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Integrated United States History

Foundations of a New Nation


Eighth Grade Social Studies: Integrated United States History

Unit 1: Foundations of a New Nation1
Big Picture Organizer
Overarching Question:

How do people and conditions interact to bring about change?

Previous Unit:

Seventh Grade Social


This Unit:

Foundations of a New Nation

Next Unit:

Challenges to an
Emerging Nation

Questions To Focus Assessment and Instruction:

1. How are political and philosophical ideas and the experiences of the colonists and Founders
reflected in the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, United States
Constitution, and the Bill of Rights?
2. How did the concept of freedom influence critical issues debated at the Constitutional
Convention (e.g., distribution of political power, conduct of foreign affairs, rights of individuals,
rights of states, election of the executive, and slavery)?

Note: The events of the American Revolution, including battles fought, are the subject of the 5 th grade
content expectations and are not part of the 8th grade curriculum. This unit is intended to emphasize the
political and intellectual basis of the U.S. Constitution.

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Foundations of a New Nation


Graphic Organizer

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Integrated United States History

Foundations of a New Nation


High School Foundations (See USHG F1.1 and F1.2)

Public Issues (See 6.2)

Identify the core ideals of American society as reflected in the documents below and
analyze how American society moved toward or away from its core ideals
Declaration of Independence
the U.S. Constitution (including the Preamble)
Bill of Rights

Balance of Power:

Using the American Revolution and the creation and adoption of the Constitution as
touchstones, develop an argument/narrative about the changing character of American
political society by discussing
the birth of republican government, including the rule of law, inalienable rights,
equality, and limited government
the competing views of the responsibilities of governments (federal, state, and

Distribution of power
among central
government, state
governments, and the

Liberty vs. Security:

Competing interests of
liberty and security

Unit Abstract:
This unit builds the constitutional foundation for the study of nineteenth century American history.
Throughout the unit students analyze the evolution of political thought that resulted in the adoption
of the Constitution. Students begin their studies by exploring what life would be like without
government. Using ideas from the Age of Enlightenment, they apply the natural rights philosophy
and the social contract theory to examine the purposes of government and the meaning of a
constitutional form of government. Next, students build upon what they learned in elementary
school and develop more sophisticated understandings of colonial ideas about government and
how the relationship between Great Britain and her colonies changed after the French and Indian
War.2 As students examine the mounting tensions between Great Britain and its colonies, they
reconsider concepts such as limited government, liberty under the rule of law (republicanism), and
representative government. Using the Declaration of Independence as a touchstone, they
examine how ideas from the Age of Enlightenment, the colonists experiences with selfgovernment, and the changing interactions with Great Britain resulted in the colonists decision to
declare independence. After exploring the colonists arguments in the Declaration, students learn
how to write their own historical argument using evidence to support their assertions. Students
then analyze the reasons for the adoption and subsequent failure of the Articles of Confederation.
They use primary and secondary sources to examine the issues debated at the Constitutional
Convention and analyze how and why the Framers resolved or compromised major concerns. In
doing so, students examine the structure and functioning of the United States government under
the Constitution through the principles of checks and balances, separation of powers, federalism,
limited government, and popular sovereignty. By investigating the branches of government with
particular focus on the powers, limits, structure, and function of each, students learn how the
Constitution dramatically increased the powers of the central government in comparison to the
Articles of Confederation. Students then examine the reasons for the inclusion of the Bill of Rights
by exploring the arguments of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists over ratification of the
Constitution. This unit sets the foundation for the course as students continue to explore the
question: How have critical issues debated at the Constitutional Convention influenced
government and policy throughout United States history?

