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H S C H a n d b o o k | 50

We try to schedule a fire drill early in the fall; you will be informed in advance of the dates. It is
vital that we are prepared in case of an emergency. Please familiarize yourself with the
information below! If there is a real fire or tornado warning, there will be a central PA
announcement and/or an alarm.
Knox has posted an evacuation route near the doorway just inside each classroom. In addition,
each room will have an HSC packet containing the evacuation exit route, a rendezvous point
outside that is specific for each classroom, an emergency checklist, and a master attendance
sheet for each hour.
Teachers (preschool and up): When you hear the bell line up and proceed from the
building using the nearest exit. DO NOT LEAVE TO LOOK FOR YOUR OWN
CHILDREN! Count heads before you leave. If there are two teachers, one should lead and
one should follow. Take your room packet.
Free adults: Head either to the pre-el rooms to help with small children or to the social
study hall. Pre-elementary workers should wait for help before trying to leave. DO NOT
GO AND LOOK FOR YOUR OWN CHILDREN! Do a head count before exiting the
Students in the silent study halls should go to the social study hall and wait for an adult to
walk the study hall class outside.
Connectors on duty should meet at the top of the stairs and split up to check upstairs and
downstairs bathrooms and hallways. DO NOT LEAVE TO LOOK FOR YOUR OWN
CHILDREN! Connectors are the last people to exit the building.
Proceed out of the building in silence in order to hear instructions.
Assemble outside in the lower parking lot in your designated spot (see room packet).
Teachers and Pre-elementary workers, do another head count.
Wait for an official dismissal before letting kids go to parents or back into the building.
Connectors will check for each class and ask you if everyones there. Teachers and preelementary workers, keep your classes together until you are back in your classrooms.

H S C H a n d b o o k | 51

The procedure for a Tornado Warning will be as for a fire, but we will not go outside. On the
lower level, classes in windowed rooms will move into the hallway. Classes in rooms without
windows will stay put. All upstairs classes will move downstairs into the main hallway which
connects the two wings or into the Garden Room.


Anyone can drop off Pre-El and Elementary children to their classes as
long as an adult is there to receive them.
Children in Kindergarten or younger can only be released to a parent, designated adult or
sibling who is of legal babysitting age (11). In order to designate someone:
a. At the beginning of the year, parents in pre-el classes fill out a registration
form for each student.
b. Indicate who is authorized to pick up your child on your forms.
c. Introduce the pick-up person to the teacher(s).

If parents dont arrive to pick up their children and you need to leave, take
students to the designated area (contact the Pre-el Connector for area) to wait with another preel staff member.

After 3rd period, elementary students who are finished with classes for the day, should go
immediately to the hospitality area to meet their parents. If you are teaching third hour,
direct your child to your classroom to meet you. Parents with younger children need to leave
Knox as soon as possible.
Students in the CIA Program may proceed immediately to the designated area of the gym for

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