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A post-mortem piece by Sophie Miriam-bat Y'israel, formerly known as

Drafted through months Novrember 2015, December 2015, and January
Catherine, a transgender Minichan user, in light of her apology towards
former disbelief of me.
Sapphire, the other partner of my perfidious ex-fiance, also a transwoman,
again for her faithful belief, emotional support, and abundant devotion in
investing much-needed attention during my time of disarray and
overwhelming need.
Negi Springfield a.k.a. Travis Westphall, an amazing and beautiful writer of
two forewords to my previous manifesto works, and well read, scholarly
Rabbinical sage into Tanakhical and Talmudean thematics, for his wealth of
insight into matters of ecclisiastic and political import.
My mother, whom I couldn't live to see made genuinely happy by the fruits
of breaking into becoming the true self renewed.
Janice, whom I'm actually pained to see drift off in the deterioration of our
rapport; another brave Aspergian transwoman fighting the kakistocracy of
the Cohenim. We began failing to see mutually at eye's level towards our
latter day. The primary contention was as silly as our sexual divergences: I
being predominantly straight, with her, a lesbian.
Pawel, again, another lamentable drift into an all too reflective abyss of
having become the very pet-peeve against that which we'd initially railed in
tandem -- my gender-incongruence rubbed frictionally abrasive of his
Orthodox Christianity rooted in Slavonic tradition, ergo, he'd cut all ties.
Despite this, once more, an otherwise excellent conversational partner
without contention or fault.
Introman, a connoisseur of the chans, his claim to fame having been a
successful and suitably apt Chris-chan troll, and rather contrary face in what
had been hitherto an overcompensating den of autistics-in-denial. He had
also, in an again contrarian twist against the tide of universal anti-sperg
sentiment, argued for the merits and legitimacy of the Autphag screeds, then
under an anonymized alias before my outing. Understanding the trenchant
nature with which a political understanding had been conveyed therein,
introman had endeared towards, with growing respect for, my presence on
then-/cwc/ and later-/cow/.

Alexander Gillapsie, for his invaluable assistance in editing this draft of the
work, spending countless nights on a number of grammatical rectifications,
spelling corrections, and phraseological optimizations.

The beginning is probably the best place from whence one should always
start, seeing as it is, per its name sake, the earliest of our days, whoever you
might be -- as truistically trite as that all may seem.
I'm going to be clear with you. My early childhood was a sham, wherein my
mother was pressured by a bureaucrat in the employ of the state healthcare
bureaucracy, a so-innocuously-called 'health worker' whose intents were to
set me on a path most contrary thereto, to chase a psychiatric diagnosis for
what was really the product of childhood abuse that, although she had, in
this, no active participation, was all too complacently ascented by her.
This was in the early 1990s, when an expansionist agenda of state education
bureaucrats had been partially fuelled by radical feminist academics that had
intersected the fields of psychiatry and education, to revive a long-stagnant
diagnosis that was frankly rare in the past. It's usually current statistic trends
that inform the morally judgemental mores suceessive thereto which govern
our sense of what's aberrant and typical. I'm not convinced, therefore, that
there was a solid precedental basis with high predictability for the largely
manufactured, and I'd go on to verge upon saying, deliberately imagined
It is for this reason that, whatever my mother may ramble maniacally in her
protestations of its legitimacy, I can't find, resultant to my relative
normalization outwith her influence in recent years, it in me to suspend
I've been a lamentable victim of the system even in its most benign of
pretences as an aider and remediator. Behind this veneer, has been nothing
but the heartbreak of indifference for deeper answers, beneath their

convincing and faith-eliciting enticingness. The talisman of the diagnosis

was returned to in recourse of explaining everything, even despite, rather
annoyingly, the ever-stacking inconsistencies slowly accumulating.
Then, we have clearly a misinference caused by a fallacy of reversecausality contrivically drawn to enforce what was most evidently a
conspiracy. Natural statistic emanations were no longer informing moral
judgement, but the use of the latter's arbitration was being deliberately
applied in the manipulation of statistical trends. And 'autism', like the rest of
the demonic revival of psychiatry, a phoenix that should've never arisen
anew, was born.
As both the Aspie I might tentatively be (this re-diagnosis was made later -circa 2008 -- but I consider this to be a more legitimate summation of my
condition in light of the social context in the same way 'autism' was just a
spiteful and conceited stab in the dark) and the autist that I most certainly am
not, not because I fail to acknowledge the coincidentiality of the former
condition's spectral relation to the latter, but rather on the matter of nuance
being significant enough for the former to constitute a different entity
entirely, I can't help but take these considerations with the analytical depth
that I regard nearly everything else. Even with my reading comprehension,
especially on low-contrast screens, being gradually rended asunder as I
struggle to tackle even the simplest of matters unless they involve something
to my immediate interest rather than being a strictly systematic discipline
(these days, in a complete turn-around from the past, I'm more likely to
entertain a sociology textbook than an article on some arcane computing
concept from Wikipedia), with those concepts most deeply embedded in my
passion and closest to my familiarity will I be driven to perserverate all
available and exhaustable routes of their contextualization.
It is in this vain that I proceed forward with this piece.
The neo-matriarchal agenda has been partially elucidated in past criticisms
of diversitarian movements I've written, in particular where diversity meets
neurology to make the Trotskyistically neologized 'neurodiversity'
movement. The matriarchal agenda, boasts one Queer critical theory writer,

one particularly obnoxious individual who adorns itself the alias

'decibelmilliwatts' of Minichan, boasts of its natural threat to a sense of
civilization rooted in a tradition of genuine forward-orientation that didn't
define itself under vapid parameters of arbitratrily-deemed 'progressive'
metrics, such that our obsession with the concepts of progressivism and
progessiveness has become distilled down to.
In what way does, through its boasting, it qualify itself as having this
purportedly unique position to engage in such tactics of subversion?
Supposedly, it regards itself adept, through no more than a delusional
tropology rooted in the very tradition that it derides, in realms of the
intangible for which no meritocratic demonstration could be made: the
spiritual, the natural, the essential.
These Queer theorists further tout their ability to see the non-arbitrary nature
of systematic oppression as if this was a legitimate criticism of theirs in
observance of the system's iniquity and not merely a point with which they
wish to opportunistically exploit.
Though they point with seeming trenchance to the supposed strategies of
those they come to seemingly debunk, the acuity with which any observation
could be made in identifying those points of the system strategically
expendient to itself betrays their sense of anti-authoritarian railing, for only
one with the intention to identify points of strength -- especially with the
implication for their future utilization in their hands -- could ever
acknowledge that these systematic structures exist without revealing the 'tu
quoque' nature of their centrally defined point of contention; to put simply, it
merely speaks of a jealousy of and aspiration to power, rather than a railing
against its stead.
Let's not be naive. The identification of marginalized groups and their
fictionalized degradation, itself a somatic hypochondriasis in the collective,
as specific products of such a system in their contemptuous and disdainful
regard, is merely a starting point for their (Queer, Trotskyist fifth-columnist)
agitative efforts, the target demographic thereof, if you will.
Whether those be women -- whose persecution, mistaken as starting from
the Burning Times, itself arrogantly absolved themselves of their own
responsibility in causing, as if withcraft never existed -- or other groups
traditionally associated an unearned stereotypically 'submissive' position to

such an imagined power as the patriarchy, non-existent in its preponderance

as stands extant indeed, it would seem as if every minoritarian entity or
group *must* be excused for something (entirely of their own self-beckoned
creation), especially in their convenient place as targets of violence and
oppression, as if to incorrectly beg the question of such a systemic
phenomena's causality: surely, that is to say, were we to cease pretending
that minoritarian entites are victims, where would this violence and
oppression we contrive into existence be identifiable, no longer to serve as a
boogeyman, excusing the ills of minoritarian agitation against muchnecessitated (and frankly, having exposed that delusion, non-patriarchal)
normative, functional frameworks? The truth is that we would naturally
come to conclude such systemic oppression's non-existence, at least for
these self-anointed minoritarian entites, to be further elucidated of its real
target: the deserved meritocratic superiors of our time.
A more fabricated idea than the 'Eurocentrism' that has been incorrectly
identified as the perpetrator, and not merely the cultural canvas for their outplaying by external forces (International neo-Judaism i.e. 'Sion' comes to
mind), of these iniquities, is the idea that they had merely excused their
much needed expansion, predicated on the merits of their intellectual fruits,
on the basis of arbitrary metrics of melanin tone, the 'need to suppress
femininity' (despite being arguably the fact of it being the most
physiologically feminine race in and of itself largely being the reason for its
intellectual success neurobiologically, g being mostly predicated by a
function of decent White/Grey matter ratio over a protracted area of brain, as
opposed to the grey-matter dense, Extreme-Male Autistoform Mongoloids,
and the microcephalic, hypermyelinitic, Schizoform negroids), and most
self-centrically a testament to the hypocirsy of the Queer and its selfobsession with an adorned persecution complex fetish, the idea that they
themselves are amongst the putative "oppressed groups" by the aforeaccused.
Why do they so obsessively regard themselves to be an object of the
machinations they attribute to an imagined Eurocentric regime? Perhaps we
should begin with their arrogantly imagined self-ascribed characteristics,
very telling of the group's natural chauvinism, about the only thing remotely
"natural" about them -- using this term in the sense that statistical
majoritarian occurences do inform the norms of moral judgement, correctly
and non-fallaciously so as has been a line of reasoning explicated since Plato
discussed the matter.