The French and Indian War is more commonly referenced in the academic world as the Seven Years War.
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Focus Questions
1. How are political and philosophical ideas and the experiences of the colonists and Founders
reflected in the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, United States
Constitution, and the Bill of Rights?
2. How did the concept of freedom influence critical issues debated at the Constitutional
Convention (e.g., distribution of political power, conduct of foreign affairs, rights of
individuals, rights of states, election of the executive, and slavery)?
Content Expectations
8 U3.3.7: Using important documents (e.g., Mayflower Compact, Common Sense, Declaration
of Independence, Northwest Ordinance, Federalists Papers), describe the historical
and philosophical origins of constitutional government in the United States using the
ideas of social compact3, limited government, natural rights, right of revolution,
separation of powers, bicameralism, republicanism, and popular participation in
8 - F1.1:

Describe the ideas, experiences, and interactions that influenced the colonists
decisions to declare independence by analyzing
colonial ideas about government (e.g., limited government, republicanism,
protecting individual rights and promoting the common good, representative
government, natural rights)
experiences with self-government (e.g., House of Burgesses and town meetings)
changing interactions with the royal government of Great Britain after the French
and Indian War.

8 - F1.2:

Using the Declaration of Independence, including the grievances at the end of the
document, describe the role this document played in expressing
colonists views of government
their reasons for separating from Great Britain.

8 - F1.3:

Describe the consequences of the American Revolution by analyzing the

birth of an independent republican government
creation of Articles of Confederation
changing views on freedom and equality
and concerns over distribution of power within [and between] governments,
between government and the governed, and among people. 4

This expectation uses the phrase social compact. This unit uses the term social contract as interchangeable with
social compact since many sources refer to it as a contract rather than compact.
Since much of the early history of the republic centers around the distribution of power between central and state
governments, this document includes that idea in the expectation.
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8 U3.3.1:

Explain the reasons for the adoption and subsequent failure of the Articles of
Confederation (e.g., why its drafters created a weak central government, challenges
the nation faced under the Articles, Shays Rebellion, disputes over western land).

8 U3.3.2:

Identify [the major] economic and political questions facing the nation during the
period of the Articles of Confederation and the opening of the Constitutional

8 U3.3.3:

Describe the major issues debated at the Constitutional Convention including

distribution of political power, conduct of foreign affairs, rights of individuals, rights of
states, election of the executive, and slavery.5

8 U3.3.4:

Explain how the new constitution resolved (or compromised) the major issues
including sharing, separating, and checking of power among federal government
institutions, dual sovereignty (state-federal power) 6, rights of individuals, the Electoral
College7, the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the Great Compromise.

8 U3.3.5:

Analyze the debates over the ratification of the Constitution from the perspectives of
Federalists and Anti-Federalists and describe how the states ratified the Constitution.

8 U3.3.6:

Explain how the Bill of Rights reflected the concept of limited government, protections
of basic freedoms, and the fear of many Americans of a strong central government.

Key Concepts
Articles of Confederation
Declaration of Independence
distribution of power
individual rights
limited government
philosophical and historical origins of the Constitution
popular sovereignty
primary and secondary sources
right of revolution
rule of law
U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights
8 weeks

The phrase as a regional and federal issue has been removed from the expectation for the purposes of historical
accuracy and clarity.
Although it is often described as dual sovereignty, it is really popular sovereignty with powers distributed to different
governments and branches of government.
In this instance, the reference to the Electoral College represents the concept of limits on democracy.
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Lesson Sequence
Lesson 1: Age of Enlightenment - Why Do We Have Government?
Lesson 2: Causes of the American Revolution Experiences in Self-Government
Lesson 3: Causes of the American Revolution Changing Relationship with Great Britain
Lesson 4: Exploring the Declaration of Independence
Lesson 5: Constructing a Historical Argument Using Evidence to Make Your Case
Lesson 6: The Articles of Confederation
Lesson 7: A Convention of Compromises
Lesson 8: The Purposes of Government and the Preamble
Lesson 9: The Legislative Branch
Lesson 10: The Executive Branch
Lesson 11: The Judicial Branch
Lesson 12: Checks and Balances and the Separation of Powers
Lesson 13: Federalism and the Supremacy Clause
Lesson 14: Federalists, Anti-Federalists, and Ratification
Lesson 15: The Bill of Rights
Selected Response Items
Constructed Response Items
Performance Assessments
8 U.3.3.7
8 F1.3
8 U3.3.1
8 U3.3.2
8 U3.3.3
8 U3.3.4
8 U.3.3.7
8 F1.1
8 F1.2
8 U3.3.1
8 U3.3.4
8 U3.3.6
8 F.1.3
8 U3.3.5

