are very flexible and there is no
one influencing you or pressuring you. Students have more freedom/independence.

Use of motion pictures, educational films, videotape

- Using films and such in a classroom is when a teacher can extend the learning beyond the textbook, and uses clips and movies to describe and help
students get a feel of the topic learned. Presenting information in numerous ways can be the key to helping students understand topics.

- Topics in a film or movie can go beyond what you are teaching and allow to highlight other important topics that you have missed.
- This can be a good rainy day lesson to do when students are unfocused and tired of you standing at the front teaching them. It gives them a break
from hearing your voice and allows them to become focused on something different.

- Most importantly, films and clips meet additional learning styles. Students that arent always able to participate in lectures can now be focused on a
film being presented.

- A disadvantage to this, is that there may only be a few parts in the film that relate to the lesson. By watching the few parts could confuse the
students even more, or watching the whole thing would take too much time.

- Parents might object to showing movies in class. They may not think this is educational related and mention the perception of watching movies is a
bad method of teaching.

- If you are including movies, that you pick them wisely and properly. Create lessons that involve the movies and the information that the students are

- Invite the parents to talk with you about any concerns they might have before the showing. If a students is not allowed to watch the movie, they
should be given work to complete elsewhere.

Service Learning

Teaching Strategies

- This is a type of teaching that involves academic content mixed with civil responsibility in a community. The learning is structured so the student is able
to reflect on what is taking place.

Can provide learning opportunities for students that later on may benefit them in everyday life.
It introduces students to the concept of service and becoming activity involved.
Students are able to meet a community's need, instead of just meeting an assignments need.
This promotes critical and abstract thinking while becoming more socially responsible.
But, it may become time consuming, and students could lose interest if project is going on and on.
This takes more effort for teachers and students to implement, if either one doesn't pull enough weight, there may be no learning done.
Community members can become objects rather than participants.
However, this does bring together students to understand and empathy for different socioeconomic classes.

Teaching with Case Studies

- This is another strategy that involves presenting

Problem Based learning

students with real life problems, and ask them to

- This is an instructional method which the student

apply what they have learned in the classroom to the

has the power to allow themselves to learn to learn.

case study

- Students working in groups find solutions to real

- Unlike problem based learning, teaching with case

world problems. By doing this in classrooms, prepares

studies has guiding structured questions that the

students for resolving problems or meeting challenges

student is able to answer.

that are encountered in life.

- Case studies can be done individually or with a

group, developing group interaction skills

- Students underline the case study, define the

- Students can work on problems, which they solve and

hopefully learned how they solved the problem and
what caused it.

problem/question, and analyze possible solutions with

- Students can pick up communication skills, and

material learned in class by providing a rationale for

learn to work more effectively in groups.

their answer.

- It is not as content rich as a traditional teaching

- By using case studies, this develops the student's skill

in problem solving and decision making

- Students that are inductive reasoners learn better

structure, leaving students less well informed about

the issues by making students solve the problems by

from examples (case studies) than from logical

- This helps students transfer knowledge to new

development and basic class principles


- It can be difficult for the teacher to find an

appropriate case study for the current subject

- It might become hard for the students to answer to

case studies as there can be more than one answer for the questions

- As teachers, you are able to turn the case study into a discussion
instead of a writing assignment, giving students a break from

- PBL is very student centered learning, and if a

student needs guidance from a teacher to tell them
step by step instruction, this will not benefit them.

- The problems associated in PBL are typically in the form

of cases, narratives of complex, real-world challenges
common to the discipline being studied in the

- The solution of the problem is partly dependent on the

Teaching Strategies

acquisition and comprehension of facts, but also based

on the ability to think critically on your own.

Writing Assignments
- Incorporating writing assignments in classes can provide an opportunity for students to express and apply themselves critically through writing skills to help
them learn course content. There are many different ways to incorporate different writing assignments such as closure statements, beginning of class writing,
drafts of papers and many more.

- By doing a writing assignment at the end of class, the student is able to discuss what happened in the lecture and lets the teacher know who was
participating and who wasnt.

By writing at the beginning of class allows the student to think about the topics for the day, and generate ideas or questions they may have.
The student has the power to develop critical thinking skills.
Writing promotes active learning and in class discussions
The disadvantages to writing are that some students may not be independent learners, and are able to write on something theyve learned about.
Some students find it hard to express themselves and put their thoughts out on a piece of paper
This may not benefit Kinaesthetic learners, they learners may lose knowledge by doing this, making the course material more confusing of them.
But, students may take abstract concepts that do not make sense, and re-write it in their own words so it does make sense to them.

Games/Experimental Use/Simulations
- Students today have grown up around playing games and using

Teaching Strategies

interactive tools such as the internet, phones etc. Have games in the
classroom allows students from all learning types to develop better
coordination skills, and allow you as a teacher to develop more engaging interactive lessons.

- Using these methods is when the classroom is filed with technology that the students are able to go beyond pencil and paper and
incorporate classroom lessons theyve learned into games.

- Games increase student engagement and students are more likely to spend time playing a learning-based game if you are using a reward
system (i.e points in a game).

- The games that you can use in your classroom can provide the students with instant feedback. Students can see where they stand amongst
their peers, possibly pushing them to become better.

- Whether it being independent games or group games, students develop social interaction amongst classmates.
- To put games in a classroom can be beneficial, but it can cost a lot as well. To provide a variety of games for students, it may cost the
teacher a bit to get that started (or even to replace broken or lost pieces).

- The students hold the power in their own learning, as they are in charge for how they do in the game. When students lose the game/task, it
encourages them to try again until they have completed it.

- The games can become a distraction, and instead of learning components of the game, they could be more focused on beating their
classmates in it.

- Games and simulations enable students to solve real-world problems in a safe environment and enjoy themselves while doing so.

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