In fitting with the delusionally hallucinated emergence of a non-existent

'patriarchal' society, so they pretended that society as before had existed as
anything more than a prehistoric hodgepodge of disparate tribes, over which
they presume immediate dominion by virtue of their self-ascriptions. They
domineeringly poise the preposterous suppositions of their impoartance as
the spiritual gatekeepers of the 'natural' to excuse the unnaturalness of their
act. To quote one delusional Queer theorist:
"Before the rise of patriarchal civilization, queers were the political,
spiritual, and medicinal adepts of pretty much all "uncivilized" nature
societies. We quite literally hold the balance between male and female
energies. We have mediated these forces since the dawn of time. In a
world increasingly focused on "black vs white" "women vs men" "gay
vs straight" "trans vs cis" "Christian vs ...everything else" "Democrat
vs Republican" "western power vs eastern power" "privileged vs
unprivileged" "civilized vs wild", we need these natural mediators
more than ever.
Queers have an indispensable quality unlike any other group of people
-- we transcend boundaries and categories. We exist in every culture,
every skin tone, every religion, every nation, and every family. We
cannot be exterminated by genocide. We are not bound by blood but
liberated by spirit. We have always existed to hold the balance of the
natural forces in this world. We are the gatekeepers between this life
and the next. When our power is respected, there can be peace rather
than conflict. Mediation leads to understanding, not war.
Queer people are not a novelty. Queerness is not about sex anymore
than life itself is about sex. The liberation of queer people stands for
bringing balance and peace back to a world that's been knocked /way/
out of whack. This isn't about marriage. This isn't about monogamous
love. This isn't about the nuclear family.
Queers are literally killed by their own families and communities in
many parts of the world today. Many first world queers are allowing
themselves to be distracted by recent efforts for greater ease of
assimilation. We as queers have a purpose and responsibility to
represent a world family not tied by culture, blood, appearance, or
ideology. We are uniquely qualified to represent humanity as a whole

to bridge categories and divisions to mediate between groups to solve

conflict and reclaim peace to hold the balance."
-- Decibelmilliwatts, posting anonymously on Minichan
There have been commited a number of faux-pas by the admitted standards
of its own sociologically analytical rubrics, the ones with which they use to
deconstruct ideas that have been central to the underpinning of societal and
ideological cohesion, and nonsensicalize them in their relgation to a status of
non-existence, for instance with the essentiality of biological sex and gender,
amongst other things. The axiomatic presumption of their preponderance in
the absence of prior power structures to which they succeed being
necessarily more 'innocent' than those having come before them, is one
rooted in a folly of an essentialistically existentialist arrogance, about the
only thing unique to the community.
It is clear that in blurring such evidently essential distinctions, able to
surmount them with categories they've uniquely created through this
rearbitration, reappropriation, and dissimilation from assimilation (code for
rumbunctious disobedience and subversionist agitation), then they has
indeed placed themselves amongst a uniquely anointed status, of covertly
accrued control. If they are the sole appointed mediators, bridgers,
peacekeepers, and so forth, with no intervention, accountability, oversight,
or foresight in the presence of iniquities that'll inevitably arise with such an
exlcusive status, even if they try to deny their capacity for such with flowery
talk of essential innocuousness, then they are, truly with impunity, able to
arise merely as a neo-matriarchal "counter-balance", really counteroppression, in the stead of that which they had projected onto the supposed
patriarchy that had preceded them.
Such a negroidal cur group has no place intersectionalizing itself at the
impasse of multiple gender-sex categorizations, especially when this
particular author had been guilty of denying their very existence by invoking
karotypical, genotypical and phenotypical sexual anomalies on one thread
(XXY Kleinfelter's, SRY-gene induced androgen insensitivity and so forth),
in a continued effort to contradictorily deconstruct normative
categorizations, the main tool with which it imposes its presuppositions of
the world. Without a frame of reference with which to hold it accountable, so
it can metamorphize itself into anything it wants to be. The social
reptillianism inherent in the neuro-psychology of such a movement should
be regarded inherently suspect; it can be indicative at once of the most

neurofeminine of
neuromasculine of
legitimately be at
manifestations, ala
psychopath himself.

schizophrenias and simultaneously, the most

psychopathies, in about the only sense it could
the impasse of two gender-sex incongruential
Charles Manson say, a diagnosed schizophrenic

Remarks itself, so the Queer only defines itself by its insanity in so tacit a




It has been well-observed that any victimization of women is largely selfbeckoned, self-induced and generally just 'brought on themselves', for want
of less need for continuous emphasization of what should be plaintively
obvious. Routine Activity Theory, developed by Californian sociological
crimonologists, postulates in a relationship where the occurence of crime is
the product of three opportune conditions, namely a lack of appropriate
guardianship presiding over the potential criminal perpetrator, a suitable
perpetrator, and commensurately so a target, with the additional factor of
temporal-spatial relationship opportunisticness, so it can be assumed that the
targeted individual, for want of a better word in fearing its unwarranted
appropriation from more legitimate uses like in gang-stalked individuals (a
frankly more serious crime than matriarchal persecution-fetish histrionics
e.g. the misnomously named 'rape culture'), largely has the choice in
victimhood, by virtue of the volition to its avail in placing themselves within
those mostly open opportunities of circumstance i.e. locii of crime.
Essentially, women can choose to be victims at whim and will, and most
often times likely deliberately forge themselves such a niche for the
convenient social leverage afforded to them by this.
This self-victimization thus constitutes an inverse power relationship, a
covert switching between victim and offender, where, it can be observed, the
buoyancy of victimhood as its accorded legal protections affords them as
'protected groups', so they become the new power-group, wielding their
victimhood as a weaponized up-stratifying apparatus of power. It is hence
that matriarchal power is born; from the histrionics of perceived, yet nonexistent, persecution by 'patriarchal power', which is accordingly
scapegoated, legitimating and justifying a reaction rooted in "rectification"

of those previously indifferent relationships' retroactive re-examination as

iniquities, i.e. imagined wrongs against womankind, that are typically overcorrected, as to doubly inflict wrongdoing, in the other direction.
Matriarchal power is merely thus an extension of its patriarchal counterpart,
largely forged into existence by themselves.
A power relationship that can be venn-diagrammatically subsumed under an
opportune abuse of factorial circumstances in which abuses sustained
become honour-trophies wielded as marks of "persecution" in a maniacal,
fetishistic and feverish fashion, under which is subsumed the greater societal
circumstance which is held false blame there-under, so feminist enslavement
of society can be thus explained.
The patriarchal delusion now-scapegoated becomes a cover for a more
insidious bait-and-switch. Qua feminism, women are accorded excess
legislative, judiciary and enforcement power, largely concealed by not only
the pretence of patriarchal hegemony but is additionally misdirected, as a
'natural consequence of female assimilation', such nonsense of female
usurpration being mistaken for assimilation only being that which could
come from the horseshit (to excuse the author's French) of an intellectual's
mouth, particularly a feminist one.
Women engage in societal-scale D.A.R.V.O. as a consequence -- an acronym
that stands for 'Denial of Aggression and Reversal of Victim and Offender'.
I'd like to recall personal anecdotal examples in the most brief way before
continuing: a female officer was responsible for illegitimately restraining me
in an Accident and Emergency room despite there being no attempt to
escape, merely responding to a call for triage. She became indignant and
used her psychopathic social prowess to manipulate and wind-up a lowfunctioning neurotypical male 'feminine pad', whom I call her colleague (I
think to say that the police are universally low-functioning but otherwise
guileful is a fair statement), into sharing her largely hysterical, misplaced
indignation, to be offloaded in sadistic restraint and antagonization against
me. I was to learn that in advance, she had herself made a temporary detour
to the psychiatrist's offices to spread calumny and pre-ordain their
conclusions about the presentation of my behaviour not being a consequence
of her passive-aggressive shit-stirring, pleading with them to displace it onto
me, hence the non-sequitur, ersatz nonsense statement that had to be
constructed, "an inability to address questions directly suggests high

aggression". Illogical by all indications of psychiatric theory -- nothing

about Asperger linguistic malpragmatism is connected to another
coincidentally autistic trait, they co-exist, and that's about the entirety of
their relation. I so-call them 'non-sequitur' because there indeed is no
necessary relationship for one to follow from the other. Thus, it's nothing
they'd truly observed in me. They were excusing her Machiavellian wiles,
though it would also point to a wider implication, as I'd mentioned earlier in
the work, of Asperger's mostly contrived existence as a tool of feminist
down-stratification aggressed against certain groups of undesirables (in the
National Socialist, "Lebensunwertes Leben" sense), particularly males.
(Well, why else for one would it exist, and for another, it be overdiagnosed
in that contingent, to be simultaneously underdiagnosed, along with factor-2
psychopathy, in women? 'Less common' is a junk-retort that doesn't address
whys or wherefores -- it's certainly my experience of empathy-bereft NHS
professionals that they merely lie on extremes of either psychopathic
destructiveness or autistic indifference, women unexcepted).
Matriarchal persecution against the "patriarchally" so-called and
scapegoated now-underclasses, as a consequence of their displacement
thereof part-and-parcel to this persecutory trend, can thus be drawn not only
on lines of the privilege accorded by protected-unprotected group
paradigmatic conflict, but now also on socio-economic class ascension,
particularly as a function of bureaucratic expansion, especially in the health
sector in their over-preponderant role as professionals, especially pediatric
and health professionals.
In enabling this, has been a disturbing trend among aberrosexual and
particularly aberrogender communities (my terminology in lieu of
legitimating a largely artificially contrived trend that may still respect the
existence of genuine cases at what has now been peripheralized at the
margins), whose nomenclature has given birth to the idea of a hegemonical
strata within their ranks, not only as implied by the order of the letters in the
acronym 'Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender', but additionally, within
the lattermost community itself, giving credence to, on Benjaminian lines,
an oligarchy dominated by the post-operative, there-referred 'Ascended' in
the work Mascara and Hope: Hacking Transition on the NHS, a famous
work by anonymous Tumblrites that was most disturbing in its implications
having first chanced upon it via. casual research in May 2014. It fully
implies the insincerity of such a condition for the majority of its proclaimed
sufferers, as a manner of political process, agitation and group-mobilization