Create a picture book for younger children describing the critical issues
debated at the Constitutional Convention and explaining how they were

Write an essay that analyzes how the political and intellectual ideas and the
experiences of the colonists and Founders are reflected in the Declaration of
Independence Articles of Confederation, United States Constitution, and the
Bill of Rights. The essay should address concepts such as natural rights
philosophy, social contract, limited government, individual rights,
republicanism, popular sovereignty, rule of law, right of revolution, and
separation of powers.
Create a political cartoon about a contemporary national public issue. The
cartoon should illustrate differences between Federalists and Anti-Federalists
with respect to concerns over distribution of power within governments,
between government and the governed, and among people.

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Student Resource
The Articles of Confederation. 8 Jan. 2008. 23 July 2008
The Articles of Confederation. The Avalon Project. Yale Law School. 23 July 2008
A Brief Overview of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court of the United States. 23 July 2008
The Constitution and the Federal Judiciary. Understanding the Federal Courts. 23 July 2008
Constitutional Topic: Articles of Confederation. The United States Constitution Online. 23 July 2008
The Court and Constitutional Interpretation. The Supreme Court of the United States. 9 May 2008
Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 reported by James Madison: June 18. Avalon Project
at Yale Law School. 23 July 2008 <>.
The Executive Branch Presidency. Congress for Kids. The Dirksen Center. 23 July 2008
The Federal Courts and American Government. Understanding the Federal Courts. 23 July 2008
The Great Compromise. Congress for Kids. 23 July 2008
The House of Burgesses. Britain in the New World. Beyond Books. 23 July 2008
Interactive Constitution. National Constitution Center. 23 July 2008
Issues: Free Speech. The American Civil Liberties Union. 23 July 2008

