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COORDINATE SYSTEM AND evan: DIMENSIONING veo Modular Arrangements in Building Practice co ‘The units for the modular arrangement are M = 100mm for itera 30 | the basic module and 3M ~ 300mm, 6M = 600mm, and : 32M = 1200mm, for the multi-modules, The limited sera aesnesuninaee multiples of the proferced numerical series are generated in ani this way. The coordinate dimensions - theoretical standard vee dimensions ~ are, ideally, generated from these. These limitations are the result of functional, constructional and economic factors.) In addition, thore aro standardised, non-modular extending dimensions, |= 25mm, 50mm and 75mm, @.g., for ‘matching and overlapping connection of components, ‘The coordinate system in practical usage Usina rules of combination. different sizes af companante can also be arranged within a modular coordinate system. 6 With the help of calculations with numerical groups (e.9. Pythagoras) or by factorisation (e.g. continued fractions, non-rectangular components can algo be arranged within a modular coordinate systom. » Q) + @) By constructing polygonal traverses (e.g. triangular, rectangular, pentagonal and the halves of the same), the so called ‘round! building structures can be devised Using modular arrangements, technical areas such a8 th for structural engineering, electrotechnology, transport ‘Enample application, sloping Compensating measure on ation, which are dependent on each other from a oot © wom ‘geometrical and dimensional viewpoint, can be combined, ttt ® © Modu neygonat averse (@) Example te kao of echic eing mar erngeents potvgnal waves te ple 35

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