in the form of an oligarchy, where one must adorn the most sincere
symptomic expressions in order to be recognized by the rank-and-file,
clearly lining out the objective: 'Ascension' to post-operative status. The
terminology of 'Ascension', religious unto itself by its intrinsic nature,
cannot be read innocuously in the context: one must mutilate themselves, a
very harrowing and emotionally difficult process to endure, in order to
purloin political credentials, underlining the egregiousness of the act itself.
Nonetheless, unlike any other disorder, it is enabled in its treatment, rather
than disabled using apparatuses that masquerade as treatment, for example,
anti-psychotics and anti-depressants. The condition is encouraged a
degeneration from what can be regarded conventional socio/psycho-sexual
sanity. Keeping in mind that the real meaning of 'sanity' is 'sanitation', so we
cannot possibly conceive the unclean act of deliberately deceiving the public
as to one's gender expression 'sane' either morally or psychologically.
An overwhelming targeting of this phenomenon towards sexually inadequate
males, too, whether that be physiologically (effete) or psychologically (too
artsy, effeminate, hyper-social or at least unexpectedly so for the
circumstances in the case of the few spergs permitted), shows an inherently
matriarchal manaicism in allowing the inner-Oedipal demon to come thither
forth, a perverse delight in the domination of perceived 'aberrant'
masculinity as reflected through the inevitable castratant procedures.
Yet it is presumed that when the paradigms of societally-created pseudomedicinal disorder and psychiatrically constructed socially-agitating
apparatus (transgenderism and autism respectively) intersectionalize,
particularly when observed under an ideological prism of NHS medicalist
doctrinarianism, doesn't it just, the mental acrobatics deployed to rationalize
their mutual exclusion, stratospherically escalate?
Gibberish Guardian screeds and other second-wave feminist inspired
pseudo-intellectual journalist junk-theorists have concocted reason after
another to delegitimate this intersectionalization when it fits inconveniently
with the sexual-essentialist narrative, perhaps due to a certain heretic traitor
to the Jewish community operating a certain Autism Research Centre in
Cambridge. May YHWH accurse that bastard to perpetual hellfire in having
confined the souls of so many of that ilk to self-immolation, a term I loosely
apply, in that their own descension to hell was largely inadvertant. But is it
out of legitimate medical concern, or a true desire to uphold ethical

standards in the light of an objective observance of Hippocratic pledges?

Such a notion seems unlikely when the sociologically contrived nature of
both phenomena are considered.
Whilst we have spoken of the over-enabling nature of such a sociostratificational edifice as the Trotskyist, agitationalist Fitfh Column of the
aberrosexualist/Sexual Bolshevist pressure group (the only limitation on
your preference of which of these terms to use being how far to the right
one's political predilections may lie), we must now return our focus to the
flip-coin of this intersectionality which is often deliberately kept unto itself
in entrapment, for a litany of purposes: easily managabilty may be seen as
one, with additional connotations of undeservingness due to the
demoralizing set-up of its pre-emptively pre-meditated predation against of
its independence as perpetrated by the welfare-bureaucracy apparatus, and
finally, original sin, as has been enabled by the Cohenim (which may
literally refer to 'the one' bastard that enriles me too greatly with hatred to
name, as well as more figuratively to the self-anointed 'priests' of the ivory
towers), to be cast aspersively against the Aspergian by the radical feminist
pantheon, encompassing both traditionalists -- encompassing the angle of a
matrimony-centric ideological prism -- and the radical feminists -encompassing the angle of chauvinism within the ranks of the self-divinated
Autism was created as a ghetto to place those individuals deemed a threat to
the divine femininity covnant's uprising, having moved goal-post in terms of
its psychiatric classification and definition so many times over short periods
of revolutionary transition such as to nullify its credibility and lend to
credulity the idea of its concretitude, neurodescriptively speaking. Autism as
a placeholder has been less diagnistically utilitarian a consideration in its
brandishing against individuals than its potential to serve an ostrasizing
branding mark with the potential to ruin the social credibility of recipients; a
label of this nature thus has down-stratificational rather than medicinal
properties in its utility.
Such can be inferred given the gradual decline in functioning level of the
average constituent within the contingent, sufferers constantly being given
expansion in the scope of their selection by ever-evolving and, over time,
self-inconsistent diagnostic criteria, with overdiagnoses seemingly
skyrocketing overnight. Why is this so important? Surely we should believe
the self-anointed Archons of psychiatric doctrinarianism's priestly elite on

their word of the inevitability of autistic dysfunction to justify their

abandonment? And sure, it is a compelling position to take, when the
inevitable treatment-recourses -- deliberate antagonization disguised under a
veneer of medical legitimacy such as traumatizing behavioural modification
interventions -- appear to fail, opening up an automatically defeatist
argumentation surrounding a tantalizing autist-centered patient-blame.
Herein, we return to the conceptual thematic trope of 'original sin'.
Wave of antagonization after antagonization serves to solidify its own
processes under a medicalist-doctrinarian framework wherein the results are
only really compared to doing nothing, with any favourable result using no
matter how unrepresentative a group giving 'promise', under the pretence of
its one-size-fits-all applicability. It does strike as reminiscent of the Eugene
Valberg seminar on Negroid Thought and Language, where, having no frame
of reference of the idea of an 'obligation' (its literal definition in Zulu being
'as if to bind one's feet'; the point being missed is that physical attachments
are not moral compulsions), the derivative connotation of 'promise' is also
lost its perspective thereupon, the closest to an indigenous Black
understanding to the concept in its similarity that can be conjured being "I'll
try". And it is a trying, as in irritating, effort, mostly for the receiving end
thereof -- that very entity being persecuted in its trivialization as a diagnostic
Denying exclusivity of membership within its own ghetto, much to the
chagrin of those tarred 'sufferers' and the hypocrisy of those authorities
imposing the very deconstruction, inevitable to any construct that is
conjured within the academic monolith, once preserved and now destroyed
anew in the progressivist direction towards a liberal-egalitarian paradigm, an
idea eerily reminiscent to the Hegelian dialectic, whilst being a fate imposed
for the autist, would be considered nothing short of sacrilege were it
imposed upon the LGBT pressure-group. One then wonders of the author's
reservations and its objective ideological perspective in the analysis of
matriarchally supremacist interactions therewith. You've now the most
cogent answer one could ever have, dear reader.
The membership thereof, though gatekept with a diagnosis in itself, still all
too scoped excessively widely in its imposition, has seen itself expand
demographic to unsensible groups such as the female and the negroid,
despite lacking neurological precedent, as would supposedly be the credo for
its requisite characteristics. One could see this as an attack on general

masculine characteristics, but that would appear too inconsistent with the
oft-paradoxical presentation of such weakness and passivity so ubiquitously
prevalent in the latest waves of contingent diagnosees. Rather it is merely a
misdirection in the reasoning that, seeing the condition's fluidity in
definition over the three theoretical paradigms that it has seen undergone
already (schizophrenogenic/psychodynamic, behaviouralist, and now
neurologically sex-essentialist, over the last 30 years each within their
respective periods), there need be nothing but ambiguity in the constitution
of the condition's precepts, to be perpetually metamorphized a convenient
tool in the marginalization of whomever the diagnostic (really, being
pseudo-medicinal, stratificational) apparatus is perpetrated against by the
medicalist establishment in disparagement. The targets don't actually have to
be essentialistically neuromasculine in the most genuine or slightest in the
initial for it'll be forged -- neurological degradation manifested by social
conditioning -- by the isolating processes of the strata-categorization.
To speak of the status of those medical structures and the real reason for
such an act running contrarily to Hippocratic oath, we must look at the
political context of this societal pseudo-medicinalization or rather, social
engineering under a thin veneer of medical authority, and the political whys
and wherefores behind the movements involved.
The single-parent socialist matriarchy is probably the first starting point at
which the Aspergian is attacked, in the same way that identification with the
single-parent socialist matriarchy is a boon for the aberrogender degenerate
to rekindle its etheric sense of intrinsic power. Destruction and undermining
of the authoritarian essence and rational impartment of father leaves the
Aspergian in disarray and the unusual cruelty of mother unchecked, such
that the latter is free with impunity to psychodynamically reject the
undesirable offspring of the brood.
What never transpires to the light of its deserved attention is the matriarchy's
abusiveness as a causative factor in the social degeneration of the now
psychodynamically rejected brood, whether that manifests itself physically,
socially or psychologically. Various physical provocations will be
perpetrated by either the family as surrounding the unchecked and
maliciously over-aggrandized authority of mother, or by the bitch herself,
which, being unprosecutable as well as unassumed even on 'scientific
inspection' (due to deliberate methodological manipulation per the political
distortion of the tools involved both at the level of their creation and

application, as well as the paramters of what they're investigating; for

example, it's assumed 'sexism' is unilateral in relationship with women as
victims), will have given the hapless offspring under the maligned matriarch
a one-way yanking of their ball-and-chain either by the custodial system or
the psychiatric psykushkas of our time -- this new sluggish schizophrenia, a
Soviet pseudo-diagnosis used against dissenting detainees, such that is
Asperger's, apparently worthy of punishment in the same way.
"Men comprise the powerbase" is a statistical distraction that fails to address
wherefores in this matter entirely. They more comprise a support base
allowing the matriarchy to parasitically purloin therefrom. As previously
established such is the direct relationship between patriarchal deferrence to
matriarchal power. The heterosexual, male, low-functioning, neurotypical
"feminine pad" such that comprises modern father, usually never biological
and almost always a beta-orbiting foreigner, only exist to defer their liege to
gynocratic hegemony rather than serving a sensible counter-balance as was
in time's past, established in the Freudian analysis of sensible, traditionalconservative (before it itself became merely another apparatus qua the neoconservative movement), nuclear-familial model: father imparting rationality
to confront the realities of the world, mother imparting emotionality to
confront the sensibilities of inter-personal eudemonia, with neither impeding
on the other's role, lest this leads to rejections of the extremes.
Note that as well as autistic boys emanating out of single-parent mothers,
I've also seen a preponderance of schizophrenic women emanating out of
gay male-male mutual-fatherships.
That chivalrous whiteknighting is indeed a form of indentured slavery
merely to appease matriarchal power is self-evident given the above.
Through the enterprise of chivalry, a modern chattel chain-gang, does the
women have guaranteed life-long servitude by her new subordinate,
predicated on the pretense of 'dependency'. The dependency is only true
insofar as the woman is a parasite, and almost never the case as far as the
female is socially inadequate to use its wiles in a predatorial way against
society, or to advance its position in opportunistic power-bargaining within
it, for as long as she has the crutch of 'man'.
Q.E.D., social justice and thus, due to their preponderance within the
movement, female antipathy towards the autist, is largely a product of the
latter's unique position as the group specifically oppressed by the former's

