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Art Lesson Plan

Title: Picasso Pastel Portraits

Unit: African Art

Grade level (s): 3-5th grade

Medium: Oil/Chalk Pastels

Suggested Time: 2 class periods

Instructional Objectives (2-3): Students will create texture or surface quality using any
drawing media. Students will also later two or more colors using crayons, colored pencil,
or oil pastel. Students will also change pressure to create two values using crayon or
Elements of Art (1-3) line, color, shape, form, space, texture, value

Principles of Design (1-3) repetition, pattern, movement, balance, emphasis, contrast, unity

Materials and Equipment: Piece of paper, oil pastels, chalk, and glue

General Vocabulary (4-5): Cubism, Pastel, and Picasso

Art Production (based on Madeline Hunter model)

1.anticipatory set
2. state objectives
3. Input: art history, instructions
5. check for understanding 6. guided practice 7. independent practice

4.demonstration, modeling
8. closure

1. Anticipatory set: Showed us a power point on Picasso and his drawings that he has
done throughout his life.
2. State objective: have an explanation on the white board about the portraits along with
an example of what we are doing.
3. Input: Showed us a power point on different works of portraits that people had done.
This gave us an idea on how/what to do when it came to doing our own portraits.
4. Demonstration: demonstrating how to use the oil pastels, as well as how to mix the
colors within the portrait. Also had a demonstration when it came to putting the glue on
the second piece of paper and how to apply it well and correctly.
5. Check for understanding: asking the students verbally if they are understanding and
grasping the overall concept of the oil pastels and chalk.
6. Guided practice: how to start off the portrait, and knowing that it is okay to make the
face all funky and distorted. Showing us the mixing of the pastel colors.
7. Independent practice: making the face of the portrait to begin with, and then coloring
over the paper with the pastels, along with coloring the second paper with the chalk.
8. Closure: having a discussion about the two portraits and which ones we liked better
and which medium did we enjoy using.

Assessment (should relate to objectives):

Verbal Class Critique
1. Which medium did you like using better, oil pastels or chalk? Why or why not?
2. If you could change one thing about your portrait what would it be? Explain.
3. What do you feel like you succeed well on this project? Explain.

Modifications / Special Notes / Drawings

Disability: a student with autism that does not want to get their hands dirt with using the
oil pastel and calk can wear plastic gloves.
Giftedness: the student will get a bigger piece of paper and have to fill the entire paper.

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