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conservative treatment treatment designed to avoid radical medical therapeutic measuresor operati

ve procedures.
empirical treatment
treatment by means that experience has proved to be beneficial.

expectant treatment
treatment directed toward relief of untoward clinical signs, leaving the cure of thedisease to natural for

palliative treatment
treatment that is designed to relieve pain and distress, but does not attempt a cure.

specific treatment
treatment particularly adapted to the special disease being treated.

supporting treatment
that which is mainly directed to sustaining the strength of the patient.

active treatment treatment directed immediately to the cure of the disease or injury.
prophylactic treatment prophylaxis.
symptomatic treatment expectant t.

a method of combating, ameliorating, or preventing a disease, disorder, or injury. Active orcurative tr
eatment is designed to cure; palliative treatment is directed to relieve pain anddistress; prophylactic tr
eatment is for the prevention of a disease or disorder; causaltreatment focuses on the cause of a diso
rder; conservative treatment avoids radicalmeasures and procedures; empiric treatment uses metho
ds shown to be beneficial byexperience; rational treatment is based on a knowledge of a disease pro
cess and theaction of the measures used. Treatment may be pharmacologic, using drugs; surgical,i
nvolving operative procedures; or supportive building the patient's strength. It may bespecific for the
disorder, or symptomatic to relieve symptoms without effecting a cure.

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