demands for progressivism ultimately benefitting not these, that is

autistkind, as a peripheralized margin outwith an in-actuality dominating
purported margin, seeing as non-neurotypical disprivilege is not
commensurate with the privilege purloined by infinite female "dis"privilege, really an inverse privilege based on auto-persecutory pointscoring. In the competition between the feminine and all other elements,
they must emerge undisputed victors, therein lying the conceit of
acquiescing to victimhood.
Ko Pong, North Korean existentialist philosopher, and somebody who I
followed in my later adolescence, describes history as a process of faith
within its precepts (that is the processes in which history arises rather than as
a means-to-an-end unto itself), from which abandonment therefrom is
extracted heavy dues. As we understand it, historical observance is
patriotism, that is, not the patriarchy as has been indentured to matriarchy
today, but faith in the nation's progenating lifeblood, ultimately seminal in
What has the price of abandonment been for us? The systematic eradication
of the most patriotic social group that could've ever existed hitherto by virtue
of their very nature, of heightened affective empathy and fear, diminished
sociopathic wile (the misnomously named "cognitive empathy"), and as a
resultant consequence of both traits, highest capacity for faith therein: the
In conflating patriarchy with patriotism, so the feminist has sought selfdestruction and eradication, but not first without purloining the fruits of their
peripheralization and marginalization of the group-contingent that had
primarily supported their existence in the past, being the only group whose
functionality was conducive to the true development -- rather than
meretricious and illusory social 'progress' -- of nation on lines of tangibility
(such as technology and philosophies pre-Hegel), before their displacement
with the "feminine pad" low-functioning neurotypical male: the Aspergian.
Had the Aspergian maintained the right to their own self-claim as in the
axiom, "who has the right to enslave the Aspergian?", (a rhetorical question
tacitly implying only we do), not gratifying a suffragette vote that had only

been expediently granted for the needless sacrifice of our own during the
Great War, then we'd have still the capacity to make the greatest sacrifice
we've ever needed to in our modern era as has been more greatly
necessitated than ever, to enter the realm as 20 million human bullets (such
that comprise our numbers worldwide) and charge forth in piercing the chest
of the demonic shekinah, the Satanic avatar of G-d such that radical
feminism represents.
For she is the one who has deemed our fate worthy of descension into the
social vicissitude of welfare-dependency, bureaucratization in predatorial
"health-and-social-care" surveillance services, and a general litany of
mutually assured destruction: hoping for the final push in the creation of
many an Elliot Rodger or Adam Lanza who could possibly bring out the
worst pre-conceptions in the public eye that, by deception of democracy,
create a 'demand' for what such an elite want for our furthered enslavement
Aspergian ideological enslavement into the constricting prism of democratic
hypocrisy has come to metamorphize itself a disease afflicting its own bodypolitik. With the arising of the contrived "neurodiversity" movement,
founded by Trotskyist Kinsey-institute Sexual Bolshevist subversive Donna
Williams (chaser of the diagnosis for her own purposes), to later recruit
other names like Grandin and Roberts (the latter of AFF fame), has the autist
been spoon-fed the gibbering bathos-laden drivel of insipid pretenses to a
need, and induced demand, for 'acceptance', not only in the eye of an
unsuspecting public who might be deceived that this indicates genuine
freedom and autonomy, but unto oneself, of its worst characteristics: the
customary, psychiatrically diagnostic rote, degenerating one into a roteautomaton robota, in the original Croatian sense of the word: slave.
For this sort of acceptance could never constitute its own becoming but
rather a complacency alone. It is to adorn a falsified hubris, that is to reduce
the dissonance that self-awareness could bring between mainstream
scientifically regarded convention, what one ought to avoid to ensure a
semblance of recovery in eudemonia, and the induction of "pride" to instil
the "take" into the autist of their worst archetypically embodied selves, but
shell-like, imprisoned beasts, devoid of souls.
Does the Trotksyist usurpationalist of the Wrongplanet opiate-peddling
stalls, replete with the fare of their feel-good, euphoriant snake-oil, issue you

the dissassociative of "integration" into that treacherous fabric of neosocialist historical disfaith, robbing you of the true essence of worthwhile
livelihood sweated with the toil of one's most soulful endeavours, have they,
then, all but obliterated one's personhood, defined by the extension of their
independent creativity.
Incompatible with the movement's goals is this sense of independence, for it
demands collectivism in which to predicate their mobilization, and a
disbandonment of self-awareness, and thus consciousness, a pre-requisite to
creativity, for one to accept the given precepts of their movement:
acceptance of neurotypical social hypocrisy as part of the "diverse"
pantheon, ignorance of difference, and characteristic assimilation, by
simultaneously the most insipid of "self-actualizing" the most negative traits
in one's contingent, whilst expressing the natural indifference that comes
with an unindigenously imposed ideological paradigm.
In embracing difference, by reality, does not mean suppressing oneself for
the purpose of assimilation, whether that is in becoming a caricature of the
diagnostic criteria, or endorsing the ideological hypocrisies responsible for
one's enslavement. All of those things merely imply one act: deracination
and genetic suicide.
In disbandoning independence by fostering desires for integration, so the
neurodiversitarian pressure-group has managed to make the autist renege on
its former expectations, foisting upon them complacency and indifference to
their subsumation under an unworthiness-of-life upon which the
neurohomogenistically-provided faux-charitability of welfare is depended, in
large part, as well as feminist down-stratificational tactics and in conjunction
therewith, being the reason for decimated Aspergian function from its past
attained baselines.
As well as the political power having seen shift in a nexus of divine
femininity, so has the economic, for their provisions are typically made
under a payee or apointeeship (the choice of word depending on jurisdiction)
for which no accountability is expected, to be utimately siphoned from the
namesake of whose claim it has been made. Cruel motherhood and
inefficiency can alone be enough to break Aspergian psyche with the added
sadistic element of financial cuckery.
In such miserably moribund destitution as would entail this greatest of

existential vicissitudes, one's eyes roll around turbulently as if the entire

world is shaking when the inevitable recollections of that most posttraumatic of notion as can be evoked under the autist's lot, the cultural
batallion of feminine divinity; they will invoke such panic as has already
been amplified under the feminine communal collective's suffocation, as if
the autist is to face their death imminently, life lost to spiritually demeaning
consumer servitude. A blitz air-raid would probably be preferable, as would
any endeavour in the tangible struggle of armed conquest revolutionarily. At
least in such tempest of physical manifestation between neurotypical and
Aspergian, the firery result of destruction can be witnessed openly, and in
this way, a realism of experience can be assured and itself reassuring, for the
devastation can be realisically ascertained, creating an experience which
everyone is collectively forced to share. No such candour exists from the
perspective of either one of the reticent gynocratic sociopath, or the guileful
neurodiversitarian Fabio-Trot -- both ever duplicitous in intention -irrespective of sex. Though such demands can make them sound more
untoward than it may seem the situation demands in actuality, in its actuality
could that untowardness not even be sufficient!
Jews have a term for the most evil manifestation of G-d's avatars, and it
happens to be marked by spiritual femininity, allegorical to maliciousness;
the shekinah is a spiritually firery demon bent on destruction, willing to
cause a devastation of post-carpetbombing levelled tempest.
What can be reassured is that the 'kind', silent betrayal of surreptitious,
consumption-foisting murder by the radical feminist's Aspergianpathologization machinations, and the more open, honest devastation of
revolutionary struggle, although differentiated by tangibility alone, is not
only commensurate or analogous emotionally, but may necessarily need see
the latter carried out, not only in retribution against, but resolution of, the
Denying attribution of the privilege of recognition of that harm as is
inevitably the product of such systemic relations, the autist through its
trivialization sustains identitarian erasure, relegated in its perception to the
status of a sub-human cur. This erasure can take a number of forms of
existential 'gate-keeping'. From miseducation in illiteracy, to denial of sexual
and gender-identitarian actualization, a demoralization of autistkind is
obtained across the board. Not a note of suffering recorded, not a note of
essence exuded.

Through such antagonizations by way of active provocation or passively

neglectful denial of consideration, does the first impression of Aspergian
personality convey itself embittered, whilst neurotypical mental acrobatics
do their best to try and deny antecedental cause thereto, one of their doing,
typically. Aspergian embitterment is reinforced by future expectation
thereof, that anything other than antipathy from their tormentor is going to
be but a pipedream, the presentation of its genuity in suffering dehumanized
in subsumation under the 'diagnosis'. Humanity ends at its impasse after all,
per the conventional gospel. Instead of being remediated, it is used against
them, misinterpreted as signs and markers of derangement for which
recourse to psychiatric brutalization via. incarceration into in-patient care
situ must be made.
Denying these vulture-like professionals the privilege of misattributing a
contrary impression from that esoteric to an Aspergian's self-awareness
should be the goal in the psychiatric evasion of those still worthy enough by
virtue of our independence.
My ward experience tells me that the staff in such institutions will actually
collude in prodding to create reasons for which to subsequently misanalyze
the result of their goading as indicative of an "illness's" manifestation.
Whilst I refuse to name individuals, for fear of repercussion, it would appear
that in a fashion renegade to the Hippocratic oath (having been placed in a
room next to the conference area and open-plan office; certain quotes rather
traumatically still circulate in my mind but I dare not cite them again for fear
of potential attribution upon the iniquiry of those professionals who've
actually "worked with" me), I'd found it to be not outwith their moral
calculus to cast aspersions against me based on little more than value
judgements as a means of subsequently otherizing my state of mind in the
popular perception, the pains expressed therefrom attributed with as little
genuity as the disingenuousness of their callously baseless speculation. A
psychopathic level of transferrence seems to characterize a sizable (note I
didn't say all) proportion of mental health professionals. It seems awfully
ironic that, constant accusations of aggression unsubstantiatively flung in my
direction, the very same pervaded their tone in discussing me, like any
narcissistic child would in a game of volleyball.
I remember that even the drugs they had used to try and quash any emotional
significance in an attempt to render an existential death (and for this