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Lesson 1: Why Do We Need a Government? The Center for Civic Education. 23 July 2008
The Making of the Constitution. Social Studies for Kids. 23 July 2008
McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum. 23 July 2008 <>.
Problems with the Articles. The Making of the Constitution. Social Studies for Kids. 23 July 2008
Shays Rebellion. The Robinson Library. 23 July 2008
Shays Rebellion (1786-87) and the Constitution. Calliope. 23 July 2008
Thomas: Legislative Information Available on the Internet. Library of Congress. 2003. 23 July 2008
The United States Constitution. National Archives. 23 July 2008 <>.
United States Constitution, Article I. US 23 July 2008
United States Constitution Preamble. Cornell Law School. 23 July 2008
United States House of Representatives. 23 July 2008 <>.
United States Senate. 23 July 2008 <>.
The Virginia House of Burgesses. Social Studies for Kids. 23 July 2008
The White House. 23 July 2008 <>.
Teacher Resource
Address to the People of the State of New York by the Hon. John Jay. Library of Congress.
Learning Page. 23 July 2008
The Almost Painless Guide to the Judicial Branch. United Learning. 1998. United Streaming. 23
July 2008 <>.
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The Almost Painless Guide to the U.S. Constitution. United Learning. 1999. United Streaming. 23
July 2008 <>.
American History: Road to Revolution. Discovery Channel School. 2006. United Streaming. 23 July
2008 <>.
Anti-Federalist Papers. The Constitution Society. 23 July 2008
The Anti-Federalist Papers. From Revolution to Reconstruction. 23 July 2008
The Anti-Federalist Papers. Speech of Patrick Henry, June 7, 1788. From Revolution to
Reconstruction. 23 July 2008 <>.
Articles of Confederation. The U.S. Constitution Online. 23 July 2008
The Articles of Confederation. The University of Oklahoma Law Center. 23 July 2008
Baron de Montesquieu. 23 July 2008 <>.
Benedict, James A., Revolution and Constitution 1763-1791. Rocky River, OH: The Center for
Learning, 2000. 53-55.
The Bill of Rights. Library of Congress. 23 July 2008 <
Bjornlund, Lydia. The U.S. Constitution: Blueprint for Democracy. San Diego, CA: Lucent Books,
Inc., 1999.
Bodenhamer, David J. Federalism and Democracy. Federalism Checks the Power of the Central
Government: Historian discusses interplay between state and national governments. 2 Jan. 2007. 23 July 2008 <>.
Cababe, Louise. Alexander S. Frazier, Janet Stowell Garza, Howard M. Jacobs, and Jeanne M.
Kish, ed. U.S. History: Beginnings to 1876. Rocky River, OH: The Center for Learning, 1997.
55, 61-62, 73-76, 81-87.
Caliguire, Augustine. U.S. History Book 1: America: Creating the Dream, Beginnings to 1865.
Calabasas, CA: The Center for Learning, 2000. 71-76.
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Cato. Letter VII. New York Journal. Jan. 3, 1788. 23 July 2008
Checks and Balances. Congress for Kids. 23 July 2008
The Checks and Balances System: A Worksheet. Cyber Learning. 23 July 2008
Commager, Henry S., ed. Selections from The Federalist: Hamilton, Madison, Jay. Wheeling, IL:
Harlan Davidson, Inc., 1949.
The Constitution: A History. National Archives and Records Administration. Charters of Freedom.
23 July 2008 <>.
The Constitution and the Idea of Compromise: The Slavery Compromises. Rediscovering George
Washington. The Claremont Institute. 2002. 9 May 2008
Constitutional Topic: Federalists and Anti-Federalists. United States Constitution Online. 23 July
2008 <>.
Constitutional Topic: The Constitutional Convention. The United States Constitution Online. 23 July
2008 <>.
Countdown to Independence: Causes of the American Revolution. Rainbow Educational Media.
1993. United Streaming. 23 July 2008 <>.
Courts. 23 July 2008 <>.
Creating A Bill of Rights. Ed. Jamie Fratello Staub. 12 July 1998. The Academy Social Studies
Curricular Exchange, Columbia Education Center. 23 July 2008
Creating a New Nation. Liberty! The American Revolution. PBS. 23 July 2008
The Declaration of Independence. Library of Congress. 23 July 2008
The Declaration of Independence and Natural Rights. Foundations of Our Constitution.
Constitutional Rights Foundation. 23 July 2008 <>.

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Documents and Artifacts from the Revolutionary War Library. How Stuff Works. 23 July 2008
Elbridge Gerrys Reasons for Not Signing the Federal Constitution. Library of Congress. 23 July
Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Thinkquest. 23 July 2008
The Federalists and Anti-Federalists. The Constitution: A History. National Archives and Records
Administration. 23 July 2008 <>.
Federalists Papers. THOMAS. Library of Congress. 23 July 2008
The Federalist Papers, Federalist No. 2. THOMAS. Library of Congress. 23 July 2008
Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists. The Study Stack. 23 July 2008
Forms of Government. Politics 23 July 2008
Foundations of Our Constitution. Constitutional Rights Foundation. 23 July 2008 <>.
Gorin, Stuart. Overview of the US Judicial System. US Embassy. 23 July 2008
The Great Compromise A House Divided. Dirksen Congressional Center. 23 July 2008
Grolier Presents The American Presidency. 23 July 2008
Hofstadter, Richard, ed. Great Issues in American History Volume II: From the Revolution to the
Civil War, 1765-1865. New York: Random House, 1969. 75-139.
Independence Timeline. The Henry Ford. 23 July 2008

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Landmark Supreme Court Cases. Bill of Rights Institute. 23 July 2008

