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Emery Toler

Oct 10th, 2015

Entry 2: Technology to Enhance Instruction

Integrating Instructional Technology
Instructional technology has integrated most of the classrooms in the world providing
newer advances in education and content learning while invigorating the students and
showcasing different ideas of the times. It has been stated that The sustainability of technology
education is related to a traditional understanding of craft and the methods used to teach it;
however, the methods used in the teaching process have been influenced by the innovative
changes accompanying the development of technology. In respect to social and economic
development, it is important to prepare young people, both boys as well as girls, with
comprehensive knowledge and a basic education in technology for the benefit of their future life
(Soobik, M. , 2014). As teaching provides many jobs for those willing to participate, having
alternative ideas and advanced help in specific areas can bring a better understanding of
education and open better prospects for students when they enter the world at large. That is why
learning with interactive whiteboards, navigational tools that use different websites and video
while using graphic organizers can introduce young students to alternative and interactive ways
to discuss, participate and learn with one another while introducing technology in a classroom
Interactive Whiteboards

Interactive whiteboards can provide an interesting yet viable way of learning for
students, especially those who are visually stimulated by graphics and or hands on projects
(active learning). By connecting a USB or data cable to the computer the teacher is able to
facilitate and provide graphs and mathematical equations for students, assist in reading and
instruction on questions and using interactive websites with touch sensitive apparatus that create
a whole visually and hands on participation through the internet. Using this specific
technological idea can assist in time management and allowing for the teacher to involve
students on a more hands on version then presenting written out question and answer type
scenarios. As some students lean more towards reading; math equations could benefit from this
particular technology while making it more interesting and enjoyable.
Websites and navigational tools
Using websites and navigational tools to provide an enhanced participation in the
classroom can be worthwhile. As an inclusive part of using specific ways to interact and promote
social interaction between peers this technological tool requires learning to navigate the internet
while setting pertinent questions to the individuals participating and then opening a dialogue for
questions to be answered .This while creating an understanding of the internet and its large
amount of information at your fingertips. Alongside developing metalanguages to explore digital
literacy practices in Web2, in multimodal texts like picture books, websites and social
networking sites, teachers are being asked simultaneously to prepare students for national testing
regimes which assess children's abilities to identify the correct verb, to underline the pronouns
and to punctuate sentences in language convention tests (MACKEN-HORARIK, M. , 2009).
Preparing lessons that include this technology can work well with reading assignments, English
lessons and social studies where investigating language and fact checking comes in handy.

Video and graphic organizers

Video has long been a traditional way of providing interesting and visual ways of
creating dialogue in the classroom. With the use of newer video programs and the emphasis of
participation through key components the general principles of consistency, coherence and
creativity used by graphic organizers to visually convey key content ideas in the classroom and
improve learning experiences for students. Key issues of interest; Analysis of pertinent topics
and relevant issues; Implications on special education (Baxendell, B. W. , 2003) this particular
technological foray could be best used in several curriculum classes such as math and issues that
pertain to facts and sharing ideas(social studies, science). To use in a classroom setting as some
teachers can be faced with several different types, including learning disabled children,
instituting this technological idea can be perfect solution.
Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Learning
The impact of technology in many parts of the world has been something that relies
heavily on each persons view while being an inventive accumulation of facts and figures
technology is something that will not be long gone and is literally here to stay. Finding the
balance between what it can do and what it should not have to is basically at the demand of the
individual. Education and the educating of students and different learners seeks a plan that will
initiate proper content based knowledge that will be sufficient for people as the venture into the
job market. As stated It emphasizes the need for orientation to effective technology appliance
in the educational process seeking better education and self-education quality in finding a
sensible balance between expectable benefits and harm of ICT in education. Teachers are advised
to have safe computer and Internet usage skills, which they could pass over to pupils and
students (Lamanauskas, V., 2012); this while making sure the ability to make adjustments as it

goes along is a doable thing. This impact will no doubt be something that as a teacher you are
able to discuss and seek advice with parents, other educators and the administration that can be
Wired and Wireless Classrooms
Technology in the classroom can be a provision that requires access to the web. The
ability to be a wired classroom or a wireless one can be explained sometimes by local distances
in how the technology is used or district to district and or accessibility to networks or dial up as
some say wired is more dependable ; lower costs. The cost for wireless can be substantially more
than wired and having the capability to receive (pick up) wireless signals as the can be
intercepted... Also computer labs, iPad and laptops play a part in how the system will be
accessed. Financial ability also exists when using wired or wireless access, so having the option
can be connected to cultural geography and makes for the means to an end as educating students
equally should be the undeniable right for one and all. Having these alternative methods of
technology assisting the classroom could mean the difference in content and information based
knowledge and also time management and size of class. Being able to provide a wired or
wireless classroom can make for better content being accessed; quicker content exposed and
given to students and a more interesting and exciting sharing of ideas with students, teachers and
Integrating instructional technology can be solid way of introducing a substantial way in
providing students with enormous advancement potential and being savvy and ready in a world
that has seen change over the years. While technology is a very big part of the very fabric of the
lives of most; understanding and providing alternatives through computers, internet and video

should not come at the expense of the intrinsic part of learning. Content and global knowledge
should be assisted when need be, but to create a balanced world, having balance among
information and how we get it should also be a priority when it comes to providing students with
information. Instructional technology is something that should be combined with cultural, social
and ethical responsibilities that represents itself inside the classroom through technology, content
based information and responsibility that can take students from the classroom to outside of it as


Baxendell, B. W. (2003). Consistent, Coherent, Creative The 3 C's of Graphic Organizers.

Teaching Exceptional Children, 35(3), 46. Ex.
The 21St Century, 505-6
MACKEN-HORARIK, M. (2009). Navigational metalanguages for new territory in English: The
potential of grammatics. English Teaching: Practice & Critique (University Of Waikato),
8(3), 55-69

Soobik, M. (2014). Teaching Methods Influencing the Sustainability of the Teaching Process in
Technology Education in General Education Schools. Journal Of Teacher Education For
Sustainability, 16(1), 89-101. doi:10.2478/jtes-2014-0005

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