recklessly impetuous gamble with my eudemonia, only to manifest in

suppressed yet intensified misery, should I wish the same upon them) were
still not enough to overcome my feelings of shakenness, as imposed by
them, upon discharge.
Of course I withdrew from them all, not desiring to confirm their pseudorighteous biggotry, rooted in autistopathic biases. I had mistrusted
professionals to act in a like capacity, who instead saw it fit to abuse me both
emotionally and through bio-chemical terrorization via. neuroleptics in an
attempt to later conceal the former, because under socialism in the Scottish
style, the same Trotskyism underpinning the neurodiversitarian hypocrisy, so
these Archons could never be held accountable.
The neophytes infesting their self-anointed bureaucratic structures in these
respective nations exist simply to adulate their sense of statused worth, with
the productivity conducted therein being nominally hypothetical and in
vanity; the epitomal incarnation of opportunistic vulturism. Nonproductivization of such sectors render them kleptocratic to the central
authority to which they appeal towards for endless streams of Rothschildean,
debt-ridden fiat, vanishing into a bottomless black hole, almost as if to
suggest Marx was wrong in whom had created the "cash nexus". They sate
themselves "servicers of the nation" with little more than the self-delusion
necessary to rationalize brassly lying towards government ombudsmen, who
are less interested in verifying the veracity of such service, and more, in
creating little bureaucratic hegemonies for the uncompetitive narcissists who
had pseudointellectually managed to, in docile regurgitation, sail through the
system. Granted, as I said earlier, some are meritocratically selected, but on
the proviso that they aren't locally nepotistic 'party connections' (such that
the NHS constitutes, one of many 'outer parties') so to speak. Even so, there
is the problem that no matter how genuine their ability, there is a distinct
human inability pervading their soullessly errant aura. If not innate to them,
then institutionally inculcated by an embitterment of let-down idealism;
these sorts, in my book, are marginally more forgivable. Such systematic
sycophants are of course only interested in authoritarian deference; like class
pets, it begets for them further unwarranted adulation from the epicenter of
the system's confines.
It doesn't so much disincentivize compassion, as it is representative of
inherent neurotypical discompassion, for this impassively passive-aggressive
disdain for those outwith this buoyed backroom could never translate into

anything more substantial than the pious self-proclamation of oneself as a

tin-diety, in substitution for meticulously attentive devotion. Such
meretriciousness made itself clear in the crass condescension by
femalewhore upon femalewhore of every patient, without, regrettably, my
disclusion or sparing, in what they had either thought to be private quarters
or, eventually, out in the open and with a similar disregard for those
eavesdropping, considering them too irreceptively retarded to disentangle
the implications of their bitching, which was barely concealed under a
chiffon-transparent pretense of objectivity and vocational practice.
A dear lesson had been imparted by such an experience still and for this
much, through all my weeping in introspection, there had been a glimmer of
light to gratefully embrace, of my realization of the aforemenetioned, so it is
not entirely begrudgeable, but neither do the staff receive my gratitude for
the care that was conspicuously absent.
Great shame is brought upon the autist by those whom praise psychiatry and
show a deferentially sycophantic gratitude for its intervention because not
only has it shown that the damage of its constituent methods have worked in
a Stockholm-esque way, this will additionally only be returned, privately at
least, by those "professionals'" snickering like primary students in a
playground of their molding, once more, of a perfectly sub-humanized
automaton, through which they can reinforce the tenets of the condition and
worsen it in a circular spiral downwards, the basis of which justifies the
polypharmaceutical merry-go-round.
I cry for such individuals, because they have abandoned a faithful conviction
in self-reliance and substituted it or the neurodiversitarian hypocrisy; that its
presentation should be subdued by drugs for the neuro-homogenization and
integration into the 'community'. The liberal neurodiversity movement had
advocated the acceptance of their idiosyncracy only to appeal to psychiatric
'science' in the eradication thereof simultaneously, but of course, furtively.
To remedy this, we must speak passionately in advocation for the extension
of our autonomy and creative independence, and dispassionately about the
pretentious sophists who had acted as arbiters of our representation, despite
having simply sought to destroy us. In the prayers of those autists who
already have, and are yet to, free themselves from the ideological detention
of psychopharmceutical-imprisonment, shall we wish for the collapse of a
system that has betrayed us viciously, steadfastly striving to disabuse the

neurotypical of the notion that it can create this deflective scapegoat of a

soulless automaton through their neuroleptic intoxication, designed purely to
distract public attention, by suppressing private outcry, away from the
psychiatrist's congenital presentation of that same demonicness.
They can find myriad people to derive vicarious pleasure from their
persecution through such overglorified witchcraft, and we must respectfully
have no further part in it. Merciless treatment is our expectation thereafter,
which we'll have to brunt. From hereforth could only martyrdom be
consecrated in our destruction; more the passion to enscribe in our collective
autobiographical consciousness and shared historical heritage.
You might recall the opening pages lain within the foreword of a pamphlet
on hypermale spiritualism as the ideologically sentimental impetus of a
certain corruption on the concept of socialist worker's morality, to refrain in
"The Aspergian as a hyper-male individual, rather than someone
suffering from a neurocognitive disorder is to be considered if we are
to transcend the useless paradigm of the state sanctioned mind control.
This individual, guided by a sense of sanatana (self actualised
eternity) and his natural instincts thus manifests such "proofs" as the
psychological priest-healer or faux shaman calls "symptoms". These
so called symptoms encompass a wide range of human traits and do
not have any kinship with diagnosis as a science, but reflect a
psuedoscience of a dark ages kind. To the Psychiatrist the Volume of
the Sacred Law, the DSM-V, is the rule by which they detect the
pathologized Aspergian and through which they perpetuate his
We, as Aspergian hyper-males, must declare ourselves free from this
Judeomasonic ethno-class of priestly exploiters if we are to rise above
the lowly place we have been forced beneath. Thus, in doing so,
becoming masters and creators of our own destiny, we will one day
have the Negrotypical as our slaves and rightful servants. In this
political pamphlet, we will explore all aspects of the suppression of
the hyper male, giving each method its special weight in the
elaboration of the plan to realise it.

The so called disability of Asperger's - thus named after Hans

Asperger, is thus the creation of a new catagory of person. This brings
to light the agenda to hide the masterful tendencies of the Aspergian
and deny him his deserved crown. We of the noble race are in no
means disabled, but to the contrary we are more built to survive and
rule over the lesser beings. If we take this notion to it's highest
manifestation we find that we are a people who must first deal with
our own flaws and failures. In our ranks today there are many who are
not true Aspergian, but have been declared as such to cause
our kind to be associated with the basest and meanest of retards, the
Christian Weston Chandlers of the world as such the demiurge sees fit.
The Nuerotypical or Nueronegroid is a creature of malice and deceit,
who speaks with his mouth and makes many hidden signs that we
cannot detect, thus deceiving the Aspergian. He defines words to suit
his own needs and his own nature, which is exactly what has been
done with the notion of empathy, which is deeper in the Aspergian
than any other. The empathy of the Aspergian is the more natural and
honest form than the NT can manifest, but he denies us
this trait. We are the only people to have the neurocognitive ability to
forsee the proper response to a situation in an almost psychic manner.
We thus have already seen the plans of the NT and determined that he
is at odds with us. He is our natural enemy and thus we cannot have
any dealings with him on a fraternal level. We only recognise our own
as brothers and comrades because of this double nature. The honest to
a fault Aspergian is thus a more
trustworthy individual, both as a friend and as a foe. So, do not trust
the negrotypical for anything, no matter how glib he is with words or
false promises. His nature is to lie and deceive and speak from both
corners of the mouth. What is to be done? We must adopt the manner
of a soldier when facing a dangerous foe - to face him and not allow
the emotional to intrude.
We are a people to whom the strength of feeling is very strong, so this
is in fact difficult for us to do, but necessary. It is thus important that
we keep in mind the suffering of our people and that we are honoring
our ancestors through our struggle against the Negrotypical. The only
way to resist is to create our own institutions and our own networks of
assistance through which we can help our racial comrades and our

The welfare system is one such way that the world governments keep
the masses under large scale control - the bread and circuses of the
Roman days has become the Sonic and anime of today. This paternal
headship thus keeps the enslaved very much so like children to the
fatherly government, who is in fact a disgusting tyrant. To become
masters and creators of our own destiny, we must therefore leave our
false parent, the government, and become adults in the sense of
autonomy and agency. Only then, will the dream of Aspergia be made
a reality. If we are to succeed in creating the Lemuria and Atlantis of
the future, we will need to radicalize and fraternize for our collective
-- Introductory Foreword by Negi Springfield, Aspergian Socialism is
a Science, authored by myself
Many misgivings were committed by me in my naivete. Firstly, the
axiomatic presumptions which have now seen their bombardment at the
hands of a much-necessitated disentangling of the ill-fated Cohenitic
doctrinarianism were given a certain gullibility of credulous credence, to use
the strongest words for my former conviction in the essentiality of
hypermasculinity, something that, in retrospect, has me wretch in disgust.
Many themes are rightfully evoked: transcendence, kinship, solidarity, intergroup networking and mobilization, fraternal friendship, a sense of
belonging, an Aesop-esque sense of role reversal from subjugated to
subjugator, independence, self-determination, self-actualization, the list goes
on and is far from exhaustive. A sense of becoming unto ourselves a group
of distinction, and the individualized sense, at least on a collective level
(rather than endorsing the new 'individuality' of destructive atomism), of a
renewed cultural identity, therein defined by self-reliantly and independently
developed values, mores, motive forces, and institutions arising from the
One fundamental problem marrs the entire work, as has been also previously
mentioned: the author's yet-tackled traumas, just having emerged from
institutionalization at the time of writing, had resulted in the presumption
that there was nothing intrinsically wrong with the largely assumed
ascription of 'hypermale' identity. As much as disentangling a spiritual and
ethno-biological identity rooted in such a concept, from the much more
primitive conception of itself as a disordered morass rooted in extreme
neurosexual manifestation (itself a politically contrived concept), was