Landmark Supeme Court Cases. Street Law and the Supreme Court Historical Society. 23 July
2008 <>.
Lesson 1: Why Do We Need a Government? The Center for Civic Education. 23 July 2008
Monk, Linda R. The Words We Live By: Your Annotated Guide to the Constitution. Hyperion/ A
Stonesong Press Book, 2003.
Nation in Crisis (Revised), A. AIMS Multimedia. 2000. United Streaming. 23 July2008
The New Jersey Plan. Principles of Freedom. Colonial Williamsburg. 23 July 2008
Our Constitution: The Document that Gave Birth to a Nation. Rainbow Educational Media. 1988.
United Streaming. 23 July 2008 <>.
Outline of U.S. Government. U.S. Department of State. 23 July 2008
Preamble, U.S. Constitution. 23 July 2008
Recent Decisions. The Supreme Court of the United States. 23 July 2008
Republicanism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 23 July 2008
Schillings, Denny. The Living Constitution. New York: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. 1997. T12-T15, T26,
Seeds of Liberty: Causes of the American Revolution. Rainbow Educational Media. 1993. United
Streaming. 1 May 2008 <>
Seven Roles for one President. Scholastic. 23 July 2008
Shays Rebellion (1786-87) and the Constitution. Calliope Film Resources, Inc. 23 July 2008

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The Signing of the Constitution. U.S. Senate. Republican Policy Committee. 23 July 2008
Speech of James Wilson. 23 July 2008 <>.
System of Checks and Balances. Cyber Learning. 23 July 2008 <>.
Three-Fifths Compromise. Digital History. 2003. 23 July 2008
Understanding the Constitution: Creating the Federal Government. Discovery Education. 2001.
United Streaming. 23 July 2008 <>.
Understanding the Constitution: The Legislative Branch. Discovery Education. 2001. United
Streaming. 23 July 2008 <>.
Understanding the Federal Courts. 23 July 2008 <>.
United States History: Connecting the Past to the Present. Prince William County Public Schools.
VA. 23 July 2008 <>.
United States History: 1760-1800: Forming a New Nation. AIMS Multimedia. 1996. United
Streaming. 23 July 2008 <>.
Urofsky, Melvin I., Introduction: The Root Principles of Democracy. Democracy Papers. State
Department of the U.S. Government. 23 July 2008
U.S. Constitution: Eighth Amendment. Find Law. 23 July 2008
U.S. Constitution: Fifth Amendment. Find Law. 23 July 2008
U.S. Constitution: First Amendment. Find Law. 23 July 2008
U.S. Constitution: Fourth Amendment. Find Law. 23 July 2008
U.S. Constitution: Ninth Amendment. Find Law. 23 July 2008
U.S. Constitution: Second Amendment. Find Law. 23 July 2008
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U.S. Constitution: Seventh Amendment. Find Law. 23 July 2008

U.S. Constitution: Sixth Amendment. Find Law. 23 July 2008
U.S. Constitution: Tenth Amendment. Find Law. 23 July 2008
U.S. Constitution: Third Amendment. Find Law. 23 July 2008
U.S. Electoral College. National Archives and Records Administration. 23 July 2008
The Virginia Plan. Principles of Freedom. Colonial Williamsburg. 23 July 2008
Virginia Time Line, 1760-1776. Colonial Williamsburg. 23 July 2008
We the People. Calabasas, CA: Center for Civic Education, 2007.
The White House: The Judicial Branch. 23 July 2008
Written Document Analysis Worksheet. National Archives and Records Administration. 23 July
Resources for Further Professional Knowledge
Bailyn, Bernard. The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution. Massachusetts: Belknap
Press, 1992.
Bailyn, Bernard. The Origins of American Politics. New York: Vintage Books, 1970.
Foner, Eric and John Garrity, eds. Reader's Companion to American History. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 1991.
Lutz, Donald. The Origins of American Constitutionalism. Louisiana: Louisiana State University
Press, 1988.
Wood, Gordon. The Radicalism of the American Revolution. New York: Vintage Books, 1992.

