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Stephen Krashen's Theory of Second Language


According to Stephen Krashen there are two independent systems of a

second language performance; The Acquired System and The Learned
Im going to start with the acquired system, which I understand as the
natural way of learning, because like he explains on his writing he says
that this type of learning is the product of a subconcious process very
similar to the way children undergo when they learn their first language, to
that Im saying that we don't need to know the right grammar to start
picking up a new language. In the other hand we have The Learned
System which I understands the hypothesis that the individual needs to
have more knowledge about grammar.
Going to the hypothesis of The Monitor this acts in a planning,editing
and correcting. That is when the individual focuses on a form or thinks
about correctness and knows all the rules. This will make you perform in a
more higher level (to give a more polished speech).
Reading The Input Hypothesis and after watching the video, I came with
the conclusion that this hypothesis works in a way that even if you don't
know nothing about a certain language, you still have the instict of try to
know by watching the individual speaks.

This goes beyond the choice of words and involves presentation of

context, explanation, rewording of unclear parts, the use of cues and
meaning negotiaation, helps the receiver to understand or try to understan
better what you are presenting.
The Natural Order we find on this hypothesis that we would follow
grammatical structure in order to have a natural order of acquisition. This
order seemed to be independent of the learners' age, of what I think it
depends on the individual capacity to be acquiring grammatical structure.
The Affective Filter this hypothesis I found it simple, is based on
motivation, self-confidence and anxiety. So, the individual has, high
motivation, a good self-image and low anxiety he's better equipped for
succes in a second language. Basically if you have a positve attitude you
have a better chance to learn a new language.

Idris Cedric Abraham Ruiz Tirado.

1rst. Semester.

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