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Professional Placement Assessment ‘nit code: €0*4730.8 eDF4731 Stheduled Placement Period: 15° April~ 1" May (Remaining 10 dys to be negotiated between the student and the choo!) teonfemibat_— Kelle Gacdan (record pre-Srvice teacher's name) Scroatame: Caccum Downs Secondarn Calle. ee ‘get Peel [Montor Teacher's Nt ‘otal Number of Days Required: 25 Total Number of Days attended, 2S ‘otal Number of Days absent Placement Outcome: Satisfactory (Unsatisfactory ‘Submission of Placement Assessment Report lease emalthe completed report wiin one week al paceinent compton tothe Poferional Experience Office, ensuring that a copy s retained bythe mentor teacher/schoo and pre-service teacher 2 profesional plaements®monseh edu 2.03 9908 4409 Further formation tout placement clear avai vin the Profesional xperence wet nfcoret sachacpacemant end Involvement sehoo! activities and community (nekding the 20 negotiated days) Detalis of the pre-service teach’ involvement inthe total school program (eg. asstance wth ‘camps and/or excursions, performances, sporting acts, clubs and societies, nvolverent in sssembls yard duty, staf and faculty meetings, involvement in areas of intrest and knowledge ofthe day to day administration the sehoo). Asciste’ Mo Yo 4 ch the b, Heil Ae ook Hew te ot tod dot AM bok fs’ choot. oh. Kel” took om eS coches le elgg Mire) —and_asalusl besiall Te school Te ‘ive Pefessone! Bowence ue Fs of dct, Mone Unerty Professional Placement Assessment Report ~ Semester 1 “aressng achievement ‘The reportassesses cavelopment als tms that have ben informed the Graduate Teacher Standrds, these cat toapre-sarce eacher's seadiness oft works ear profesor ease pace tick (nth appropriate column for eachof he items nda comment underneath which supports our | udgrentot te stage reached egiaing (Beg) Camsliatieg (one) rodvot level (rod) ‘Ths sessment aknonedgas that asring toteach is continuum an that presence taschers mova coe tres stagsof earning from begining cosoldating and gracate ‘5 epinning, we meon thats presence eacher knows the Importance ofthe Remand can ein ar ‘udestanding of Rina parla rate corer They soul be abs dant thi tm or ater avec on trough eel and focused obteration and reflective practeinccuson wih ote (peers, mentors, spear {8 Consodting,wemean that presence teacher can exlin thar own understanding ofan kom an has ‘developed strategies to damenstate wht thst look kein the own pace. They can ety hr own rofessoal ering oar apsinstthe tom and seek support to bud thet exzetse. 2 Graduate lve we mean ats pre-service teaches cary demonstrate evidence ofthe eminem pactee ‘ands ead to tet, ts anactnowledgement tat ths stage eae continuation of hl pofesonal Iearningas teachers {yet Appropriate we mean tat th tem dos ot pp os ot elevant tothe presence tache at thi ine Development and progress wilvary actos placement Becks For example ls expected thats proces tocher rears wa ect mote confidence en consolation ur hal ia locerent exparincas on ing thal fe Nowever anc plceant period oresariceescerilnot only bul on ha atparane Intel art placerents butalo begin age puting ean ans rt rate Ils imporant that mentor teachers provide evidenceto supporther bserationsforeach ofthe standards This report forms partof he preservice teache formative assessment Therefore fr Semester tis inparartthat rmantr teachers at etal of prfomanceat this stage ofthe pre-service teachers leaning and development. Inporant information ‘Aer the Monash APEx ode! for professional experience, th rport shoul be used by both the menior ‘eather andthe presence teacher aa guide to recording the reser teachers teaching ae aement Inthe Ifo the school Plnse ncue prtelarraerace tthe STs ivaveretin day iminsuotie eis os wales ther arts incuing came andr excursions, pertomarces portng ‘Seles cbs and socits ad various sexe finer ond erprez, We aio ren detaled Information about how the PS prtipatedn tha read and compe f teacher's Work. 2. Thsroprt should dese and evaluate the PTs rotesonl ering agit he redte standards lemonstate by both the develoingtsching proce (ten Srig the ocr pacer] andy thee tsneagementin ther aspects of teachers’ wor [seen during the napztistd 3). |. ‘Th report shoud be comoleted