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Instructional Organization
Lesson 1: Age of Enlightenment - Why Do We Have Government?
Content Expectations:
8 U3.3.7: Using important documents (e.g., Mayflower Compact, Common Sense, Declaration
of Independence, Northwest Ordinance, Federalists Papers), describe the historical
and philosophical origins of constitutional government in the United States using the
ideas of social compact, limited government, natural rights, right of revolution,
separation of powers, bicameralism, republicanism, and popular participation in
Key Concepts: individual rights, limited government, philosophical and historical origins of the
Constitution, popular sovereignty, right of revolution, rule of law
Lesson 2: Causes of the American Revolution Experiences in Self-Government
Content Expectations:
8 - F1.1:
Describe the ideas, experiences, and interactions that influenced the colonists
decisions to declare independence by analyzing
colonial ideas about government (e.g., limited government, republicanism,
protecting individual rights and promoting the common good, representative
government, natural rights)
experiences with self-government (e.g., House of Burgesses and town meetings)
changing interactions with the royal government of Great Britain after the French
and Indian War.
Key Concepts: Declaration of Independence, individual rights, limited government, philosophical
and historical origins of the Constitution, popular sovereignty, rule of law
Lesson 3: Causes of the American Revolution Changing Relationship with Great Britain
Content Expectations:
8 - F1.1:
Describe the ideas, experiences, and interactions that influenced the colonists
decisions to declare independence by analyzing
colonial ideas about government (e.g., limited government, republicanism,
protecting individual rights and promoting the common good, representative
government, natural rights)
experiences with self-government (e.g., House of Burgesses and town meetings)
changing interactions with the royal government of Great Britain after the French
and Indian War.

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8 - F1.2:


Using the Declaration of Independence, including the grievances at the end of the
document, describe the role this document played in expressing
colonists views of government
their reasons for separating from Great Britain.

Key Concepts: Declaration of Independence, individual rights, limited government, philosophical

and historical origins of the Constitution, popular sovereignty, primary and secondary sources, right
of revolution, rule of law
Lesson 4: Exploring the Declaration of Independence
Content Expectations:
8 U3.3.7: Using important documents (e.g., Mayflower Compact, Common Sense, Declaration
of Independence, Northwest Ordinance, Federalists Papers), describe the historical
and philosophical origins of constitutional government in the United States using the
ideas of social compact, limited government, natural rights, right of revolution,
separation of powers, bicameralism, republicanism, and popular participation in
8 - F1.1:

Describe the ideas, experiences, and interactions that influenced the colonists
decisions to declare independence by analyzing
colonial ideas about government (e.g., limited government, republicanism,
protecting individual rights and promoting the common good, representative
government, natural rights)
experiences with self-government (e.g., House of Burgesses and town meetings)
changing interactions with the royal government of Great Britain after the French
and Indian War.

8 - F1.2:

Using the Declaration of Independence, including the grievances at the end of the
document, describe the role this document played in expressing
colonists views of government
their reasons for separating from Great Britain.

Key Concepts: Declaration of Independence, individual rights, limited government, philosophical

and historical origins of the Constitution, popular sovereignty, primary and secondary sources, right
of revolution, rule of law
Lesson 5: Constructing a Historical Argument Using Evidence to Make Your Case
Content Expectations:
8 U3.3.7: Using important documents (e.g., Mayflower Compact, Common Sense, Declaration
of Independence, Northwest Ordinance, Federalists Papers), describe the historical
and philosophical origins of constitutional government in the United States using the
ideas of social compact, limited government, natural rights, right of revolution,
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separation of powers, bicameralism, republicanism, and popular participation in

8 - F1.1:

Describe the ideas, experiences, and interactions that influenced the colonists
decisions to declare independence by analyzing
colonial ideas about government (e.g., limited government, republicanism,
protecting individual rights and promoting the common good, representative
government, natural rights)
experiences with self-government (e.g., House of Burgesses and town meetings)
changing interactions with the royal government of Great Britain after the French
and Indian War.

8 - F1.2:

Using the Declaration of Independence, including the grievances at the end of the
document, describe the role this document played in expressing
colonists views of government
their reasons for separating from Great Britain.

