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Describe the affordances and constraints of email as an ICT tool for learning.
- use the four points below to guide your work.
1) Introduce the concepts of affordances and constraints; and explain briefly which learning
theories support use of ICT (based on Unit 2).
2) Identify and clearly describe at least 1 detailed example of affordances and 1 other example of
constraints within your own classroom or professional environment.
3) Recommend at least 1 possible solution that you can realistically implement to work around
the constraints that you have described in item 2.
4) Briefly describe the steps you can take to proactively implement your solutions.
ICT comprises sets of tools or platforms that possess specific characteristics which allow them
to be used for different purposes in data processing and creation and communication of
information. (EDTK 2030- Unit 1, p.3) In relation to education, Information Communication
Technology (ICT) has been an essential enhancement to learning. Students and teachers alike no
longer are compelled to stay within the realms of text books and note pads. Learning can include
the use of media technologies, telecommunication technologies and computer technologies. All
the technologies converge together to enhance a better form of communication.
The concept of affordances originated from Gibson (1979) who defined it as what the
environment offers to the animal, what it provides or furnishes, either for good or ill.
Immediately we can see that there could be a positive or negative element involved. Hammond
(2010) posits that an affordance is a relation between an organism and an object with the object
perceived in relation to the needs of the organism. Also, Kennewell, (2006) posits that together
with the affordance or capacity to support actions there are also constraints which regulate the
actions. (EDTK 2030, Unit1, p.10) Constraint as defined in the Pocket Oxford Dictionary is

restriction. Both affordances and constraints work together as there are positive and negative
results to whatever is done.
As humans we assimilate actions or events differently. How we perceive things will decide
the affordances and constraints of the outcome. ICT is not taught or learned in isolation. The
theories that are used or applied in the ICT learning environments are the social learning theory,
reflection-based learning theory and the activity based learning theory. These three theories are
combined to complement the constructivist theory which envisaged that we learn by being
actively involved as we explore for change within the environment.
Activity-based learning theory is a practical system that shows how persons through their
interactions with their goals, beliefs and the methods used can learn or show change and a deeper
understanding of the process/activity done. Reflection based learning theory is using our past
experiences proactively to question and reflect critically, developing our strengths and
weaknesses to achieve our goals. The social learning theory is based upon the findings of
Vygotskys work on social development theory the zone of proximal development (ZPD). He
believed and proposes that the mental and physical states of an individual are both connected.
Knowledge is gained by interacting and developing with other persons through conversations,
working together and other such means. (EDTK-2030, Unit 2)
One of the means used in ICT for learning is the email. The affordances and constraints of
email as an ICT tool for learning will now be addressed. In the classroom, the use of email, an
electronic device, affords both the students and teacher to collaborate in a speedy manner, as
assignments and grades, class schedules and school activities can be sent back and forth.
However, technical difficulties by means of no service from the internet provider can develop a

constraint as it brings this process to a standstill until the cause can be remedied and service
A solution to this problem is to in advance have a back up hard copy of what is needed to
be disseminated in my files, so in the event of internet lost; students can still be informed of
activities and their grades. At the beginning of the Term or week, depending on what is needed
students will be given a handout, with class schedules and dates for assignments and other
activities. In the event of any changes the students will be informed and they can manually make
changes to the hard copy schedule. The hardcopy will be also placed on the Classroom Notice
board as a quick reminder to all.
As with life, we must always be prepared for anything. As humans we fall sick periodically
and have to be taken care of. Likewise, the use of the tools we use affords us most of the time the
results we except, but there are times when they will mal-function and be out of service. These
are the affordances and constraints that we have to live with.
EDTK 2030, (2015) Information and communication technology in education. Unit 1Development and Characteristics of ICT. [essential readings] UWI Open Campus.
EDTK 2030, (2015) Information and communication technology in education. Unit 2Learning Theories that Guide ICT. [essential readings] UWI Open Campus.
Gibson, J. (1979) The Ecological approach to visual perception. The Theory of

Affordances. Retrieved from

Hammond, M. (2010) What is an affordance and can it help us understand the use of ICT
in education. Retrieved from
Assignment #2
Prepare an instructional wiki for your own students (include sample lesson plan, the learning
objectives, well referenced articles about your topic of choice related to your classroom
teaching, use suitable headings, highlight some of the main features in your wiki and
guidelines for how your students will use the wiki, explanations of the safeguards you have
included so users of your wiki will be aware, and how it relates to learning theory.

