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The target audience for our film will be young, typically aged 18-25.

This is
because at this age people are most likely to be thrill seeking, something that
can be provided by the horror genre. Our target audience will not be too much
older than 25 as an older audience would be more likely to be put off by graphic
scenes such as violence and would therefore restrict what we could include in
our film. An older audience would also be less likely to enjoy watching younger
actors which is something a young audience may enjoy.
Age: 18-25
Class: there is no real specific target class as the horror geunuer is one that is
liked by every class. If you were to be very accurate. It could be argued that the
film will be aimed at ordanery people and there for not the eswpically aimed at
the upper class. As the charicters are not upper class and there for non relatable.
The film will be aimed at a gander nutral audience. As both genders get the
same buzz and sence of escapeism as eachover.
The geographical area does not come into play in almost every horror film and
this is no obsection.
PSYCHOGRAPHICS the consumer is categorised in terms of their needs and
As the targate audience Is aged between 18 and 25 there needs and desiers will
be very different to an older demographic. Blumler and Katz in 1974 sujested 4
resaons why an audience would cusume media. Firstly, diversion is the idea than
the watcher is able to escape from everyday problems/routines. A horror film is
well equipped. This is because the film is genually not real and means that what
is happening on screan is nothing like what an audience members every day life
is like. This theory also become even more apparent when there is a supernatural
element to the film. This is beause it takes them to another world where it is not
something that they dont expirence. But they are witnessing something that
does not exsist. There for helping them diverte from there every day life.
Seccondaly, Personal relationships is the idea of using the media for emotional
interaction e.g substituting soaps for family life. Any geunrer of film does this in
the sence that they are introduced to a protagonist and taught about what they
are like ext. It is not as prevelnt in horror film as much as others. But in the film
we are making are introduced to charicters and taught about what they are like.
Thirdly, Personal identity is the idea that from watching a film a consumer is able
to construct there own identity from characters in media texts. There are many
great examples of this in films. For example many teenage males aspire to alex
rider as they seen the film and want to be a teenage spy as they might find it
cool There are many great exaples of this. Most apparent in actions films as
there is one main protagonist who is presented to have no falts. This is not that
apparent in horror film as the charicters are shown to have weaknesses as the

audience needs to be taken on a journey being able to invingage them selfs as

the protagnists in the films. Meaning a consumer would not want to aspire to be
a character that is desgned created and molded into some one or people that
represent the consumers. Of course there are some obsections to this. But it is
mainly apparent in every horror film. For example the charicters in the blair witch
project are created so they represent the targate audience.
Thirdly, Surveillance meaning the audience gaining information. This does not
realy reate to film. Mabey documentary. But not horrors as they are fictional and
there for are not real.

Denis McQuail offered slightly more detail. He argues very similer points. But he
offers more detail on the topics of entertainment and emotional releace. Firstly a
horror film will offer lots of entertainment. This is done by taking the consumer
on a journey they will be interested in. Horror is genially seen as an exciting
genurer. This is due to the fast nature and the never having a chance to relax
theams that genially run through out all horror films.
Seccondaly and arguably the most important is the idea of emotional releace.
This would be through jump scears and lots of other tequneeks to cause some
sort of emotion. There are lots of different emotional realeaces a film is able to
produce. The most common ones are tragies where the consumer is encouraged
to releace an emotional attatment to the charicters and there for fell very sad
and often resort to crying. Or the second one, and the one a horror films fules on
is fear. Causing screaming. This is an emotional releace that a consumer would
not other wise be able to get. It is caused by the fact that a watcher is put in the
shoes of the charicters who are going though a sceary expirence. Causing the
emption of fear.
The trailer will make it very apparent that the film will be a horror. This will be
done by having a very dark colour grade. With lots of shots shot in the dark.
Trying to produce a very contrasty look. Using lots of shadows. There will also be
lots of very short lenth shots.
Looking at the story bord it is clear that it is for a horror film. This is because of
the jucstoposition of types of shots to put the audience at edge. For example an
extreame close up to a long shot. This is done often to make a character feel
exposed and lost. Also the lighting is very dark in every shot with very contrasty
lighting. For example on the first shot in the sory bord there is pitch black with
only a torch for light. Meaning the audience can only see what the character
sees. Meaning that the consumer is totaly put in the position of the character.
Also creating a spooky look, where there is a sence of danger of the unknown.

Who is your target audience in terms of demographics and psychographics?

What do they want from a visit to the cinema? (Link to other films they may see)
What will your trailer suggest they will get from the film? (You can analyse your

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