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Daniel Shin, University of

California Los Angeles

David Mendoza, University of

California Los Angeles

Steven Robertson, University of

California, Los Angeles

Mr. Josephson Math teacher at

University Senior High school

Mr. Eisner, English teacher at

University High school

Going to vote, you have the right to express your ideas on how to
vote for and I feel like we should share them. Student loans are a
great help for students especially for those who want to go to
college, the debt accumulate afterwards is worth it, at least students
can take advantage of their opportunities I mean even if it takes 30
years to pay back it should be the banks problem. I am totally not
against immigration, I actually think its great, and people have a
tendency to go to places that are better. I dont think voting is going
to help make changes for our environment, thats like not going to
help at all, I think that if college students dont vote our voices wont
be heard
I will probably not vote this year. Its important to vote because you
will be able to have an opinion in who is in charge of our country
myself as a student athlete I am struggling with student loans I am on
a partial scholarship so I have to take out a lot of loans and they are
probably going to give me a hard time when I am older. I am fine
with immigration if they are here to work like to make a better life
for themselves, thats what America is about. I we, college students
dont vote than honestly no one will.
Yes I plan to vote. Oh I think its very important to vote because we
get to voice our opinions. Not everyone in allowed the luxury we
are. We get to have an opinion in our government and we are
encouraged to take it so we should do it, you know? I think student
loans are harsh. Education shouldnt be so expensive, no matter how
clich it sounds we are the future of this country and shouldnt be
held up by college debt. Immigration is inevitable and should be
regulated but it should also be permitted, this nation was founded on
immigrants and would be no where without them.
Yes I am going to vote. I think it is important that every ones voice
is heard. I am reasonably confident in know which candidates are
leading the polls I understand the major differences between them
my stance on immigration is certainly not what Donald Trump
believes, my stance on immigration generally speaking is that
anyone who already is in the country should be able to stay in the
country , uh certainly all the criteria. I havent thought much about
but I think that obviously that the idea would be that within the
country is that if you are here you are American. My family like
most at some point immigrated and came to America searching for a
better life and thats what America stands for, as far as I am
concerned immigration is a necessary part of this country but how
we tweak is a different story and the solutions would not include
building a giant wall or trying to return everyone from where they
came from
Of course I plan to vote. We live in a democracy and we have the
privilege of having a voice and having a say in what policies and
laws that we live under and that we abide by and I would much
rather have that option than someone tell me at all times how I

Jason Marcel, University of

California Los Angeles

Mr. Orosco, Spanish teacher at

University Senior High school

Ms. Multani, History Teacher at

University High school

should live my life umm period. I believe so yeah I think I know the
major arguments being made by presidential candidates. I think this
is a country of immigrants and my grandparents were immigrants
and it worked out pretty well, I think there needs to be some kind of
regulation, you cant just have like anyone and everyone come into
the country. I think that this is a country that provide for all and
everyone in return gives back to the country. I think there needs to be
a clear policy on immigration I am not a politician nor am I an
economist so I cant tell you what those numbers would look like.
Immigration from around the world is so important and we need to
move away from these xenophobic attitudes, umm about who should
and shouldnt come into this country, it has been in place for a long
time in the United States. I think we need to move away from that. .
from what I know planned parenthood provides important services
and I know the issues that the arguments made in the GOP debates
that Carly Fiorina brought up was that planned parenthood was
apparently doing bad but I dont know if that was republican
propaganda or just made up facts I would imagine that if planned
parenthood was providing services that are legal and valuable for
women than it needs to be kept in place. So I am having an impact
on voting, I like that. thats beautiful
Yup I will be voting for sure I think that it is important to vote
because you can voice your opinions. I think that student loans are
too high and shouldnt be hanging over students heads like that I
think that people should be able to come to the us and should have
access to facilities in the U.S its important. I think that if college
students dont vote important decisions about our futures will be
made by someone else with different opinions.
Yeah I am going to vote, I think it is important to be involved in the
politics of your country. I think that students loans take their toll on
students, as they find it really hard to pay off especially overtime. I
guess immigration is fine, I mean I really dont know much. No one
will be able to accurate make an opinions about college education, at
least not the way college students can.
Yes I will be voting, as per usual. Voting is important because what
we vote for today affects the children of tomorrow. We are left with
the responsibility of guiding these children to make good life
choices. As a teacher I feel personally responsible for the success of
my students and I would love to see them as strong American
citizens taking advantage of their rights, I will be adamant about
teaching my students the importance of voting.
Of course I plan to vote, I am a history teacher and I know the
struggles endured by people who fought for universal suffrage. It
would be dishonorable not to vote, especially for all those women
and people of color spent their entire lives advocating for such an
essential American right. I have such a strong opinion on voting and
know how confusing it can be to register that I often help my
students register for voting, it feels as if its my responsibility