ono before the at yo placement and cused withthe presarice teacher ro tosiging 4 problems arise dem the placomens,mentarmeror wacher a requestod to contact the Professional {ipeianc fice mmedil rather than wait unite is fo subi the rer chlor of stn Secondo er 208 ‘ene renal Bgerece Ge Fact rato, Moar erty ‘Sata Teacher andar Wow sidentsand how Haylee Wee | Gone [oad We 7 Gace Re Hen aca OOS a RT a thatevnng z 7 Understands how adolescents dvlop aa te ecto na nang ry 7 aietis earings To meet pce adr fens wh respect sity ctrl erty and ae v |v 7 Btetvey commutes wt and ste sens) Rader Be 7 peop rte wna Ha 7 Geemenlinins Vallag clpeteg Jemeslentes ok sludets hea Mew ead her vndestedinn, ob individuals a 5 shided needs pt aehaoa ee She hes Losl& relechonskhy of Fw the anent and iow oa Bee | Gens | Grad | WR 7 Shwe hah mongers beeen conte Snes 0d Poa Zz 7 Bralops earn sudan rang segue that mata Raat and ngage bam note baring z 7 Pans and ipemerts arin cbs at re ocponsve othe diverse 7 Shows rode of relevant curclum daciianr nd apolar onlesee 4 7 Uses iT anda wie vara wang agi’ a paagoelaT approaches io engage and meta udert, 4 anipeats/enaence: weve shod} Mee os conted wv plang achwhes to Sos os sone OE og \ct hes been used wm Ae “chess reo as anctler teaming, tool an ar ila ce ei aang Tea oom | aE] WR + Gis pening Hanis ng a ad 7 7h ean WC as ay mara S eo 7 becgrundsingureng rimenering ps et eo omnton aa S BP i eet cane a na yi 7 Shoe Bs npleerig ion r nd mwtng ST shies amano Tee loss classes fe ensore, orang of aelvdies oe ES SE EE GROEN” leaner She as a grenrey hee dMeehahon + Nenbido ot charana achwhes ‘cr f dato Seon Yard 2015 ‘ave Pofessnl Bowne ue, Fay of Edeton, Menao ney "Tees ad matin sapportive and ae Tearing earOnNETE Ge | cone | Grad] WA Bain ser esa rears aa Ssguareanas anos EA + Senn age gang wo en er 7 ‘Sinn suse tea lsat 7 Sse cee nae aT, Ss Bal auton es Zz +r hoary ents ee ing seaman G “Pelee te vara, olen an her pxguchations | Noster Keb oP SESS AR WP SShews Ioshocinens are clear and as vores ace of tte eer ‘Ta ade BSS pT ON RIDES en] eons] Grd | WA 7 Galen he atone baton sarcoma apotng ana Toacing and Jenmg Zz 7 Ue a a a TG a a8 v7 sana it 7s secre cs pan ron ot ce aca co Parties wicca jocate Bl Span conse rd CORP gamers of suerte a ™ Zz Tare Hee had La opportuni te mart ,coork heck, abs one) by Aa perotetie, or cy ean cea Siperhon, Therlore, ths oes dMtoull for her shows ages pteioTon Tee eae | Bad 7a and sea roe sro nao, pena Tang y SR a ok PRES i TG a, o Tas Sewea ete wren a nec w nae Se ee ee > 7 aie paling ads das He FST aE F ‘Sosuang ses reese " POMS Ge help as she needs it, She Wetens do 8 els upon itor asks fer help te inprove. Her aes Pale Shak Sle Ms Gorkang, “SET mn provingy, achlor a drt Scone Yo 42015 ‘atone Preetnal erece Gade, oy of cation Meas Usrsy 7. erases oesinay with callanges, parents [eres, nade community | Beg | Cans | Grad | WA 7 Eras oes pet doy wh aang noha 7 Uneeistnds he mparncs of conrancnng oaiay,seaive ond ‘onfdoaly wi prota 7 le responsive parca etal wdnsiuoal paces h aeaay + Enases essary pect od say Sanaa oa AYSTS [MIN 7 Understands he nportsnce of consent tose, neve ond nldenaly Wo prriras rs ar ee behaviasr ond adtrede ws ah olf hemes ve oe Be Sts MR ME al Take of SHB and has anthebed conyersehions on curcicdlve en| ac ne a ‘ay Rie or com K. needs te Bork on usin classroom EES ER eee THER, HE ET ow Ganevs We complet He lest sito, a: teds to ave jets chances. Ths could make “Hines more Jee] ss her ylhmetela. Lhave 00 concerns oth bonuls de To be completed by the Mentor Teacher Tave dated ha apart an wove comans with iy reanfeeencer ave raved coyote earet> he pre servintancher enertrcerrsigmtre: [Ses aes 1b JG JS "To be completed by the Pre-service Teacher Tava ead and dicassed he apor and sve comments Wi iy err akcer I ave bash Proved wit BV OF tresencetechrs site: é>~ owe_[o [OI ‘Submission of Placement Assessment Report ease alle comolted repo wn abe wea af place comsstion 1a he Profane Eiparanes Of, ‘nsuring tat copy retanedby te mentor teacherschool and pre-sare eache. 15 professional placements @monssh edu B03 9904 4009 chlor af svn Scone Yor 2015 ‘atone reer Berece Oude, ay veation Meas erty

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