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Name: ___________________

Human Organ System Group Project

Science expectations:
o use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including circulation,

respiration, digestion, organs , and nutrients, in oral and written communication

o use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graphic, multimedia) to communicate with
different audiences and for a variety of purposes (e.g., create labeled charts or
graphs to show changes in heart rate and breathing as a result of exercising)
o identify major systems in the human body and describe their roles and
o describe the basic structure and function of major organs
In the classroom we have learned about various human organ systems, and have studied
the digestive system in detail. Now its your opportunity to become an expert on another
system, and then teach what youve learned to the class.
You will be in one of the following groups:

circulatory system
respiratory system
nervous system

skeletal system
muscular system

Its your job to research one of the bodys organ systems and to present your
information to the class in an interesting way. You are allowed to work in small
groups (3 or 4 people) and you will be given a weeks worth of Science classes to
work on this project.

You will be allowed to get information for your project from a variety of sources:

classroom textbooks (e.g., The Human Body textbook, the Nelson readers)
library books
the internet (Our class website, ELL Reference Center, Knowledge Ontario, etc)
pictures and posters

Once you have all of the information you need, you and your partners can start
preparing a presentation for the class. All groups are required to make a digital

Prezi presentation, and will be provided logins and passwords for each group (so
that each member has access to the same Prezi and can work from home).
You are the teachers and we are the students so please put a lot of effort into
this. Try to make your presentation creative, interesting and informative. Look for
ways to make your presentation stand out, and if you need anything, just ask!

Your project and presentation will be marked with the following rubric:

Level 4

~ detailed

Level 2

~ general

Level 1

~ missing




about organ

about organ

about organ


system, its

system, its

systems, its

about organ

major parts,

major parts,

major parts,

systems, its

and functions

and functions

and functions

major parts,

~ use of


Level 3

~ good



(neat and


~ good pictures

and diagrams

pictures and

and functions

~ adequate

pictures and

diagrams need



~ good


~ pictures and

~ adequate

~ presentation

that educates


needs more

~ creative and

and maintains

that gives



the interest of

some important

and important


the audience

information to


that educates

and maintains

the interest of

contact and

contact and

loud and clear


using eye

~ excellent eye


used a loud and

contact and

contact and


clear voice in

loud and clear

loud and clear

most of the






~ good eye

~ some eye

the audience

the audience


~ difficulty

throughout the

By signing, I acknowledge that I have read over the project requirements with my child:

Parent/ Guardian signature: ___________________________________

Human Organ Systems Group Project Research and Questions

Organ system that I am researching:


My group members:

Research your organ system so you can answer these questions. Use the

information from your answers to create a creative and informative presentation.

1. Why is your organ system important to the human body?


2. Where is your organ system located in the human body? Is there a specific spot, or is
it all over? Is there a major organ, and if so, where is that located?


3. Are there more than just one organ or body part in your system? If so, what are the
important organs that make up this system? What do these organs do? What are the
jobs of these organs?


4. What do you think is the most important part of the organ system you are studying?
Explain your answer.


5. How does the body protect the organ system or parts of the organ system you are


6. What interesting information did you learn about the organ system you are studying?


7. Use this page to draw/roughly sketch and label important pictures and diagrams for
your organ system. This will serve as a reminder for the visuals you want to include in
your final presentation.

8. I think I should get a(n) _________ on this assessment because



I think I my partner ______________ should get a(n) __________ on this

assessment because

I think I my partner ______________ should get a(n) __________ on this

assessment because

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