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Religions of the World

Writing Guidelines
Fall 2013
Essays in this course will allow you to systematically think through readings and class
discussions to date and solidify your own opinions about those materials. They also
allow me to make sure you have been following allowing with required readings and
paying attention in class. To this end, a good essay will not only demonstrate an
understanding of the course materials, but will also contain a significant amount of
creative, insightful analysis and argumentation. This can include not only critical
engagements with scholarly texts we have read, but also constructive arguments in
support of your own original position.
1 margins, double spacing, 12 point font, and a standard typeface (like Times New
Roman, Helvetica, Arial, etc.) printed in black.
Whenever you use someone elses ideas, it is necessary to use proper citations. Just
to be clear, it is necessary to cite an author not only when you quote them directly, but
also when you paraphrase or summarize them. A basic parenthetical citation is
preferable. In this course, you may not use outside sources without special permission,
but if and only if you do you must use a bibliography. Please note that I have a strict
zero tolerance policy on plagiarism.
I expect students to use standard English grammar in their writing. Avoid excessive
colloquialisms. Use spellcheck, and be careful about homophones (e.g. their/there/
theyre, to/too/two, etc.). Be sure youre clear on the difference between possessive
and plural forms of words. Use gender neutral language, rather than the generic
masculine, where appropriate. You may use I judiciously in your writing, but dont start
every other sentence with I think/feel/believe.
Good academic writing starts out with an introduction that lets the reader know what the
paper will be about and why the reader should care. In papers presenting an argument,
the introduction paragraph should include a thesis statement, which the body of the
paper should support. In other papers, the introduction should describe a theme which
the body of the paper will explore systematically. Most academic writing benefits from a
brief conclusion which summarizes how the information presented in the body relates to
the thesis or theme.

Religions of the World

Essay Assignment #1
Fall 2013
Select one of the following prompts, and respond with a 2-3 page essay, following the
courses official writing guidelines. Please indicate by number which prompt you have
selected at the top of your essay.
1) Over the last three weeks, I have on several occasions mentioned the ideas of
Emile Durkheim about religion and society. I suggested that his theory that religion
creates social unity through a shared experience of transcendence could be
utilized to draw comparisons between religion and other social phenomena, like
football games. Please explore this concept in a way that includes all of the
following elements: a) a brief overview of Durkheims theory of religion, b) An
experience you have either observed or had personally of a social phenomenon
(excluding anything athletic or overtly religious) that seems to fit with what
Durkheim is describing, and c) how Durkheims theory allows for a comparison
between religion and the social phenomenon you have described. In your answer,
you must reference at least one of the class meetings in which I mentioned
Durkheims theory and the attached reading from Nye.
2) On Wednesday, August 28, we discussed Karl Marxs famous idea that Religion is
the opium of the people. We observed that while religion can sometimes be used
by the dominant group to control the masses, it could also potentially empower the
masses to resist domination. Bearing in mind this discussion and the closely
related concepts discussed in Malory Nyes chapter on Power, carefully read the
attached excerpts from the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7), then evaluate the
text in a way that includes all of the following elements: a) a brief overview of
Marxs critique of religion, b) how this text might be used by a dominant group to
exploit the masses, c) how this text might offer meaningful empowerment to
oppressed peoples, and d) whether this text is more likely to empower the masses
or further their exploitation. In your answer, you must reference at least one
lecture and Nyes chapter on Power. Although this is not required, I will be
particularly impressed by papers that integrate the ideas of another theorist from
this chapter beyond Marx (e.g. Gramsci, Althusser, Foucault, etc.).
Papers should be submitted to by noon on Saturday, September
21. If you do not receive confirmation from me within 24 hours of submitting your paper,
please contact me immediately. Late papers will be accepted for a full letter grade
deduction for exactly one week. After this point, papers will not be accepted for credit.