Key Concepts: Declaration of Independence, distribution of power, federalism, individual rights,

limited government, philosophical and historical origins of the Constitution, popular sovereignty,
primary and secondary sources, right of revolution, rule of law
Lesson 6: The Articles of Confederation
Content Expectations:
8 - F1.3:
Describe the consequences of the American Revolution by analyzing the
birth of an independent republican government
creation of Articles of Confederation
changing views on freedom and equality
and concerns over distribution of power within [and between] governments,
between government and the governed, and among people.
8 U3.3.1:

Explain the reasons for the adoption and subsequent failure of the Articles of
Confederation (e.g., why its drafters created a weak central government, challenges
the nation faced under the Articles, Shays Rebellion, disputes over western land).

8 U3.3.2:

Identify economic and political questions facing the nation during the period of the
Articles of Confederation and the opening of the Constitutional Convention.

Key Concepts: Articles of Confederation, distribution of power, individual rights, limited


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Lesson 7: A Convention of Compromises

Content Expectations:
8 U3.3.1: Explain the reasons for the adoption and subsequent failure of the Articles of
Confederation (e.g., why its drafters created a weak central government, challenges
the nation faced under the Articles, Shays Rebellion, disputes over western land).
8 - F1.3:

Describe the consequences of the American Revolution by analyzing the

birth of an independent republican government
creation of Articles of Confederation
changing views on freedom and equality
and concerns over distribution of power within [and between] governments,
between government and the governed, and among people.

8 U3.3.2:

Identify economic and political questions facing the nation during the period of the
Articles of Confederation and the opening of the Constitutional Convention.

8 U3.3.3:

Describe the major issues debated at the Constitutional Convention including

distribution of political power, conduct of foreign affairs, rights of individuals, rights of
states, election of the executive, and slavery.

8 U3.3.4:

Explain how the new constitution resolved (or compromised) the major issues
including sharing, separating, and checking of power among federal government
institutions, dual sovereignty (state-federal power), rights of individuals, the Electoral
College, the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the Great Compromise.

Key Concepts: Articles of Confederation, distribution of power, federalism, Federalists/AntiFederalists, individual rights, limited government, popular sovereignty, rule of law, U.S. Constitution
and Bill of Rights
Lesson 8: The Purposes of Government and the Preamble
Content Expectations:
8 U3.3.7: Using important documents (e.g., Mayflower Compact, Common Sense, Declaration
of Independence, Northwest Ordinance, Federalists Papers), describe the historical
and philosophical origins of constitutional government in the United States using the
ideas of social compact, limited government, natural rights, right of revolution,
separation of powers, bicameralism, republicanism, and popular participation in
Key Concepts: Articles of Confederation, Declaration of Independence, individual rights, limited
government, philosophical and historical origins of the Constitution, popular sovereignty, right of
revolution, rule of law, U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights

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Lesson 9: The Legislative Branch

Content Expectations:
8 U3.3.4: Explain how the new constitution resolved (or compromised) the major issues
including sharing, separating, and checking of power among federal government
institutions, dual sovereignty (state-federal power), rights of individuals, the Electoral
College, the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the Great Compromise.
Key Concepts: distribution of power, federalism, limited government, philosophical and historical
origins of the Constitution, popular sovereignty, U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights,
Lesson 10: The Executive Branch
Content Expectations:
8 U3.3.4: Explain how the new constitution resolved (or compromised) the major issues
including sharing, separating, and checking of power among federal government
institutions, dual sovereignty (state-federal power), rights of individuals, the Electoral
College, the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the Great Compromise.
Key Concepts: distribution of power, federalism, limited government, philosophical and historical
origins of the Constitution, popular sovereignty, U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights
Lesson 11: The Judicial Branch
Content Expectations:
8 U3.3.4: Explain how the new constitution resolved (or compromised) the major issues
including sharing, separating, and checking of power among federal government
institutions, dual sovereignty (state-federal power), rights of individuals, the Electoral
College, the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the Great Compromise.
Key Concepts: distribution of power, federalism, limited government, rule of law, U.S.
Constitution and Bill of Rights
Lesson 12: Checks and Balances and the Separation of Powers
Content Expectations:
8 U3.3.7: Using important documents (e.g., Mayflower Compact, Common Sense, Declaration
of Independence, Northwest Ordinance, Federalists Papers), describe the historical
and philosophical origins of constitutional government in the United States using the
ideas of social compact, limited government, natural rights, right of revolution,
separation of powers, bicameralism, republicanism, and popular participation in

