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Shipments from Europe
Fonroche Energie plans to ship all the equipments (PV plant components) from Europe. At a high level,
the shipment from Europe will comprise of -

According to our preliminary estimation we expect the above materials to be shipped in 20 nos. of 20 feet
containers. We have selected 20ft containers as the Funafuti Wharf can handle 20ft containers only.
In terms of quantities, we expect following quantities of plant equipments/components to be shipped -

All the equipments/components which will be shipped from Europe will be done so after having them
packed appropriately in wooden pallets. Some of the dimensions for larger pallets are -

ZAC de Champs de Lescazes | 47310 Roquefort | Tl. +33 (0)5 53 77 21 31 | Fax : +33 (0)5 53 77 21 51 |
SAS au capital de 52 631 759 | RDC AGEN 500 661 806 | Siret : 500 661 806 00033 | Code APE 3511Z

Shipments from Fiji

Apart from the above we also expect to ship the building/construction materials from Fiji. These building
materials will be procured locally and shipped using standard practices that are being followed by the
shipping companies in the region

ZAC de Champs de Lescazes | 47310 Roquefort | Tl. +33 (0)5 53 77 21 31 | Fax : +33 (0)5 53 77 21 51 |
SAS au capital de 52 631 759 | RDC AGEN 500 661 806 | Siret : 500 661 806 00033 | Code APE 3511Z

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