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Practica Docente In = UNIVESIDAD ESTATAL A DISTANCIA (| VICERRECTORIA ACADEMICA Wu ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES Y HUMANIDADES CARRERA ENSENANZA DEL INGLES PARAIYIICICLOS ===" Class Observation Instrument 5028: English Teaching Practice Student's name (practicing teacher): i a ndlovo.Q Collaborator teacher: IO Rodriquez ¢ enna Schoo! 2 : to: AO- . Instructions: Student (practicing teacher) must fill out this instrument daily for the period of tho observation (two weeks). Check in the box with an “X", mark Y (YES) for high quality inclusive practices or N (NO) for areas which improvement may be possible or Necessary. ms that do not apply with the class you are observing, Te ae Y[N | Observations: Does the grou 4.__show interest in the English classes? N en F cipate . 2._“Ts handled by the teacher? S 3._feel comfortable to practice the language? Nimotivate Sts to Speq, liSh- <4. has enough time fo practice it? various activities during FE} lessay . Ze 5._has enough opportunities for interaction? Does the teacher: [1. arrive to class on time? 2. have all the necessary materials ready bbefore beginning the class? 3.__use visual and hearing support materials? 4. establish the learning objective at the beginning of the lesson? 5. use formative assessments fo monitor {earning for these students? 6. situate topies in terms of students” previous knowledge? 7. provide muliple examples of each concept? ‘8 point out “real world” application of concepts? ‘address individuals by name? 10. give students enough opportunities for interaction? 11. make eye contact with students? ‘12. speak at an adequate volume, enunclates L__words clearly and an appropriate pace? L147 [a2 az [cic iq ia = 14 UNED: Acortando distancias Practice Docente'Inglés —_ see _Cédigo: 5028 73, use gestures wih hands and arms? N 14. use legible and visible handwrling on the board? N 75: bring visuals, charts, dlagrams and maps? hs 16. encourage students to participate and use English in the class? N T7. Keep a nice classroom environment al the joo can use ono cr rewards, time? <1 ert i vior Toe Ra OSE coon ude oa and support human erences vitin the KS a ose Near ame vii efile Fa aay? 20. dress appropriately? Zi-uneefecie orl ond won a? 2. keep good contol of he level ofrake and | | ISEME STCCENTS behaved inmgorcpride studon behavior? ir Basiaso clr periatng Te |e oeesareen ee Figare Resiainia atria fa ase ayaa Tocca prea rs that need em? ae HZiqzZ “Adapted trom rubric designed by: Mag. Carolina Gonzalo Hl UNED: Acortando distancias Pra md UNIVESIDAD ESTATAL A DISTANCIA UW) VICERRECTORIA ACADEMICA YW pal ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES Y HUMANIDADES OTD "sti CARRERA ENSENANZA DEL INGLES PARA Y I CICLOS MEETING CONTROL INSTRUMEN’ supenisors name: MSc. Notatia Gawdlez Koper. Students name: Caroling Miranda Sandoval Meeting’s date and time: adou < eptember 8th 2OIH 11:0C00-m- Topics developed: Evaluation of the teenihhy ee plans. Student's signature: ‘Supervisor's signature: as 16 UNED: Acortando distancias

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