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Overview of CICO:
The Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) Program is a school-wide prevention program for students struggling with
academics or behavior. A student is selected to participate in CICO when a student receives 2 or more minor
(or greater) referrals OR based on attendance OR teacher requests. CICO provides students with frequent,
direct positive feedback on their behavior and monitors their success in displaying the STARS behavior

Classroom Teachers Role:

Teachers participate by providing verbal and written feedback to students at the end of each period. The
student gives their card to the teacher at the beginning of the period, and at the end of class, the teacher
provides quick, instructional, and most importantly POSITIVE feedback while completing the card. For the
appropriate class period, the teacher will circle 0, 1, or 2 points to reflect how successful they were at being
Success, Trustworthy, Accountable, Respectful, and Supportive.
Sample Interaction:
- Great job being Respectful today when you quietly worked on bell work, you get a 2.
- Since you didnt bring your homework, you earned a 0 for being Successful, but turn in tomorrows
assignment and youll get a 2.
- Thank you for staying on task today, you get a 2 for being Trustworthy. Have a great day!

CICO Process:
The student will pick up their CICO card from their facilitator each morning. At the end of each period, the
student should approach the teacher with the card and they should complete the form together. The student
will return the CICO card to their facilitator at the end of the day. The total daily points earned will be entered
into SWIS to track progress throughout the intervention. The data will be monitored to determine if the
student needs additional support or if they can graduate from the program.

Framework of Interventions:
CICO is the first intervention to address concerns related to behavior, attendance, and grades. It provides
teachers with the opportunity to offer frequent and direct, positive feedback on classroom behaviors.
Students will be in this intervention for six weeks (30 school days). If continued intervention is needed, CICO
may continue while more intensive interventions are in place.

Whose responsibility is it to initiate the conversation/card signing?
In an ideal world, the student, of course. PLEASE try to remember to sign their cards and have a brief,
positive conversation if they forget.
What if they refuse to participate?
Let the students facilitator know and they will contact parents. The PBIS team will determine what further
interventions are necessary.
What if a student loses their card?
Instruct them to find their facilitator and they can get a new one. If you find one, please drop it off with the
What if they are late for school? They have been instructed to get a card from their facilitator. Their
points are then recorded for the remainder of the day.
What if they have to leave school early? They have been instructed to turn their card in to their
facilitator, and their points will be recorded by for the hours they were present at school. If you end up with a
CICO cardplease turn it in so data can get recorded!
What if I have a student that I feel CICO would help them? There is a form for teachers to fill out
called the Request for Assistance Form. You would use this form to recommend a student to be enrolled in
CICO. The rolling admission will have new students enrolled every 2 weeks.
How do I know if I should refer a student for CICO?

When a student has failed to respond to other interventions and general class management

techniques and interventions

When a student is completing little to no work
When a student is not doing home work
When a student is not participating, being involved, or taking part in the learning process
When a student has emotional issues, like anxiety, frustration, etc
When kids have attention, focus, and impulsivity issues
When kids have very poor organization
When a student is exhibiting behavioral problems
When a student demonstrates low motivation and effort

Why should I refer a student to CICO?

Improves student accountability

Increases structure
Improves student behavior and academics when other interventions have failed
Provides feedback and adult support on a daily basis
Improves and establishes daily home/school communication and collaboration
Improves student organization, motivation, incentive, and reward
Helps students to self-monitor and correct
Internalizes success and accomplishment of goals
Students get involved and excited about the program, enjoying the structure, support, and

incentives of the intervention

Leads to maintenance free responsible behaviors, habits, and effort

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