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Art Critique HELP sheet

The Art Critiquing Process is a method of organizing the facts and your thoughts about
a particular work of art. In some ways it is similar to the Scientific Method used in
your science classes. The Art Critiquing Process is broken down into FOUR areas.
Each area specifically looks at one section. The FOUR steps are Description, Analysis,
Interpretation and Judgment. Each section must be covered in order, beginning with
Description. This order helps you toorganize your thoughts and to make intelligent and
educated statements about a work of art.
It is very important that you are familiar with the Elements of Art and the Principles
of Design as they will provide you with the vocabulary and knowledge necessary to
critique art intelligently. (Remember, Elements of Design are... line, shape, form,
texture, color, value, and space. The Principles of Design are...balance, emphasis, contrast, rhythm/repetition, unity, and proportion.) Please remember that not
all people are going to agree with everything you may say. People bring into the Art
Critiquing Process their own sets of stored knowledge and experiences that are unique
to them.

NEXT, are the 4 steps in critiquing art. This is to help you answer the
questions from the Critiquing Art Sheet or if you are ever critiquing
art for something else.

Describe or Description - (Describe what you see - no opinions

just facts) - Often the first thing you do when you look at a work of art is to say I

like it or I think that is awesome!It is very difficult not to jump to your opinions
first. However, in order to make intelligent statements and educated guesses, we must
follow the Art Critiquing Process and begin with Description. Description simply
means to describe the picture. Tell what you see. This is NOT the place to add your
opinions. You must be objective, like a detective who is surveying the scene of a crime
and writing down only what she sees. Some of the questions you may ask yourself
are...(You do not have to answer all of these questions - they are to help you
understand what to ask yourself)...

- What kinds of things do you see in this work?

- How would you describe this work?

- List the literal objects in the art.(trees, people, animals, mountains, rivers, etc.)

- What colors do you see?

- What shapes do you see?

- What kinds of lines are in the work?

- What textures do you see?

- What information can you get from the credit line? (Credit Line shows the

name of the artist, name of the artwork, year etc.)

Analyze or Analysis- (Use the Elements and Principles of Design)The next step of the Art Critiquing Process is Analysis. Here is the section where you
will express your thoughts about what the message of the artwork is. What idea does
this work represent? This section relies on your knowledge of the Elements Of Art and
Principles of Design to articulate in an intelligent manner the information or clues you see
in the work. (Remember, Elements of Design are line, shape, form, texture, color,
value, and space AND the Principles of Design are balance, emphasis, contrast,
rhythm/repetition/pattern, movement, unity, and proportion) Mentally separate
the parts of elements, thinking in terms of textures, shapes/forms, light/dark, or
bright/dull colors, types of lines, and sensory qualities. In this step consider the most
significant art principles that were used in the artwork. Describe how the artist used
them to organize the elements. Some of the questions you may ask yourself are...

- How are the people arranged in this work?

- What colors were used?

- What is the focal point of this art work?

- How has the artist used shape within the work of art?

- How have lines been used in the art?

- What roll does texture play in the art work?

- How has the artist used light?

Interpret or Interpretation (What does it mean, express your

opinion) is the next step. Here you are invited to express your opinions about what
you think the artist meant. Now you have the opportunity to discuss what this work
means to you. Some of the questions you may ask yourself are...

- Does the title fit this piece of work?

- What title would you give this piece?

- What do you think the work is about?

- How does the artist get you to see their message?

- Pretend you are inside this work, how does it feel?

- Look at the year it was painted, how does that affect the subject?

Judge or Evaluate (Is it good or bad, why?) After careful observation,

analysis, and interpretation of the artwork, you are ready to make your own judgement.
This is your personal evaluation based on the understanding of the work. Here you can
express your opinion. Give you positive and negative perceptions. Some of the
questions you may ask yourself are...

- What do you think about this piece of work?

- Is it successful? Do you like it? - Do you think the artist was talented?

- You should be able to give some reasons as to why you like or do not like a

work of art.

- If you could give this artwork a grade, what would it be? and why?

- Does it send an important message to its viewers?

- How much do you think this art is worth? - Do you think it is worth it?

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