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Shelby Knight

Bowie Elementary School

Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Format

1. Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS): These should be spelled
out in the plan. Listing the numbers is not enough.
5th Grade

(2) Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students Understand

vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. Students are
expected to:
adages, and

(D) Identify and explain the meaning of common idioms,

other sayings.

2. English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS): (choose at least 1

ELPS from 2 domains Listening, Speaking, Reading, or Writing)
(2) Listening: The student is expected to:
(C) Learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic
vocabulary heard
during classroom instruction and interactions
(4) Reading: The student is expected to:
(F) use visual and contextual support and support from peers and teachers to
read grade appropriate content area text, enhance and confirm understanding,
and develop vocabulary, grasp of language structures, and background
knowledge needed to comprehend increasingly challenging language.
3. Assessment of Student Learning
a. Describe how you know your objective was met (class average score on
I will have a lesson pre-test. Students will take this test and show me how
much they know about idioms. Then after the lesson is over I will have them take
the same test again.
b. Assessment Tools: (please attach)
i. Idiom Post-Test
c. Quality Standards: (How good is good enough?)
i. Must score at 80% or better.
4. Objective
a. Measurable objective: The learner will identify 30 idioms with their
meanings on a worksheet with 80% accuracy.
5. Rationale
Why is this lesson important for students learn? How is it relevant to
students lives?

Students will develop an understanding of idioms to expand their vocabulary and understanding
of reading. This is important because idioms are a part of common language. Students need to be
able to understand the figurative meanings so that they are not confused when people use idioms
in everyday conversation. Idioms also make writing more interesting and colorful.

Shelby Knight
Bowie Elementary School

6. Lesson Set Up/Management Strategies

How will you gain students attention and state behavioral expectations?
I will blow on my pitch pipe and sing one, two, students will sing back all
eyes on
you, while pointing at me. Teacher will demonstrate this,
then as a class we will
We will go over behavioral expectations on the overhead. They will be posted
afterword on
the board in the front of the classroom.
Sit quietly, keeping your hands and feet to yourself.
If you have a question or a comment, please raise your hand and wait
for me to call
on you.
Be respectful of the other students ideas.
Be good listeners.
How will you arrange the students for cooperative learning structure in
guided practice?
The students will have partners. I will number them off with ones and twos.
7. Introduction/Anticipatory Set
How will you motivate students? What will be done to hook their attention
and excite them about the lesson?
Discuss what an idiom is.
Idioms are expressions that are a figurative language not to be taken literally.
Literally means: exactly what the words say.
Play video clip from Big Hero 6.
We will read More Parts by Tedd Arnold
How could you connect to prior knowledge, if applicable? Relate to whole text
students have read?
Teacher will ask the following questions to connect prior knowledge:
Remember when you learned idioms in fourth grade? Your teacher did a big
unit on idioms.
Today should be a review for the most part.
Tell students what they will learn and why it is useful/important to learn.
As we are authors we can use this higher level language to express ourselves.
8. Model & Explain I/Teacher does it
(You may use bullet points
but must write complete sentences. Make sure your plan flows.)
Teacher will present own drawing of idiom and created sentence from a chosen
Discuss as a class what teacher did and how she did it.

Shelby Knight
Bowie Elementary School

Other questions to think about:

How will you relate material to students lives?
I am in a bilingual classroom so stating that What if English wasnt your first
language? relates to the students.
What visuals and other appropriate materials will you use to present information?
The idiom posters are my visuals.
Check for understanding when appropriate throughout the lesson. Use
statements such as, What would you do first? After that what do you do next?
Avoid questions that can be answered with a yes or no response. Use
strategies such as thumbs up/thumbs down, student response cards,
cooperative learning structures.
Students will discuss with a partner what idioms are and give each other an
example or two. Have one or two volunteers share their examples.
9. Guided Practice - We/Students together do it! (Must be done with a
Cooperative Learning Structure)
Teacher will give out idiom posters (picture of idiom, definition of idiom,
sentence using idiom) to each group of partners (2 students per poster.)
Each set of partners will do a Rally Coach:
The teacher will give out one idiom poster.
Partner A will draw a new picture, and make up a new sentence for the idiom
poster given; partner B will watch, check, and praise.
Partner B will draw a new picture, and make up a new sentence for the idiom
poster given; partner A will watch, check, and praise.
This will be done on an idiom graphic organizer.
What strategies will you use for monitoring progress?
Teacher roams around room monitoring groups; provides guidance as
students practice.
Check for understanding - When practice is complete, how will you check
for understanding?
Teacher will call names from popsicle sticks for volunteers to share work. The
class will give thumbs up/thumbs down for a response.
Include a sponge activity that relates to objective.
10. Independent Practice You/Students individually do it!
Tell how students will complete the task/skill/strategy on their own (make
sure that it relates directly to guided practice and objective)-be descriptive!

Shelby Knight
Bowie Elementary School

How will you model/explain how students will complete the

What will students be expected to do on the independent practice? (give
an example question, if applicable).
Students will complete Idiom post-test.
Include a sponge activity that relates to objective.

11. Closure
As a class we will review what an idiom is, why they are important, and how they
relate to out lives.
12. Planned Modifications / Accommodations
GT- The GT students will be given the sponge activities to complete if they finish
the assignment early.
SPED- Review and restate all directions and questions. Ask multiple questions for
ELL- Read slower, follow along words with finger as you are reading. Teaching
will be explicit with lots of practice and images.
Behavioral- Follow BIP, follow IEP while lesson is happening. Follow through with
rules and regulations. Be specific when giving directions.
13. Materials
Teacher Materials and Student Materials
Idiom worksheet 1
Idiom worksheet 2
Markers, crayons
Pictures of examples
Overhead projector
More Parts by Tedd Arnold
Big Hero 6 movie clip
Idiom Posters
Idiom Pre-Test
Idiom Post-Test
Idiom graphic organizer
14. Resources used in planning this lesson (where did you get information,
lessons, etc) If you borrowed ideas, words, etc. from other sources, including the
internet, you must give credit where credit is due.

Shelby Knight
Bowie Elementary School

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