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1. The study of interactions between organisms and their environment.

2. How an organisms structure and behavior meets the challenges of its environment.
Analyzing factors that affects population size. Study of interactions between populations
affect community organization and structure. Study of energy flow between organisms and
the environment. Focuses on factors controlling exchange of energy materials and
organisms. Regional changes affect on the biosphere.
3. Abiotic is non living, biotic is. Some abiotic factors are sunlight, salinity, rocks and soil, and
water. Biotic consists of all the organisms.
4. Eutrophication is the process of enrichment of an ecosystem over time usually with nitrogen
and or phosphorous.
5. R is density independent, k is density dependent.
6. Age structures show how many organisms in a population are in certain age groups.
7. Fecundity is the actual reproductive rate of an organism.
8. Competition is when two organisms try to use the same resources and one ends up being
more successful. A niche is a "job" fit for only one organism and can't be shared by another
9. Resource partitioning is the evolutionary change in a population due to environmental
pressures. Resource partitioning is a result of competition over a certain niche.
10. Predation is when one organism consumes another. If the prey numbers go down the
predation goes lower until the prey population goes back up.
11. Cryptic is camouflage. Aposematic is warning colors. Batesian is when an animal mimics the
color of a toxic one. Mllerian is when two similar species look the same and have similar
12. Herbivory is the consumption of plants. Plants develop toxins and thorns to combats this.

13. Mutualism means both par takers gain something like bees and plants. Parasitism is when
one benefits and the other is harmed like a rich and a deer. Commensalism is when one
benefits but the other is not harmed egrets and cattle.
14. Lichen is the product of symbiosis between algae and fungi like Appresioria. Mycorrhizae is
symbiosis between fungi and plants like orchids.
15. Keystone species are the organisms that if removed would collapse an ecosystem. Such an
example is the sea star in the Pacific Northwest.
16. Invasive species often have no natural predators and steal the niche of another organism.
17. Potato blight ruins a potato and has caused potato famines ruining communities of people
because of food shortage.
18. Ecological succession is the re growth of a. Ecosystem after a disaster. Primary is when it
regrows from nothing like on a hardened lava flow. Secondary regrows from previous
ecosystems like after a forest fire.
19. Primary producers are plants or another autotroph. Primary consumers are herbivores.
Secondary consumers are carnivores that eat the herbivores. Carnivores that eat other
carnivores are tertiary consumers. Detrivores decompose the animals for plant use.
20. Food chains and food webs both show flow of energy between organisms.
21. If the producers are impacted by disease the other animals after it will perish due to food
22. Limiting nutrients must be present for production to occur and phosphorus is used a lot in
photic zones so there is less of it, and the detritus tends to sink.
23. Water evaporates condenses, precipitates, transpiration and evaporates again. Carbon is
used in photosynthesis and put back in the atmosphere by respiration and burning wood.
Nitrogen is pulled into the soil by bacteria, used by organisms, and sent back to the
atmosphere by the dentrifying bacteria.

24. Dead zones are areas where nitrogen pollution has caused a plankton boom and when
dentrified comes a uses a low oxygen zone meaning nothing can live there.
25. Biological magnification is the build up of compounds over the tropic levels leading to the
poisoning of organisms higher up the pyramid.

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