Chris Escamia, California State

University, Sonoma

Jocelyn Lopez, California State

University, San Jose

Stephanie Hand


Rosemary Gomez, student at

California State University, San


I actually dont think I will vote, maybe if I find out how to register I
will. Also I am only one person and how is my one opinion going to
make a difference. Well us voting does not really make a difference
because we dont really chose the president but I guess voting is
important to express democracy so I guess in a way to show that we
are active in the government, also its cool to get a sticker that say I
voted. I think that the presidential candidates should discuss proper
ways to control immigration that are reasonable and not take drastic
measure similar to those proposed by Donald Trump. College loans
are too much of a responsibility, education should just be free.
Yes, I am planning to vote. I think it's important to voice your
opinion because no one can do it for you. If you want change you
need to vote. Also, I think it is super important to vote because it is
one on the only ways for our opinions to be heard, especially in a
nation of 300 million people. I feel as if I have a lot of people
looking up to me and it is important to me if they know how
important voting is. Presidential candidates should definitely discuss
immigration laws, lowering cost of college, raising minimum wage,
and gender equality laws. There is so much that can be fixed within
our government and I would like to witness more changes. I think
student loans are scary and I don't want to take them out because I
feel like I'll never pay them off and I know I am not alone in feeling
these feelings.
Yes I absolutely plan to vote. I think that the presidential candidates
should address immigration issues and the rights of the incarcerated
since I teach at a prison so for me personally I think that it is really
important, also health care is a big concern, yeah affordable
healthcare. I think that its important because we need to change some
of the important laws in order to catch up with new innovations.
Yes I am very excited to be voting for the first time this year. Yes it is
important to vote because you are allowed to choose who will
represent this nation, which is not privilege allotted in many other
nations. I think that many of the presidential candidates should focus
their arguments toward the economy especially ways they think they
will be able to help the lower classes also students who struggle to
afford college. Student is scary, owing thousands of dollars to
someone is way too big of a responsibility.
I think that voting is important but I am not voting this year. I dont
think I am mature enough to make that much of an important
decision. Its important to share your ideas and make sure your
opinions are heard. I think presidential candidates should focus on
important things other than things like planned parenthood. They
should be addressing issues like immigration and education. I dont
think students should be burden with something so heavy such as
paying back loans, our education should be free, or at least tuition
should be reduced so loans will also reduce.
Yes I plan to vote, its important because that is one of the few ways

Marie Johnson

Shelly Mark, University of

California Los Angeles

Aron Chu, University of

California Los Angeles

William Sanchez

the government actually listens to our opinions. I would love for the
presidential candidates to focus arguments on the large problems this
nations faces with discrimination. Not only does the LGBTQ
community faces discrimination but so do different races and
religions. These problems are so huge and in turn create other
problems but are dismissed and hardly acknowledged.
Yes I will definitely vote, I havent missed an election ballot since I
was about 22 and I am now 63 so yeah I feel really strong about
voting. Its really important because not everyone can vote, my
grandmother grew up in a country where saying something about the
government could lead to huge consequences, I feel lucky to be
given such a luxury. I think that the presidential candidates should
focus on economic reforms, there are so much families living in
poverty in this nation and something needs to change, someone
needs to help families living in shelters and families that are
I dont think I will vote, I dont really pay much attention to politics
and I dont really think I am well informed enough to vote. I think
voting is essential to the democratic structure of the U.S, I also think
its important to honor those who fought for everyone to get a chance
to vote. I think that student loans are too much pressure on students
and should be forgiven.
I will probably vote but I always forget when the date to vote is. I
know its important to vote because we are exercising our rights and
expressing our opinion. I would love for presidential candidates to
focus on environmental effects of the united states. I dont have any
student loans I was lucky enough to get a scholar ship but I know
that student loans place a lot of unnecessary stress on students.
I dont have a habit of voting but maybe I will this election term.
Voting has never really been one of my priorities, no one really
placed any emphasize on it when I was growing up so I was never
really taught all the benefits that come with voting.

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