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Cognition (PSYCH-UA.

Fall 2015

Study Sheet

Long Term Memory

Encoding and Retrieval
(Chapter 7)
Context-dependent memory
Cued recall
Deep processing
Elaborative rehearsal
Encoding specificity
Free recall
Generation effect
Maintenance rehearsal
Multiple trace hypothesis
Paired-associate learning
Production Systems
Remote memories
Spacing effect
State-dependent learning/memory
Synaptic consolidation
Systems consolidation
Testing effect
Transfer-appropriate learning (processing)
Levels of processing theory
Long-term potentiation
Self-reference effect
Standard model of consolidation
Bird recall and organization, Bousfield and Sedgewick (1944)
Categories and recall, Bower, Clark, Lesgold and Winzenz (1969)
Classical conditioning training in rats, Nader, Shafe and Le Doux (2000a)
Encoding specificity and ambiguous words, Light and Carter-Sobell (1970)
Encoding specificity effect, Tulving and Thomson (1973)
Imagery during word presentation, Geiselman and Glenny (1977)
Levels of processing, Craik and Tulving (1975)
List learning and environment, Godden and Baddeley (1975)

Noise and learning, Grant et al. (1998)

Recall and consolidation, Hupbach, Gomez, and Nadel (2007)
Repetition and imagery, Bower and Winzenz (1970)
Self-reference effect, Rogers, Kuiper and Kirker (1977)
State-dependent memory Eich and Metcalfe (1989)
Transfer-appropriate processing, Morris, Bransford and Franks (1977)
Word presentation, word association and memory accuracy, Mantyla (1986)
Word list recall and organization, Bousfield (1953)

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