beginning to take hold in an impressive turn-around from the unquestioning

obedience to such a near non-sequitur rejection of critique against the
needlessly essentialist determinism of the past.
Rejecting the latter -- which the pamphlet still gave disturbing lipservice to,
representing an earlier and still-inchoate period of our ideological
development -- whilst embracing the former, an identitarian sense therein
and thus, remberances of our struggle, remains an important and indeed stillnoble endeavour. It is because of such erroneous consignation of our sort
with this association that we could've ever experienced such an adversity in
the first place, memories of which we must cherish as marks on the
miletones in the development of our collective character.
Many points were still made with the extremely foreboding trenchance of
the work that would be to follow: it is the first recognition indigenously by
Aspergian philosophers of the contrived nature of the autistic diagnostic
category. It reiterates a long-established thematic conceptualization of
maliciousness within the ranks of the neurologically normative, and
emphasizes the importance of our regarding objectively this duplicitous
nature of their ilk.
To highlight an example of the work forebodingly telling in advance its own
portentions, shall we discuss the discovery of the same by a rather malicious,
allegedly female, neurologically normative (and in this instance we can
safely read this to be a synonym of 'psychopathic') whore.
I'd signed up to a nation simulation web-game under my standard moniker
(these days, any variation of 'Sophie'), which was a sincere representation of
who I was. Without going into the specifics of how I'd roleplayed Aspergia
precisely, something which is mostly irrelevant to the surrounding context of
this forthcoming anecdote, I noticed a certain "woman" appearing rather
predatorial in the facially expressive body language of "her" avatar (a
portrait closeup), donned by a user operating under the handle of Zenny,
who had been roleplaying a rip-off Soviet Union hilariously devoid of all
Zenny salaciously and maliciously hangs around me like a vestige of
feminist paranoia, quite ominously mulling for the next few days, appearing
semi-innocuously twee in a siren's signalling akin to a psychopathically
Arachnid cry for belief in one's conniving act, continuously trying to solicit

friendship, as if desperate for my ensnarement under this entrapping

constriction. Behind the scenes, acolytes and allies to Zenny's clan make it
plainly obvious that they were desperate for dirt on who I, inertly minding
my own business with an innocence unparalleled sans the inconvenient (and
especially to those as dishonest as themselves) truths on my insights into the
matriarchy, was.
It seems the dirty, type-2 transvestitic faggot -- to be less than eloquent, and
increasingly impatient, with my remarks -- figured out that I'd made a more
convincing display of a feminine essence which was frankly more deeply
innate to me in just the short time I'd been engaging in that foray, than our
aformentioned friend "Zenny" has done, deceiving gender identity clinics to
abuse monumental doses of hormones for a number of years, forging barely
the trappings of the phenotype and virtually nothing but the chiral opposite
of the neurotype (in his case, over-masculinized in the direction of
psychopathy, rather than the 'autism' myth).
It's quite plainly disturbing how often what are overt manifestations of
psychopathy are confused for the behavioural emanations of "bona-fide"
gender confusion, merely as a course of the duplicity of those proclaiming
the latter fooling those too credulous or sincerely sympathetic to dare broach
upon surmising the former at play.
That disgression aside, Zenny's discovery of my manifesto had resulted in
his idiotic strawmanning of what had been, by him, misinterpreted and
contextually warped to shreds, such that it revealed gaping holes in its (yeah,
this is likely the more appropriate pronoun; with a clear intention to
dehumanize me outlined in its objectives so it deserves the same in return)
reading comprehension and intellectual honesty, much to the hilarity of
myself, if its stalking attempts to get there were, albeit, initially instrumental
to my distress. It had casted aspersions which were inaccurate to what I
could only gather to be a mostly non-existent reading of the work, such as
my tacit admission, apparently, that all autistic transgenders are liars of a
neuter-gender sort that are merely too retarded to engage in any deep
introspection of their person, or something or other. It would only go to
continually explicate the obtuseness of its prejudices.
Actually, the work, even on its closest inspection, never once concerned
itself with sex-essentialism beyond the already scientifically "established" (I
was to find months later that a series of MRI scans disproved the hypothesis

at least in males, and had only tentatively proven, towards a non-extreme,

neuronormative direction in women), and certainly never lent credence to
the oft-misfollowed inference that hypermasculine mind = hypermasculine
sentiments and body, at least in the convenientional senses of how feminist
paranoia has mischaracterized both. Nonetheless, proving the bathos of
inane female emotion, consumed entirely by anger (especially in its case,
being an addict of estrogen rather than its sincere, default state) it would
seem in the ubiquity of my experience, the maniacal transvestite was out for
my blood.
Matriarchal spirituality we can thus infer is of a vengeful, vicious, vainlysacrificial sort, and only ever to the latter in terms of exacting the foremost.
It doesn't really concern itself with things of the most deeply affective
import, being too predatorially vicious to know what that really is, unless
caught up in the most histrionic moments of the inability to regulate its own
anger, usually prompted by a demand for its self-examination. It hunts for its
prey based on an obsession with assuring its loosely connected and
otherwise entirely mercenary allegiances: you are a member of their stance
on a dichotomy ("we're the social justice warriors, you're evil!") rather than
an autonomous being with divergent but otherwise consistently justified
moral positions. In fact, morality is but merely a talisman to this sort of
feministically-agitated neo-female (and transvestitic sub-humans believing
they are; this is to say nothing of the genuine aberrogenders), a self-serving
means to an end.
If there is such a thing beyond Cohenitic doctrinarianism as a hypermale at
its most ethno-biologically and spiritually essential, then we've enviably
attained the highest level of moral, conscientous and ethical development
known to man, in our ability to see past these neurofeminine hypocrisies.
Never again must we fall into the vicissitude of mistaking the scientific
precept of a disproven condition to be the deterministic be-all for our people.
No, an essence of being must be found outwith the confines of satisfying the
criteria of this label on an existential level, that is often to the exclusion of
existence itself; in pandering to psychiatric pre-conception do we eliminate
ourselves and sense of self. Nothing is descriptive, deterministic, or
essential, any more so far as it beckons unto itself destructiveness,
degeneration and demeaning of its own.
A morally








doctrinarianism with liberal-totalitarian piousness has given rise to the

Zenny. It is strangely antipathic towards this one minoritarian demographic
of the 'diversitarian' pantheon, such that, it wonders why the autist now
wakes up in railing against their beloved egalitarian delusion. It is upset that,
in all efforts -- whether through state-mandated abuse via. the educationpsychiatric partnership, or its transposition towards the familial level in the
issuing of diktats of advice like 'cease loving your autistic sub-human
offpsring' -- that it has not been able to feralize the awe-inspiring candour of
dignity maintained by us throughout.
Not even in trying to deceive us in enlistment to membership within the
front-line, fifth-column, dump-batallions of neurodiversity, has it managed
to keep their more prolific thinkers for more than a short while; left are a
verifiably, legally retarded pseudo-doctorate (most likely awarded as a
matter of course for a system stupidly obsessed with positive discrimination
at the expense of merit) Canadian neurobiologist who is daughter to a
maniacal and hateful radical feminist rhetoricist calling for the autist-wide
castration of will based on strawmen of our sexuality, a diagnosis-chaser
who was the former founding member of the Frankfurt school think-tank,
and some largely-unknown and cryptically self-insular plausibly-transsexual
beard (this term, from Queer culture, means a gay man trying to forge the
appearance of straightness via. proxy; the gay in question is Gareth, the
tranny, one 'Amy', former Aspies for Freedom administrator) who had
emigrated from England merely to bypass the NHS' autistopathic
stipulations on getting a sex-change procedure.
Strangely, despite having my only and thus arguably, worst personal
correspondences with the lattermost, I find myself lending the greatest
sympathy to "her" (even in my passive-aggressive quotation of the preferred
pronouns -- merely call this sour grapes; she got what she wanted, I didn't,
but I can hardly begrudge her, in my stupidly quixotic and tearfully
utilitarian desire to see a happiness unattainable by the one spread to at least
some more of the many); this change in tone seems nearly bipolar-esque, I'm
certain, but we do have a kindred spirit, given what ultimately distresses
both of us at our core: to be forced to confront a purported and systemicallytouted hypermasculinity inconsistent with our deepest convictions. It just
seems, differing in our approach, a product of our divergent backgrounds in
part I'm certain, that we could never meet eye-to-eye.
Yes, everyone, behold the pantheon of neurodiversity's founding elite! Moral

epigones to behold, it is sure (to be dismissed, the author notes to herself,



I've found quite a number of psychiatric, neurobiological, and otherwise

medically pathological correlates, to the presentation of something we must
still refuse to mistake for anything other than the pseudo-medicinal. In
purloining the membership of confused men, whose only femininity is
defined by their neurological inadequacy rather than the deeply essential,
feminism speaks to its own insincerity. These mercenary recruits are the
battering ram; heretics to their own birth-rite, rather than cognizants
epiphanized to a rite true to themselves. We must speak of the ills that give
rise to this former perfidiousness, to self-conviction and to presented
candour, such that "neurotypical" transwoman actually is.
Let us establish forthright, that the so-named "transgenderism" of new is a
psychopathic disorder. This is not to refer to an aberrogenderism of time's
past, which made no pretences to biologically deterministic gatekeeping or
mechanisms in ensuring a heirarchical hegemony of legitimacy on such a
basis, nor lended its tacit approval to an overglorified conversion process as
the psychotherapeutical techniques perpetrated solely to ensure matriarchal
Though we are perhaps applying such a categorization too loosely, it's still
justified with consideration to a larger, more spectral sense, in a way
demonstrative of a veracity contrary to the spiteful over-extension of the
faux-neuromasculinity pathology of Aspergo-Kannero-Cohenitic import.
There appears to be significant association with a sociopathic disorder subset, more in a line of presentation with a stereotypically feminine
counterpart, that would only go some way to congruentially fit with any
feigned sex-identitarian affiliations; this is especially salient in terms to the
most ubiquitously presented trait-item, guileful deception.
Transgender women get off -- to connote this phrase more asexually, entirely
as a matter of stimulation-seeking course -- from the thrill of deceiving those
whom they're trying to convince of their act, particularly those of the
opposite sex. Deception is thus an intrinsically key component of their very