Assignment #2.

To: All members of staff

From: The Manager of Star Bright Early Stimulation.
Introduction of ICT mediated Instruction.
According to the Head of Innovations Bureau St. Maarten and the Coordinator of
Foundation Based Education (FBE) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, our

Institution has been given the permission to introduce ICT mediated instruction. Country St.
Maarten in its pursuit as a young nation, like other nations are aware of teaching and learning
experiences that can be derived from the integration of ICT mediated instruction into our
education system.
The use of ICT mediated instruction will be an added form of learning for our students. The
importance of ICT education is based on the rich context they provide for activity of children and
resulting cognitive development. (Kalas, 2010) It has proven through the years that the use of
ICT in education can build or provide collaboration, cooperation and positive learning
experiences between children or even between children and adults. We have also based our
introduction of ICT upon the effectiveness it would have with the several learning styles children
possess. According to Fose, (n.d) we can use technology to create content for students in a
variety of formats and provide a variety of options for student interaction. You will be further
guided as to how best to implement this strategy.
Our Vision statement reminds us about giving every child the opportunity to be the best
he/she can be whatever his/her talent or background. With this in mind and the policies
surrounding Foundation Based Education (FBE) curriculum guide which are learners who are
learning to know, learning to do and learning to be (2003), we will use this curriculum guide to
assist us as we implement ICT mediated instruction to the young ones within our care. As we
know, we all learn differently, due to the type or types of multiple intelligences (MI) we exhibit.
Gardner, (2004) reminds us that our minds are not the same and that we learn, remember,
perform and understand in different ways (p.11), hence his theory on the seven intelligences.
These are verbal-linguistic, logical mathematical, intrapersonal, visual- spatial, musical, bodily-

kinesthetic and interpersonal. With these in mind, we will together press forward in our new
As we get ready to implement ICT mediated instruction we must first prepare ourselves and
our environment. Staff must become proficient in the knowledge and skills of ICT and the use of
the materials and instruments. We will have Teachers Professional Development workshops in
area of ICT. This will build upon the skills possessed by staff that is already versed in this field
and an introduction to the other members who are not competent in this field. Kalas, (2010) cited
of one of UNESCOs (2008) ICT-CST project objectives which was to extend teachers
professional development and to advance their skills in pedagogy, collaboration, leadership and
innovative school development using ICT. We will follow similar strategies as we invite
professionals who are competent and who will guide us to developing ICT instruction here at our
In our midst, there are a few students with special needs. Please be reminded that they are a
part of our group of learners and strongly depend on us for support in all areas. According to
Kalas, (2010) ICT can help and support the involvement of children with special needs in the
learning and play process by overcoming some of the effects of their impairment, as well as
possible barriers that traditional ways of educational technology may create. The use of a
variety of software or assistive technology will be had for students to improve in communication
and physical activities such as drawing and painting, eye-hand coordination, memory. It can also
enhance self-esteem.
As part of our goals and objectives for ICT mediated instruction, the following will be
initiated to monitor and evaluate the initiative. There will be continuous staff professional

development which can include teachers collaborating with each other, workshops and effective
planning of lessons. Incentives will be given for full involvement. There will be like all other
subjects, assessment of the students progress. We will ensure effective and updated software and
materials that will support ICT instruction. We will evaluate the programme after its first six
months of implementation.
Let us take note that digital technologies should not be interpreted as a means to discard or
displace the other methods or experiences of learning that is already in place, such as indoor and
other activities like running, jumping, or climbing. Let us all work together as we initiate this
experience into our educational process. Can we do it? YES! WE CAN!
Foundation Based Education (FBE), 2003 Curriculum guide for cycle 1- years 1&2. St.
Fose, L.E. (n.d) Exploring technology to address student multiple intelligences and learning
Styles. ITS Technology & Learning Services. Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo.
Retrieved from
Gardner, H. (2004) The unschooled mind. How Children Think and How schools Should Teach.
Tenth Anniversary Edition. Basic Books. Perseus Books Group. New York.
Kalas, I. (2010) Recognizing the potential of ICT in early childhood education: analytical survey.
UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education. Retrieved from

