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Independent variable: Size of the company ($ Millions)

Dependent variable: Share price
2. Scatter plot:

3. Correlation coefficient = 0.466

This shows that the relationship is positive, and moderate (since it lies
within 0.3-0.5).
4. Coefficient of determination R-square = 0.217
This means that 21.7% of the variation in share price can be explained by
variation in the size of the company.
5. Using tables for correlation coefficient, we get a p-value of 0.04.
Thus, since this is less than the level of significance, we can conclude that
the correlation is significant, and there is a positive relationship between
the variables.
6. Regression equation:
Price per Share = 10.67 + 0.003*Size of the Company
7. Slope = 0.003. This means that for every change in the size of the
company by 1 million $, share price changes by 0.003.
8. Intercept = 10.67. This means that the share price of a company that has
size of 0, share price will be 10.67.
9. When the size is 150, price = 10.67 + 0.003*150 = 11.12
10.She can use this information for predicting the size of the company, if the
stock price is available, or predicting the stock price, if the size of the
company is available.

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