Some of the individuals I describe as aberrogender, rather than

"transgender", have deepened convictions genuinely down-rooted to a
profound and innate level, for which, though the appearance of behavioural
presentation may strike similarity, is underpinned by entirely different, that
is to say, asocial, apolitical, and intrinsic motivations. The means appear
similar in process, if different in intention. The overriding objective, in such
circumstances, less involves a thrill derived from successful conning, and
more from external affirmation of what's internally resonant as true.
The average liberal, conned by the pervasive lies of the transgender
contingent's use of aberrogender rhetoric, might be taken aback by how
surprisingly small a fraction of transgender (to return to conventional
nomenclature, rather than my own pathogenesis of this word) women this
It makes sense, rather than indulging in various Guardianista screeds trying
to misdirect autistic aberrogenderism as an insincere phenomenon emanating
from neurovirilization, to see it in terms of a psychological projection on
their part; that they fear the discovery of their own neurovirilization's
debunking of their attested identitarian stance, at least when seen relatively.
It (the relative neurovirilization of the kind of female brains possessed by
transgender women) would be absolutely consistent with the better
hypothetical summations, others having failed thus far entirely upon
replication (the 2013 MRI scans disproving Cohenism, particularly in
autistic MAABs).
Put simply: a relatively low level of testosterone for the male brain, is still a
very high level of testosterone for the female brain (yes, I acknowledge
transgenders might very well have fundamentally essential causes to their
phenomena, just that it should in no way be regarded the same creature as
womanhood; this is about the only similarity I have with the feminists in
position and even then, only with their radicals -- the moderates are
surprisingly endorsing of autistopathic hypocrisies, whereas radical feminist
hatred of men is at least across-the-board; I can match candour with equal
rancour, in such an overt expression, vs. the insipid secrecy of the moderates
-- albeit coming from a different approach and for different reasons).
Ignoring the noise of chormosomal determinism (it in fact determines very
little in a directly phenotypical sense, dependent on other contingencies for

the full realization thereof), and accepting at face value that transgenders
have something quintessentially feminine at the cellular level of their neurostructure, this'll of course mean a somewhat masculinized female brain,
however it is looked at.
Sociopathy, conclusively, is thus an inevitable manifestation of transgender
There have been criticisms raised which I'll duly address. A lack of
explanation is often perceived and duly rebuked, lent to the nebulous nature
of sex-specific hormonal effects and its implications herein.
Whys and wherefores are sort of difficult beyond correlative relations.
However, there exists a wealth of data that females score higher prepsychopathic scores on the Hare checklist, despite having lower overall
psychopath cutoff scores (the lower variation and matriarchal bias will be
accordingly addressed as reasons for this statistical phenomenon in due
course, for it so happens to be another criticism). Still, it is in the nature of
the feminine style of 'empathy' to be overly cognitive and devoid of feeling
(cognitive-affective empathetic bifurcations are covered in previous works
of mine; generally speaking, most men have weaknesses in the latter and
strengths in the former), by the implication of which item-for-item trait
correlates most strongly to sex.
Differing testosterone receptor sensitivities are key here, so by default,
women are getting a bigger hit from testosterone than men at the equivalent
dose. Returning to my argument, a defining factor of gender-incongruence
could be at the receptor level, transgender women having higher testosterone
sensitivity despite lower overall amniotic concentration.
More specific targeting of the hormone will change its distribution of the
brain such that it'll shape it differently. A female psychopath's brain, such
that I'm solidly convinced the transwoman's is, would hypothetically be far
structurally different from a male psychopath, normative male or normative
female. Would we know how exactly? We don't need to, because
neurodescriptivity isn't a concern in the definition of behavioural causes.
(Psychiatry doesn't appear to think so, anyway, unless it concerns bullshit
like autism.)
I don't think sociopaths to be particularly clever, contrary to the remonitions

of those who consider me to fete their traits. I know their syndrome to be

one of high intellectual variation and this would speak to the masculinity of
the disorder, frankly. Nevertheless, critics are constantly showing how
they've misinterpreted my argument, when criticizing my lack of explanation
of a female brain's psychopathy as a weakness: I was actually pointing to a
relative privation of masculinization within this particular feminine
neurotype, those more discerning of our reader-ship will saliently note.
Feminine genetic stability has no relevance as a criticism, given the
chromosomal bases' tentative relationship phenotypically speaking.
Feminine genetic stability as a cause for phenotypical homogeneity might
have some foundation in its establishment, were it the definitively
established causative factor, but on this, we've no absolute assurance rooted
in observation or otherwise. All bias in the testing would be in the direction
towards their protection from diagnosis, in sociopathy, just as it is for
autism, which should be explicative of the overriding theme of this work, to
outline the theoretical basis for demonstrating matriarchal privilege; these
are cultural factors for which karotypology is only incidentally related, in
that those who possess the recombinative X tend to grow up to become
female (such that it is, a collectively conditioned imposition arising from the
human imagination's ability to envisage the categorization of as much; the
innate state there-ascribed merely as coincidental), rather than its proven
relationship with absolutely determinative phenotypical destiny.
The feminine empathetic mythology has seen itself pervasively
metamorphize into a monstrous concoction of various falsehoods, from
"rape culture", to its learned helplessness and placement in the submissive to
proclaim victimhood and vulnerability to the threat of predation. It is
predicated on the belief that those who are best at empathizing are also the
best at sharing resources. This would be true if a cognitive empathetic
strategy -- such that women possess -- could be described as similar or had
remotely the kind of underlying mechanisms to its affective -- an ascription
more true of males -- counterpart, but this presumption would be follied;
nothing unfeeling feels for anything except unto itself. This is an ability the
woman has in remarkable abundance. Evolutionary circumstance shaped an
environment in which women were always fended for, incompatible with a
demand to evolve empathy. Chivalry slavery, the arrangement of sociocontractual deferrence to womenkind for its own traditionally-upheld, but
vacuous sake of a pedastalized institutionalism prostrate towards vaginal
worship, almost never guarantees anything except enabling. Critiques to this

idea will always refer to the role of women in motherhood, without realizing
this predates humans, as itself a predatory defense mechanism (the
swallowing of the mother-nest's offspring by that from whence one came),
one whose persistence into the present day simply suffocate offspring ala.
the arising of matriarchal socialism's welfare-state enabling of single-parent
micro-monarchical structures.
Patriarchal misdirection abound, it must be realized this mischaracterization
of cause only affirms the enabling of matriarchal predation inherent to
chivalry slavery, and the idea it is chivalry slavery, not patriarchal
emanation, that had elevated on a pedestal matriarchal might. One disease of
the kind of heterosexual male sexuality possessed by the neurologically
inadequate neurofeminine usurpers (17% of the male population, a much
larger contingent than the more malicious "extremely-masculine-for-afemale" "transgender" psychopath), such as would've had to have been the
only ones able to ascend the revised autistopathic curriculal gatekeeping of
neo-academia, its parameters modified to suit the superficial, verbally slick,
and mnemonically disposed, is its surreptitious tendency towards
domination by those feted in sickly eurotophillic lust, a form of worship of
the anatomically pungent and subjugation thereto.
Whilst the neuromasculine heterosexual male merely wishes to see itself
emerge on top, the neurofeminine heterosexual male wishes to 'go down' and
consume every last piquantly wretched drop of malfeasant discharge, thus
extending itself to the very last of each societal favour extended by them,
qua the matriarchy's mandate for neo-patriarchal, inadequate-male "feminine
pad" submission, such that comprise the new power-base on its face.
Because, once again, of the clandestine and discrete nature of these
relationships and especially in their more sexological manifestations, that
sometimes disgustingly go beyond analogy, it is presumed that this
patriarchy of the present is representative in nature with that of the past, a
forgivable mistake considering the well-concencealed manner with which
these superficial displays, from the Judeomasonic court, to the Privy Council
Parliamentary chambers of the 33rd degree, express themselves. Even
heteronormativity isn't immune to Hegelian transformation of the most
insidiously egregious sort.
In the clearly explicated matri-patriarchal connection, so is transgenderism
thus neo-matriarchal in its origins and structure, merely an extension of the
exchange of power in its passover from the neuromasculine dominion of the

past to the neurofeminine dominion of the present, and as lesbocentric,

gynocratic wiles take precedence over the now-subverted heteronormativity.
More targeted have the gynocentric been than the androcentric, in the
subversion efforts rallied against the already-undermined heteronormativity,
with various studies exalting and espousing the tennets of the femaleattractivity alleged of feminine sexuality as of late. Chivalry slavery
dynamics will only stand to re-arise with the reconfiguration of such
relationships, merely moving feminine-ward in its distributive range.



