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1. Human passion motivates action.

Discuss this statement

with reference to at least two texts that you have studied.
2. Discuss the importance of dramatic technique in the
playwrights discussion of themes with reference to at least
two texts that you have studied
3. Comment on the effective portrayal of family relations and
parent child relationship in any two dramas
4. A good play must be seen as the product of its age although
it will also inevitably reflect the ideas and assumptions of its
audience in any subsequent era. Discuss this statement
with close reference to ONE Shakespearean and any other
play that you have studied
5. When we read a play or see its performance, there is usually
one episode or scene that reveals clearly the main theme of
the play. With reference to ONE Shakespearean and any
other play on this course, show how ONE episode or scene in
EACH reveals clearly the main theme of the play.

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