Michigan Citizenship Collaborative Curriculum

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October 28, 2008

Integrated United States History

Foundations of a New Nation


8 - F1.3:

Describe the consequences of the American Revolution by analyzing the

birth of an independent republican government
creation of Articles of Confederation
changing views on freedom and equality
and concerns over distribution of power within [and between] governments,
between government and the governed, and among people.

8 U3.3.4:

Explain how the new constitution resolved (or compromised) the major issues
including sharing, separating, and checking of power among federal government
institutions, dual sovereignty (state-federal power), rights of individuals, the Electoral
College, the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the Great Compromise.

Key Concepts: distribution of power, limited government, U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights,
Lesson 13: Federalism and the Supremacy Clause
Content Expectations:
8 - F1.3:
Describe the consequences of the American Revolution by analyzing the
birth of an independent republican government
creation of Articles of Confederation
changing views on freedom and equality
and concerns over distribution of power within [and between] governments,
between government and the governed, and among people.
8 U3.3.4:

Explain how the new constitution resolved (or compromised) the major issues
including sharing, separating, and checking of power among federal government
institutions, dual sovereignty (state-federal power), rights of individuals, the Electoral
College, the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the Great Compromise.

Key Concepts: distribution of power, federalism, limited government, rule of law, U.S. Constitution
and Bill of Rights,
Lesson 14: Federalists, Anti-Federalists, and Ratification
Content Expectations:
8 U3.3.7: Using important documents (e.g., Mayflower Compact, Common Sense, Declaration
of Independence, Northwest Ordinance, Federalists Papers), describe the historical
and philosophical origins of constitutional government in the United States using the
ideas of social compact, limited government, natural rights, right of revolution,
separation of powers, bicameralism, republicanism, and popular participation in
8 - F1.3:

Describe the consequences of the American Revolution by analyzing the

Michigan Citizenship Collaborative Curriculum

Page 20 of 21
October 28, 2008

Integrated United States History

Foundations of a New Nation


birth of an independent republican government

creation of Articles of Confederation
changing views on freedom and equality
and concerns over distribution of power within [and between] governments,
between government and the governed, and among people.

8 U3.3.3:

Describe the major issues debated at the Constitutional Convention including

distribution of political power, conduct of foreign affairs, rights of individuals, rights of
states, election of the executive, and slavery.

8 U3.3.4:

Explain how the new constitution resolved (or compromised) the major issues
including sharing, separating, and checking of power among federal government
institutions, dual sovereignty (state-federal power), rights of individuals, the Electoral
College, the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the Great Compromise.

8 U3.3.5:

Analyze the debates over the ratification of the Constitution from the perspectives of
Federalists and Anti-Federalists and describe how the states ratified the Constitution.

Key Concepts: distribution of power, federalism, Federalists/Anti-Federalists, individual rights,

limited government, philosophical and historical origins of the Constitution, primary and secondary
sources, right of revolution, rule of law, U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights
Lesson 15: The Bill of Rights
Content Expectations:
8 - F1.3:
Describe the consequences of the American Revolution by analyzing the
birth of an independent republican government
creation of Articles of Confederation
changing views on freedom and equality
and concerns over distribution of power within [and between] governments,
between government and the governed, and among people.
8 U3.3.6:

Explain how the Bill of Rights reflected the concept of limited government, protections
of basic freedoms, and the fear of many Americans of a strong central government.

Key Concepts: distribution of power, Federalists/Anti-Federalists, individual rights, limited

government, U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights

Michigan Citizenship Collaborative Curriculum

Page 21 of 21
October 28, 2008

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