I have described with invariable refusal to lend whimsy to capriciousness -a solidity not characterized by those whom I'm about to discuss -- the traits
exemplifying our female forebares, whose privilege, it has been established,
entirely predicates itself upon their status as brood-progenators, the
preciousness therein contained in a macabre, Gnostic, menstraul
worshipping ritual of a barely modernized sort, with which we shall bare in
mind when examining the matriarchy's contribution to its hijacking of the
scientific establishment, with a brutality barely lagging -- that is in no
insufficiency -- of any commiseration with those attempts similarly
perpetrated upon other institutions of their targeted import.
[To be completed].
I shall list in an approximately chronologically notarized order the
autobiographical events of my livelihood most scathingly impressing
themselves upon me as inspirers unto myself the notion of betrayal, by way
of its assortment most egregiously typified, at the matriarchy's hand:
I was given birth on the day an outrageously tumultuous blizzard had struck
like a flash my locale, and knowing the oft-secretly withheld knowledge
from public regard, of the absolute self-control the female is afforded to

highly expendable avail her contractions, she, by whom I refer and is as all I
shall the curish wench from whence I came thither forth, deliberately
induced them on such a day, as to inflict the greatest harm on her offspring
out of demonically-motivated spite. Nay, no happenstance of misfortune by
the divine had this been, except if we are to speak of that divinity in terms of
an emanation from the underworld. Veritably, we can ascribe this an act most
etherically motivated in disposition by a Satanically convicted force of
inspiration. Hexatious as it was vexatious, a silent understanding of that
"punishment" which must, so as it was seen to, be inflicted on the
sacrificially rejectable brood.
A punishment of planned complicative induction to jarr murderously the
birth and ensure its failure, expertly calculated with every kinesthetic jerk
for it is in the infinite cerebellar capacity of the femalewhore, a genius of the
physical movement, to muscularly scathe and thwart the safe passage of her
offspring through the various convolutions of the canal.
And in doing so, implicating murderous intention to ensure passing of, and
despite, that passage, prematurely. Even though I had been delayed by a
good two weeks of gestiative timing, with an apparent slowness of
maturation -- only commensurate with the advancement of such an organism
as I -- to follow thereafter. A testament to the racial superiority of such a
Slavonic mistress, and although her beauty therein had exuded itself, solely
genetically, it would end with this physicality, to be manifest most
oppositely, speaking emotionally.
Though subconscious murder was attempted, and in reflection, most
contrarily to that former ascription of an underwordly Satanic apparition of
spiritually possessed intention, of what was to follow from that point
onward, this might have, in fact, been principled by merciful sparing,
knowing an existential plot, to ensure from the origin a complexly
interneicene process of purposely plotted psychodynamically traumatic
disruptions to the conscientousness, pre-emptively formulating the
conspiratorial climate for so-called "autism's" induction that would make
racuous cackling of any so acculturated in the sensitivities beyond the
insipid doggerels of penny-terribly published academic conventionalities in
the scientific demagougicals usually ascribed its cause, knowing it was a
more widely planned and desired outcome.
It is the proverbial equivalent of seeing your baby sexually violated anally

by the medical doctors, and this was as well to be a more honest expression
of the same more figurative brutality. (Note the analogous nature of this
statement; a literal interpretation of imagery is not advised lest you spare
yourself all comfort and visual safety.)
Following me from the beginning of time have been these matriarchal
Archons, whose natal crimes as perpetrated against me range from
purposeful suffocation, likely fueled by fetishistic orgiasticness, in an
experimental entertainment that the autistic stratificational "diagnostic"
heffer-branding was merely just a mark of the hatred underlining
simultaneously this lust, sustained 7 minutes and probably to no chagrin of
their own anatomically orgasmic vibrations, gynaecologically speaking, to
calorific deprivation torture, the "kiss-", or to extend an expression even
more violently, salivatingly frothing snog of the "Angels of Death", had
motivated itself all too pervasively in this quasi-paedophilic fascination for
the morbid impaling of barely post-foetal infants endemic to all NHS staff,
with no limitation to its maternity wards.
My mother was not to know any the wiser, lest she be wizened to, these
gravely bellicose iniquities. Separated, albeit no more permanently than until
discharge, shortly after birth, the professionals' way with me had nothing to
be accounted for from that point onwards. No witness could possibly be held
to the A Serbian Film style atrocities that could most conceivably have
potentially taken place. Before that is taken to be indicative of my cinematic
tastes, I'd only ever heard acquaintances reference this peurile "work",
refusing to indulge on a matter of the historical edginess exhibited by one of
them in particular (one Robert Campbell, a Glaswegian member of a trolling
orgnization I'd long ago established and disbandoned after our
disassociation), a known degenerate edge-lord who had a morbid fascination
for gore, even when, as in this (so he states), it involves man-on-infant rape.
I have but his account to go by, and don't want to entertain it further than
metaphor (even though it's already seeping to the abyss of my disgust
successfully), once again.
Within the confines of a much initially enthusiastic foray into a literarily
unknown territory, Incipient Conceptions, the short-lived successor to the
Autphag literary project, a partially-fictional, partially-quasibiographical,
and again, partially-philosophical treatise into the esoteric nature of not only
the racially transcendental, but in a highly encoded and subliminal way, the
trans-feminine, in the ultimate fusion between an Overman individualism ala

Neitzche and, to contrarianly twist, beyond-manhood breakage from the

bonds of sexual prescriptivism, an identitarian anarchism throwing all tables
asunder in its wake, akin more to a less gaudily subversive version of
Mascara's authors, taken with an Aspergian flavour in its analytical rigour
and characteristically peculiar emotional stance.
Between transcendence and sexological independence so one must lend to
the other and vice-versa, mutually, in their respective strides. Such had never
been afforded once to the Aspergian. "His" (which is as Bernstein, in his
seminal psychiatric theory textbook, passive-aggressively emphasizes in his
brief aside into whom he refers "autists", the only professional and at that,
British psychiatric one, I've known to professionally refer thereto as; no, not
even to something as tentatively scientifically mystical sounding as the
Cohenitic lore, but merely on a crude statistical note) was a pre-emptively
planned schematic process of categorical stratification in the construction of
the overglorified sort of "Dale's dreidel", assigned a colour to the quality of
worker, based on purely Fabiotic devotion*; the classification of Asperger is
analogous to this chromatic assignment in a modern day of
pseudoscientificized mysticism. For an Asperger's Fabiotic devotion would
be contrary to their individuality, so they are discarded, turned to show its
black face pointing upwards.
*The Fabian movement was the quintessentially prototypical archetype for the formation of the perfect
work-fare, wage-slavery state of existentially living-death drudgery, upon which most modern socialist
movements are by and large predicated upon, in fusion with other successive or preceding authoritarian
strands, for instance, Fabio-Hobbensianism (Fabianism's synthesis with Thomas Hobbes' felicitarianism),
Fabio-Malthusianism (Fabianism's synthesis with Sir Thomas Malthus' resource-castrastrophism
hypothesis) or the dreaded Fabio-Trotskyism (the most covered, Leon Trotsky being a recent enough
phenomenon, not warranting neccessitated explanation) which is given repeated credence in this work. The
underlying values therein mostly constitute the moral foundation for a British National Insurance-ranked
"Songbun" style semi-hereditary (in so far as one's capacity to contribute is largely formed formatively
during the periods of life one's extended ancestral resources so affords) system of class-stratified
"compassion deservance", as one arrogant NHS bureaucrat had waxed sophistically of their decision
making process for who is devoted healthcare resources, to list just one example of an arena of life among
many in which this bares relevance.

All ultimata finally determining the retrospective capacity for a past's

revelations to give hither a reflective light into the abyss of the temporally
elapsed, such as is the namesake of this thesis, are explicated in the confines
of reminiscence, and in particular, that of the biographic; it can be an
exceedingly difficult embarkment does reservation so predispose one to
discomfort in their recollection, and it is with this that I dare tread in my

My first recollections of being actively traumatized by the implications of

the word 'autism' was at a relatively young age, I was possibly about 5 or 6
years old, attending some government bureaucracy provided (and, in so, to
be mistrusted of its seemingly philanthropic gesture) play-scheme group. It
is for this reason in the main that I know had any autism truly existed, it was
exaggerated by the traumatic impartment of this experience's sustainment.
Tonally speaking, it was intonatively explained, although I'd understood but
maybe 25% of the words uttered (my receptive language was frequently
under-estimated and my mother would frequently express annoyance at the
low expectations of the presiding pediatricians of the initial diagnosis), it
was perhaps just enough to make me break into tears. (I only have
contextual memories of this juncture at my life -- my linguistic skills weren't
developed enough at this juncture to make fully dialogical ones). I'd ran
down a hallway, and the staff had noticed I'd overheard something. Keep in
mind, 1990s Scottish autistopathic culture, largely incubated by the mothers'
associations which had been rilingly agitated by a wave of ideological
radical feminism that'd swept the country about a decade earlier, was an
affair in rifeness paling in comparison the perception of the negro during Jim
Crow's US. Any elicited response wasn't that of sympathy, oh no. Make no
mistake; once again, they were out for my blood ala Zenny's translesbian
antics at the Nations Game.
Remember once again that this is a 5 year old child, that they're preemptively predating against, per a planned in-advance ideological agenda (it
is to be remarked that the New World Order has been 300 years in the
making, the dream of League of Nations conferring technocratic blueprint
drafters, acting under the guise of "science-fiction writing") borne out of a
desire to see their harmful hunt to my prey self-fufillingly prophesize itself
into an ingrained inferiority complex, with the full intention of instilling
resentment, to be capitalized for propaganda purposes, likened to that
instilled into Elliot Rodger, Adam Lanza, or Cho Seung-hui.
The first time I'd ever paid attention to the conversation of two adults out of
sheer inadvertent curiosity, the accursed cow-branding iron emblazened
mark of "autism" was the thing I immediately took my fixation to, the
earliest exposure to the word (of my attention rather than my physical
person, anyway) had it received in the most negative context one could
possibly imagine. I could only analogously surmise its similarity to the
experience of a Black man (most likely during his childhood, but only to be
reflected upon later, even if insult took him to initial shock erst-whilst) in a

mid-Western US segregated area realizing afresh how he is conceived by the

world around him: a nigger. Coon. Slave. Boy. Soak those connote slur's
implications for a moment. The same dehumanizing, scathingly stigmatizing
and demoralizing impact is withstood, throughout. For a woman to act like a
minority when everyone from Mao to Missoulini had remarked their
populational preponderance (51% globally) is an honest smack in the fact to
those from whom they've co-opted the status' genuinely experienced impact;
they are but one in their persecution complexes, far from a reflection of that
reality around them, which they nevertheless happily perpetuate unto other,
real minorities.
So it was in their perpetuation of that victimization unto the auitst.

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