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Collegial Feedback Forms

Colleagues Name ___Bill Chen_______________________ Date______11/10/15___

Teacher Presenting______Lori Uchimura____________
Grade____5th ____ Subject_________ELA_________________
Topic________Fairy Tale Essay__________________________________
- Students chose fairy tales, and wrote modern versions of the fairy tale.
- Students were assigned partners
- Problem with students commenting, and not being able to see if the changes were being
- Awesome job giving chances for kids to comment on each others fairy tales. Also a
very cool project!
- Very valuable idea where students can use fairy tales and integrate it into a personal
narrative. Im sure the kids loved it!
Q: Did they know what were fairy tales?
A: No, so that had to be explained.
Q: These seem to be thorough instructions. Did students have trouble following along?
A: Open up the instructions on another window, and then check off from the other screen.
Q: Did you assign partners based on level?
A: I started off with two high writers, and then later I assigned them into partners where
they did not socialize with each other.
- You can just put in the insert comment to have kids not impact the writing. It would
allow you to see what changes are being suggested, and see if students have actually
implemented those changes.
Presenting Teachers Reflection

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