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Eric Pesola

Dr. Reid
English 101

Wordsmithing Badge

When u post something on insta twitter or facebook, u never actually think about what is gunna
be said, I never think bout the structure or grammar, I just want to get my ideas down on the
paper, grammar is not obsolete it is just changing, grammar is very much alive just depends on
who ya reader is, when i write to doctor reid I always try to use good grammar so i get good
grades, it is good thing because i can relate to informal writing like txting and tweeting when my
friend hmu & i can also relate to formal writing like a college SA, grammar errors on social
media do not bother me, it only bothers me when people go out of way to make a error just to be
steezy, @ the same time it also bothers me when people correct me on social media bout my
grammar, its my writing imma write it the way i wanna

Chosen sentence: @ the same time it also bothers me when people correct me on social media
bout my grammar

1) Is it OK to b bothered when people try to correct my grammar on MY post?

Rewrite statement as question

2) idc what peole say about my grammar on social media, they can holla @ me all they want
Using different vocabulary, making more informal

3) Grammar on social media aint even a thing, so bug off #2smart4dat

Make a joke out of a serious statement

4) I hate when people correct my grammar on social media

Make sentence as short as possible

5) When 1 of my buddies comment and try to make me look dumb by correcting my grammar, it
really pisses me off!!!!!!!!!

Make sentence as long as possible.

Social media has had a great impact on the way people use language, especially those
who post updates, pictures and tweets on social media. The way language is used strictly depends
on the audience, so grammar is not obsolete it is just situational. Grammar is for sure changing
though, this is evident if you were to scroll up and down on a twitter timeline to see the way
some people word their tweets. This is a good thing, at least for me, because I can now relate and
understand informal and formal writing without an issue. Due to the fact that grammar issues are
very common to see in the social media world, it does not bother me at all when I come across

grammar issues. It does happen to bother me when people obsess about grammar over social
media, whoever wrote it, wrote it for a reason so there is no need to correct them. Grammar has
two different settings, formal and informal, although both are different, they both have their

Formal and informal writing have their similarities and differences. The difference between the
two is that formal writing is formatted (indented paragraphs, punctuation, correctly spelt words,
etc.) where as informal is not formatted whatsoever, it can look and sound however the author
wants it to. The similarity between the two is the message they hold. Although they look and
sound different, they can both communicate the same message. Some advantages of informal
writing is that you do not actually have to think about how to write, judgment free and it is more
efficient way to communicate. Some disadvantages of informal writing is that maybe not
everyone knows what you are trying to say and it may make you sound uneducated. Formal
writing, which is commonly ragged on by students, only has a few advantages and fewer
disadvantages. Some advantages of formal writing is that it can make you sound professional and
easier to understand or translate. Some disadvantages of formal writing is that it is easier to
commit a mistake and you have to actually think what you are trying to say, causing it to take
longer to get message across. This exercise has for sure taught me to watch out for who my
audience is and to use the appropriate style of writing when doing so.

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