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Simple steps to Health,

While saving a little money along the way


An ounce of prevention is always better than a cure,

(2) Work and Rest:

Taking time to rest after hard
work, relieve accumulated stress. Genesis 2:1, 2
(3) Obey timeless distilled Instruction from the Owner Manual:
the Creators rules of health is in the Bible.
Exodus 15:26
(4)Eat Balance diets: You are what you eat, avoid poisonous
food; good foods are plentiful and available. Fruits, Vegetables,
clean water, surely the English expression, an apple a day
keep the Doctor away have a bit of truth to it. Lev 11
(5) Environments matters: maintain clean environs always,
good air, cross ventilation, clean and aesthetics surroundings
promote mental, emotional and physical health.
(6)Exercises: all that perpetually stays stagnant rot,
Exercise the body with activities, the Mind and the Brain with
Contemplations and study. 1 Tim 4:18
(7)Avoid agents of disease: mosquitoes, flies and many little
germs, by taking simple common sense hygienic measures.
(8)Be faithful, to yourself, to your partner and to your family.
Avoid ungodly behaviours, pre or extramarital affairs. The cost
is too great to worth it. Exo 20:14 I Cor 6:18
(9) Regular check up is wise: your body vital signs must be
regularly monitored, just as Mechanical tools must be regularly
maintained. It will be unwise to wait until the Biological
machine breaks down before giving it attention.
(10)Trust in God: everything is from him, including good health
and prosperity. 3 Jn 1:2
(c) Menorah Health International

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