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Basics of

PR/Communication Skills

What Public Relations Is?

Public Relations practice is
the deliberate,planned and
effort to establish
and maintain
understanding between an
organisation and its public.
The Institute of Public Relations (IPR)

What Public Relations Is?

Public Relations consists of
all forms of planned
and inwards, between an
organisation and its publics
for the purpose of achieving
specific objectives concerning
Frank Jefkins

Communication is the core of

Public Relations!
The Age of Mass Communication
/after Gutenberg/
The Age of the Global Information
/McInformation Age/

Communication is the core of

Public Relations!

Raison daitre of Communication is


What Public Relations is not?

PR is not free advertising

PR is not propaganda
PR is not the same as publicity

The main purpose of PR is to establish a twoway communication to resolve conflicts of interest

by seeking common ground or areas of mutual
interest and to build the confidence between
organizations and public /society/.

Methodology of public relations

Our main task is to transform:
Ignorance into Knowledge,
Apathy into Interest,
Prejudice into Acceptance,
Hostility into Trust !

How to work with the public?

Problem definition
Creation of strategy
Creation of tactics
Monitoring and evaluation

Techniques of work with the public

Organization of meetings, seminars,
roundtables, discussions, presentations;
Informal meetings and contacts;
Lobbying (direct, indirect);
Public opinion leaders;
Printed materials;
Notice boards;
Telephone hotlines;
Internet dialogue;

Techniques of work with the public

Organization of pseudo/media/-events:
Unveiling a new site;
Jubilee of person, organization;
Problem solution.

Answers to citizen complaints, letters and

Information bulletins;
Reception room;
Checks on problem cases, medical errors;
Using third persons.

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