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What can we do

Our responsibility is to help our dieing environment. There is small

and large scale ways to help. One thing that can help save water is to put a
brick in your toilet tank. This can save water and will still flush. It saves a
lot of water. Toilets often use 6L of water per flush and people on average
use 45L a day for that purpose. Other helpful things are small rainwater
harvesting systems that are not very expensive for gardens. They cost 24
for the 240L tank and 29 for the 2400 L per hour pump. Using rainwater
harvesting for the garden is very good because it takes lots of water for
gardening. Rainwater harvesting saves money and helps the environment.
These kinds of systems are not too big either.
People who would like to use it for toilets and taps can get the
systems that are installed underground and are connected to the plumbing.
They cost between 3,000-10,000 but pay for them selves in 2-4 years. If
you are building a house it would be a good idea to put a rainwater
harvesting system in. They are less expansive when you are building a house
because they can be connected from the starts to the plumbing.
Farming is polluting the water with farming chemicals. To stop this
you can eat organic food.
The CO2 in the air is dissolving into the ocean and the CO2 in water
is rising. Carpooling is very good because it puts less Co2 in the air. You use
1 car instead of 2.
If you turn down your heating by one degree you can save 10% of
your power. When you can, walk, do not drive 1km is not very far to walk.
During the day if there is a window open do not turn on a light because you
can see well and you save electricity. The fluorescent light bulbs are more
energy efficient. Turning off stand by appliances can take down your power
bill 10%. Making batteries is not environmentally either they take power to
make. Paper takes tens of thousands of liters to mass produce. Metals also
take lots of water to make. These are some ways to help our world.

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