Religions of the World

Essay Assignment #2
Fall 2013
Select one of the following prompts, and respond with a 2-3 page essay, following the
courses official writing guidelines. Please indicate by number which prompt you have
selected at the top of your essay.
1) In our unit on the Crusades, we have drawn extensively on two different sources:
Thomas Maddens Concise History of the Crusades and Terry Jones Crusades
documentary. While Madden tries to enter into the world of the Crusaders and take
them seriously as pious warriors who believed they were doing Gods work, Jones
repeatedly characterizes the Crusaders as dumb barbarians who were only out to loot
and pillage. Compare and contrast these two approaches to representing the
Crusades, following these guidelines: a) find at least one specific incident that is
portrayed dramatically differently between the two sources (this can include an event
that is mentioned in one source but absent from the other), b) consider the implications
of these two representations on whether the Crusades should be thought of as purely
religious violence or not, and c) evaluate which of these sources seems more
convincing to you as a representation of the Crusades. Your essay must make
references to the documentary, readings from Madden, and at least one class meeting.
2) We have seen that the idea of holy war changed dramatically over the course of the
Crusades. In your essay, track these changes and consider their implications while
covering the following points: a) how Christian and Islamic ideas of holy war differed
out the outset of the Crusades and why this was the case, b) how their ideas of holy war
became more similar by the end of the Crusades and why this was the case, and c)
what these changes might reveal about relations between the Western and Islamic
worlds today. Your essay must make references to the reading from Irwin and at least
two different class meetings.
Papers should be submitted to by noon on Saturday, October 12.
If you do not receive confirmation from me within 24 hours of submitting your paper,
please contact me immediately. Late papers will be accepted for a full letter grade
deduction for exactly one week. After this point, papers will not be accepted for credit.

Religions of the World

Essay Assignment #3
Fall 2013
Select one of the following prompts, and respond with a 3-4 page essay, following the
courses official writing guidelines. Please indicate by number which prompt you have
selected at the top of your essay.
1) Over the course of this unit, there have been times when the British presence in India
seemed clearly negative, but there have been other times when their empire seemed
ambiguous or perhaps even positive. Using what you have observed, evaluate the
British legacy in India: was it definitively bad or does it have any truly meaningful
redeeming qualities? Your essay should take both possibilities seriously, but should
clearly chose whichever side you find most convincing.
Required sources: Gandhi, Contentious Traditions, class discussions on
2) During the period of British rule in India, Hindu traditions adapted to changing
circumstances. Would you say these adaptations represent a departure from
authentic Hinduism in favor of more Western religious forms? Or do you think these
adaptations were done in a way that remained true to indigenous Hindu traditions?
Your essay should take both possibilities seriously, but should clearly chose
whichever side you find most convincing.
Required sources: Readings on Ramakrishna or Vivekananda, class discussions on
perennialism, readings from Hawley or Doniger or class discussions thereof.
Papers should be submitted in class on Monday, November 11. Late papers will be
accepted for a full letter grade deduction for exactly one week. After this point, papers
will not be accepted for credit.

Religions of the World

Essay Assignment #4
Fall 2013
Select one of the following prompts, and respond with a 3-4 page essay, following the
courses official writing guidelines.
1) Taking Dempsey and Kim as your primary cases (but using other cases to
supplement as needed), consider how multiculturalisms effects on Hindu and
Christian immigrant religion are different and how they are similar. As you compare
and contrast, your essay should a) provide a brief explanation of what
multiculturalism is and how it relates to other ideas about immigrant identity, like
assimilation, b) explain how multiculturalism plays out in each case, and c) evaluate
whether multiculturalism is ultimately beneficial or detrimental to the communities
youve discussed.
Required sources: Dempsey, Kim, and material from at least one class meeting
2) One of the recurring problems we see in the study of immigrant religion is the
generation gap between immigrants and their children. Taking Kuriens chapter on
Mar Thoma Christians and our class discussion of Mean Street Monks as your
primary cases (but using other cases to supplement as needed), reflect upon where
religious institutions have failed to meet the needs of second generation immigrants
and where they have succeeded. Your essay should a) discuss the relative success
of both major cases, b) consider on the basis of what youve learned in this unit how
immigrant religious communities might better serve the needs of both generations,
and c) speculate as to whether or not religious institutions are, in the long run, helpful
for sustaining immigrant communities.
Required sources: Kurien, class discussion on Mean Street Monks (Friday 11/8;
article available on Blackboard under Assignments), and material from at least one
other class meeting.
Papers should be submitted by e-mail on Monday, December 16 by noon. Your papers
file name should include your last name and the number of the prompt you answered. If
you do not receive confirmation from me within 24 hours of submitting your paper,
please contact me immediately. Late papers will be accepted for a full letter grade
deduction until Friday, December 20 at noon. After this point, papers will not be
accepted for credit.

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