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SUR SSS a ee AD EO En San & jodern Technology Towards Global Security & Natural Disaster. DATE: 4TH - 7TH OCTOBER, 2010 Venue: Conference Center, The Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. PAPERS An OS SUB-THEMES: ‘Applicaton of Modern Technology in Achieving Food Security. ‘Modern Technology for Solving Power Problemsin Nigeria ‘Improved Farm Mechanization to achieve Global Food Security| ‘Environmental impact Assessment of Modern Mining Technology towards Global Security. ‘Advancement of Sustainable Environmental Protection within the Mineral industry. ‘Mineral Resources Development as an Alternative in a Mono-Economic Environments ‘Industral Explosives Procurement and Conservation towards Global Security ‘Effective Application of ICT to Achieve Global Security ‘Renewable Energy for Economic Stablityand Growth ‘Improved Foundry Technology for Economic Growth & Sustainability ‘Climate Change and Social Confit. ‘Small and Medium Hydro Power Generation and Energy Crisis ‘Modern Climatic Data Resources and Environmental Stability *Using GiSin Advancing Global Security «Energy Conservation Technology toward Global Security ‘Sheleer and Environmental Tecnology toward Global Security, “Transportand Highway Technology Toward Global Security

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