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A Survey of Fourth Year Pharmacy Student Interests and Concerns

Regarding the Residency Application and Match Process

Kevin Chiang, PharmD Candidate, Eva Coulson, PharmD Candidate, Lincy Varughese, PharmD Candidate, Steven E. Pass, PharmD, FCCM, FCCP, FASHP, BCPS
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy

Consideration of future career path and postgraduate opportunities are serious concerns
for fourth year pharmacy students as they
approach graduation with a Doctor of
Pharmacy degree. Many students are unsure
of the career path they wish to pursue, and the
complexity of the residency process may
discourage students from pursuing a PGY1
pharmacy practice residency.


A total of 108 (65%) students participated.
62/108 (57%) respondents reported an interest in post-graduate residency
The top program characteristics desired were: academic medical center
(55%), availability of ambulatory care experiences (55%), hospital based
(53%), and types of elective experiences offered (51%).
The greatest factors influencing geographic preference of programs included:
significant other (55%), future settlement location (53%), program reputation
(47%), and availability of PGY-2 programs (41%).
Although 29/53 (55%) reported having a mentor they felt they could trust for
the process, 42 (79%) respondents were interested in additional mentoring
The greatest perceived strengths of the students included: positive attitude
and determination, depth of classroom and clinical experiences, and
The greatest perceived weaknesses of the students included: lack of
extracurricular activities, general knowledge of programs, and grade point

The purpose of this survey was to evaluate
the interests, concerns, and priorities of the
fourth year pharmacy students as they enter
the residency application process.

An online survey was conducted of the fourth
year students from the Texas Tech University
Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy
with regards to their future career path postgraduation and any plans for pursuit of a
residency. A large portion of the survey
content focused on gauging student
expectations and concerns related to the
pursuit of residency programs. Questions
included items such as future career goals,
the types of PGY-1 programs of interest,
desired program characteristics, factors
influencing program location, availability of
mentorship in the residency application
process, and perceived strengths and
weaknesses entering the application process.

The majority of our students report interest in
pursuing post-graduate residency training. We
identified key characteristics of both programs
and our students regarding the residency
application process. Based on the interest in
personal mentorship guidance, more information
regarding overall program knowledge, and
identified strengths and weaknesses, we plan to
create a program that will include informational
residency sessions and skill development for our
fourth year pharmacy students.

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