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Editor Says

We need saints without cassocks, without

veils we need saints with jeans and tennis
shoes. We need saints that go to the movies,
that listen to music, that hang out with their
friends. We need saints that drink Coca-Cola,
that eat hot dogs, that surf the Internet and
that listen to their iPods. We need saints that
love the Eucharist, that are not afraid or
embarrassed to eat a pizza or drink a beer
with their friends.
We need saints who love the movies, dance,
sports and theatre. We need saints that are
open, sociable, normal, happy companions.
We need saints who are in this world and who
know how to enjoy the best in this world
without being callous or mundane. We need
(Pope Francis)

I have a few people who truly inspired me.

One of them is a couple who belongs to our
Verbum Dei disciples. Their eldest son was
diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
when he was a 2 years old toddler. He is
now a 17 years old boy who lives in a world
of silence. Recently, their second son, a 13
years old boy, was diagnosed with
Aspergers with severe OCD and anxiety
disorder. Throughout their many setbacks
in life, they continue to stand together as
one and love their children with their whole
heart and strength. They endure their
setbacks without bitterness or anger
against God. Instead, they never stop
trusting in Him and always radiate joy to
those around them. They are my living

Saints are ordinary men and women who live

extraordinary lives because they love mightily,
without conditions, without hypocrisy. Saints
are normal men and women who put
themselves at the service of others and
endure suffering without bitterness and anger.
Saints recognise God in their midst and follow
Him faithfully to the end.

Who are your favourite saints? Who are

your living saints?
Let us give thanks to God for these people
whose ordinary lives are like stars shinning
His presence in this world. Today, you and
I are saints in the making. Let us dare to
live each day with much love for God and
for His people!

There are officially recognised canonised

Saints by the Church. However, there are
also people who are not canonised but have
inspired us by their faith and love.

Happy are those who hear

the Word of God and obey it.

Hello everyone,
Greetings from Costa Rica!
There is indeed a time for everything: a time of learning and relearning, a time of
losing and gaining and a time of new perspective and vision.
As I begin to embrace the new mission, new persons and culture here in Costa
Rica, I too fondly remember all of you back at home.
Today (12 October 2015), I celebrate the 2nd year anniversary of my
perpetual vows. My heart is filled with gratitude to the Lord for his
generosity and fidelity in my journey. Truly his grace is sufficient and I am
learning each day to surrender and trust more in Him.
I have you very close in my heart and in my prayers. Prayer somehow
connects us in a profound and mysterious way. I pray that the Lord will bless
you abundantly for your good works and efforts to build His kingdom
wherever you are placed and called.
Let us never forget his promise, especially when things get difficult and
challenging. His promise is forever true, Look! I am with you always till the
end of time. (Matthew 28:20)
Cecilia Teo
12 October 2015

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