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Grades: 2nd & 3rd

Coil Bird Nests

Medium: Ceramics
Durations: 2- 1 Hour

Kansas State Standard VA:Basic:1.3.3


Standard 1: Understanding & Applying Media, Techniques, & Processes.

Benchmark 3: The student experiments with various media, techniques, &
process to develop manipulative skills.
Indicator 3: Correctly follows the steps of a process.

2.5-3in Lids


Tempera Paint
Paint Brushes

Students will create round coils of varying thickness.

Students will utilize the 4Ss method (slip, score, squish, smooth) to
construct their coil bird nest.

Students will learn about the coloring of bird eggs to paint a nest of eggs
based on nature.

Elements of Art
Form, Texture

Principles of Design

Art Production
1Hour- 4Ss, Rolling Coils, Make Bird Nest
1 Hour
Anticipatory Set: 10 Amazing Bird Nests Video (3minutes)
Demonstrate: Show students the 4Ss: Score, Slip, Squish, Smooth. Demonstrate
how to form a clay coil (roll with two hands) and spiral it to create the bottom
using the 4Ss method. Demonstrate stacking coils on top of one another using 4Ss
method. Demonstrate creating eggs and attaching using 4Ss.
Check for Understanding: Have students recite the 4Ss. Ask for questions.
Guided Practice:
1. Distribute materials needed to complete the assignment (individual: ball of
clay, name tag. On tables: toothpicks, slip).
2. Base- Roll a small ball of clay. Press it down lightly, flip it over and press
more. Repeat until the base is as tall as a pencil width and as big around as
a white lid (3inches).
3. Coils- Roll out a series of coils to build your bird nest. Not all the coils
need to be the same size but they should be even all the way across.
Connect each using the 4Ss method. Create a bowl shape as you build up
with your coils
4. Eggs- Roll out 2-4 small balls. Push a little harder on one side of the ball to
create an egg shape. Poke a hole in each one using the toothpick. Use the
4Ss method to connect them to the bottom of your coil nest.

Coil Bird Nests

Coil a hand building technique used to

construct ceramic forms by rolling out coils
or ropes of clay and joining them together
with the fingers and various smoothing
4Ss Score both pieces, Slip both pieces,
Squish them together, Smooth the edges.
Score to draw or scratch lines into the clay
surface, to either connect two pieces of clay
or add texture.
Slip watered down clay used as the glue
to connect pieces of clay. Slip can also be
applied to clay to give it a smooth finish.
Greenware clay before it has been fired in
the kiln.
Bisqueware Clay objects that have been
fired one time. At this stage, clay is ready to
be stained, painted or glazed.


Once the students have finished their coil nests, have them raise their hand for
the instructor to come check their attachments.
Finally, have the students carefully place their coil bird nests on the
ceramics table with their nametag. Students should then go wash their
hands. (When carving names into the bottom later, also poke holes
through the bottom up into the eggs to reduce possibility of explosion in

Closure: After everyone has had a chance to wash their hands. Review with
students what the 4Ss stand for. Ask them to tell you each. This can be done when
they are lined up and ready to go at the door. Let students know that it will take a
long time for their nests to dry out and be fired so well have to be patient waiting
for them.

Art History/Resources
10 Amazing Bird Nests:


1Hour- PPT Bird Nests & Eggs
1 Hour
Anticipatory Set: What color are birds eggs? (Take 3 answers)
Input: BirdEggs.PPT
Demonstrate: Show students the proper way to use the brush on clay pieces.
Sliding the brush around the outside not stabbing and scrubbing into the clay.
Guided Practice: Students should begin by painting their nests with brown
tempera paint. They may mix a little white in if they would like a lighter colored
nest. After painting the nest, students should wash out their brush in the water jug.
Then they may begin painting their eggs with whatever colors they like. (Provide a
variety of colors: white, tan, blue, yellow, pink, red, etc.) If they would like to add
speckles they should rinse out their brush and use the wrong side or back end to
dip in paint and dot the eggs. Once finished painting students should raise their
hand for approval.
Closure: Students should place finished painted nests on clay table. Wash out
brushes and wash hands. Next time students come in for class they will be able to
take home their finished birds nests.

Aesthetic Questions
Is this a functional piece of ceramics or an aesthetic piece?

Art Criticism/Analysis Questions

What are the 4Ss?
Did you appropriately use the 4S method to build your nest?
What happens to your nest if you dont build it correctly?
Is our nest a shape or a form?
Why arent we smoothing out all the coils into one big shape?
Does leaving the coils visible add texture?

Coil Bird Nests

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