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Kevin Jang

Mrs. Griffith
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
1 May, 2016

I believe what happened to the sudden disappearance of the missing Malaysian Airlines
Flight 370 is that it went through a rift in our world to another, otherwise saying that the missing
plane was taken by an interdimensional portal in our world into another reality like ours, or to a
completely different world altogether. There is a theory out there that states that we live side by
side from different realities identical to ours, each created from the different choice made by
anybody, stating that there could be an unlimited number of parallel universes created from
simple choices a person can make throughout one day. This is called the Multiverse, and even
though it is beyond normal human comprehension, I believe in this theory wholeheartedly. Now
an interdimensional portal cuts through the fabric of space and time and creates a rift, or portal,
in our world connecting our reality to one of the other reality in the multiverse. A portal, now you
probably think I am joking, but there have been accounts of portals being created in our world
A portal is a broad term that groups together the use for portals in space, time, or even
travel. In space, physicist have theorized that black holes in space can be connected to each
other, often then naught called wormholes, could be used for travel into a different a galaxy.
This concept of "wormholes" in quantum physics, which are short "tunnels" that superluminally
connect distant points of the space-time continuum with one another through a higher dimension
is a legitimate theory quantum physicist use to explain interstellar travel. A hypothetical
spacecraft was created with a negative induction ring using negative energy to warp space,
creating a portal on its own, to reach different star systems. Sure our technology is off by a
couple centuries, but this doesnt mean it is not possible. Space is a mysterious vacuum that
creates some mysterious things because above us right now is a portal. Now I dont mean
directly above us, but right above earth right now is a portal. NASA physicist have found out
there is a portal from earth that connects to the magnetic field of the Sun, creating an
uninterrupted path leading from our own planet to the sun's atmosphere 93 million miles away.
Findings from NASA's THEMIS spacecraft and Europe's Cluster probes conclude that these
magnetic portals open and close dozens of times each day. NASA calls these X-points.
The finding of an X-point tells me that because we have reached the first criteria of the
definition of a portal, being space, the second, time, follow up and now we head to CERN.
CERN is in possession of a Particle accelerator, or the Large Hadron Collider, in which they use
to try to create different levels of high energy production, and try to see what they can do with

matter. At one point in their research, they actually made the speed of the particle move so fast
that by the time the particle made one rotation it had already passed it self, saying that two of the
same particle appeared. This means that they achieved a form of time travel. But this also leads
many others to be afraid of what the particle accelerator could achieve. Many have concerns
because they believe that the particle accelerator could produce black holes if their predictions of
the superstring theory become true. Though they could be created, they argue, they would be
small and quickly disperse

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