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Goal Setting Worksheet


Megan Ludke

Date: 10/12/15
Instructions: Answer each of the following questions, which are related to goal
development for a personal exercise program.
1. Based on ACSM guidelines, who may participate in a moderate-intensity exercise
program without further medical exam or a medical clearance?
Based on ACSM guidelines, individuals who are low risk or moderate risk may
participate in a moderate-intensity exercise program without further medical exam
or medical clearance.

2. Based on the results of your personal fitness test battery, which of the following
components of health-related physical fitness was your weakest area? Identify the
specific performance, the score, and rating.
a. Aerobic endurance
b. Muscular strength
c. Muscular endurance
i. Upper body
ii. Core
d. Flexibility
i. Hamstrings/lower body

My weakest area:
Muscular endurance- core: score-2, rating- poor

3. For your selected fitness component, state a subjective outcome goal.

I want to achieve an above average rating on the sit ups test.

4. Next, take your outcome goal and define a performance goal. A performance
goal contains the following three criteria:

a. A specific performance
b. The conditions under which it will occur, and
c. A criterion for evaluation. Underline and identify each of these components.
Using the flat surface of the ground with my feet anchored by a partner and my knees
bent at a 90-degree angle, in 1 minute I will be able to do 46 bent-knee sit ups.
(The first underlined portion is the conditions under which my performance goal will
occur. The second underlined portion is the criterion for evaluation. The third
underlined portion is the specific performance.)
5. Now, take your performance goal and write 3 short-term objective goals
(demonstrating the staircase approach to goal setting) that will cover the next 6
weeks. An objective goal is written as a SMART goal, and should be progressive.
1. Beginning on October 19th, 2015, I will increase the amount of bent-knee sit ups that
I can do in 1 minute to 33 bent-knee sit ups by November 2 nd, 2015.
2. Beginning on November 2nd, 2015, I will increase the amount of bent-knee sit ups
that I can do in 1 minute to 38 bent-knee sit ups by November 16 th, 2015.
3. Beginning on November 16th, 2015, I will increase the amount of bent-knee sit ups
that I can do in 1 minute to 43 bent-knee sit ups by November 30 th, 2015.

6. How will you track your progress on your short-term goals and accurately
monitor/evaluate your progress? BE SPECIFIC.
I will track my progress on my short-term goals by practicing sit ups every other night.
I will also add different abdominal exercises and planks to increase my core strength. I
will then test myself every Sunday evening by doing as many bent-knee sit ups as I
can for 1 minute. I will then log my results on an excel spreadsheet to keep track of
my progress on my short term goals.

7. Next, write 1 process goal for each short-term goal from #5. These goals focus on
the necessary actions or steps that you must take during performance in order to
meet the criterion.

1. To improve my bent-knee sit ups to 33 sit ups from October 19 th, 2015 to November
2nd, 2015, I will focus on doing three sets of 12 v-ups three times a week to increase
my core strength.
2. To improve my bent-knee sit ups to 38 sit ups from November 2 nd, 2015 to
November 16th, 2015, I will focus on doing 3 sets of 15 leg lifts four times a week to
increase my core strength.
3. To improve my bent-knee sit ups to 43 sit ups from November 16 th, 2015 to
November 30th, 2015, I will focus on doing a 1-minute plank four times a week to
increase my core strength.

8. Now, identify and explain your top 2 perceived barriers/obstacles/challenges to

meeting your fitness goal? Be descriptive.
Barrier 1
My first barrier in meeting my fitness goal will be time. My first priority is my
homework. I will complete my homework before working on my fitness goal. I may
run out of time and go to bed instead of working on achieving my fitness goal.
Barrier 2
My second barrier in meeting my fitness goal will be motivation. I will not be
motivated to work on my fitness testing goal when I am already working out during
cross country practice.

9. Next, for each barrier brainstorm at least one possible solution. Describe the new
skill or strategy you need to adopt or develop to be successful. Be specific.
Solutions to Barrier 1
A solution for running out of time to work on my fitness goal would be to do my
core workout right away in the morning. Then I will get it done right away and I will
not have to worry about fitting it in later in the day.

Solutions to Barrier 2
A solution to being motivated would be for me to think about how the fitness
testing will affect my grade in three years. I have a goal for achieving a 4.0 so I
can look at improving in my fitness testing as helping me achieve my goal of a 4.0.

10.Finally, brainstorm 2-3 different motivational strategies that you can implement to
help you stay motivated over the next two months to ensure to meet your shortterm fitness goals. Be as specific as you can about the principles and strategies you
will incorporate.
1. One motivational strategy is to have a workout buddy. A workout buddy will keep
me accountable for working out. I will then feel as though I have to workout so I do
not leave my workout buddy exercising alone.
2. Another motivational strategy would be a reward system. I could put a reward
system in place such as watching a movie only after I achieve my two-week fitness
goal. This would motivate me to do my daily core workouts so I can reach my shortterm fitness goals and then be able to watch a movie.
3. An additional strategy would be to have a competition. Many of my friends in class
have sit ups as their lowest area in the fitness testing so we could set up a competition
to see how quickly one of us can reach the rating of above average of 46 sit ups. This
strategy would definitely motivate me to do my daily core workouts so I can win the

Goal setting can help me in the future by helping my patients set goals to achieve
greater mobility. Then my patients will be more likely to do their at home exercises so
they can achieve the goal that we decided on.
I learned that it is important to break down your goals into smaller short-term
objective goals so they are easier to achieve and work on. Then you do not get
overwhelmed with your outcome goal.

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