Graded Discussion 1
Convergence is a process whereby discrete elements come together to unite and produce a
single system. Convergence took place when digital media, telecommunications and computer
technology came together to produce ICT.
Your goal here is to expand upon how the concept of convergence applies to ICT.
For your graded discussion question please do the following:
1) Create a PowerPoint presentation that contains 5 to 8 slides (no more) - so use your space
2) In your presentation introduce us to the topic of convergence in one paragraph;
- include 3 images of ICT media that can effectively be converged.
3) Describe HOW you can use up to 2 forms of media to teach ONE lesson in your classroom.
- include at least ONE learning objective to be accomplished in your lesson.
4) Upload your presentation as an attachment to the discussion.
5) Finally, download ONE colleague's presentation - and provide one paragraph of thoughtful
feedback. Be sure that your TONE is collegial

Power Point Presentation

Graded Discussion #2

Discuss the relevance of discovery learning to ICT mediated instruction. The items below
will guide you in developing your response
Discovery learning is the active and participatory element of ICT that takes learning to a new
level and instills in the mind of the researcher or learner a depth of information. By becoming
involved in the acquisition of new knowledge this is where the problem solving, integration of
ideas and stimulated thinking comes into play. Use your own online research and the readings to
explore this concept.
1) Locate an example of a discovery learning lesson or lesson plan using the internet. (Try to
focus on Math or Science, other subjects also acceptable).

The lesson MUST incorporate use of ICT in one form or another.

Provide the link and details about the lesson so that we can clearly understand how the
lesson will be taught.

Summarize the lesson with sufficient detail so we understand what is to be taught, the
process or teaching strategy, the assessment method and other valuable information so others
can replicate the lesson or build a similar lesson. DO NOT copy and paste the entire lesson

Include an APA formatted reference to show the source of the lesson. E.g., Seepersad, R.
(2014). Students actively participate in outer space investigation using Hubble live feed.
Available online at
(that is not an actual lesson, just a real link).


Describe the teaching strategy and how you will assess such learning.

3) Discuss ONE area or concept where your learners have the opportunity to problem solve,
construct new models of thinking, and discover new connections.
Graded Discussion #2
We have all agreed that ICT has become a part of the learning and educational process.
Education Scotland posits that as technology becomes more embedded in our culture, we must
provide our learners with experiences to engage with technology and prepare them for the life
after school.
A discovery lesson on mixing of colours. This was an actual lesson done with my students.
By clicking on this link you can find this fun activity:
Five and six year old student can name the colours. They are questioned on what colours are
formed when two primary colours are mixed together; for example- red and yellow= orange,
yellow and blue= green, and blue and red = purple.
Working in groups of five, students were asked to predict what will happen when the colours and
other ingredients are placed together. They followed along by looking at the u-tube video
Experiment Materials: 1 plate

1 cup milk

dish liquid (Palmolive is the best)

Red, blue and yellow food colours


Instructions: pour milk in the plate. Add 3 drops each of the colour in the middle of the plate,
making sure they are a little away from each other. Do not shake the plate! Dip the Q-tip into the
dish liquid and place it in the center of the bowl of milk. Watch the explosion and describe what
you see.
Students were not given the name of the experiment when the activity was introduced. They
predicted and checked the outcome.
They saw a multitude of colours explode before their eyes. They were overcome with
excitement. They were then asked what all the colours in the formation resembled- the
rainbow! They changed the name of the activity to Colour Explosion!

Education Scotland, (n.d) retrieved on October, 1 from
Kids Zone Science (2015) retrieved from

Final Graded Discussion

Examine an educational wiki site, focusing on its objectives, user friendliness
and inherent features, and ways it could be improved. You must first read the
corresponding course unit and your tutor presentation so you can DISCUSS what you
find. Discussions should not include bullets.
1) Locate an educational wiki specific to your class grade
2) Post the link
3) Critique the wiki based on the criteria above

Information Communication Technology (ICT) is known to make education more

meaningful, as teaching and learning connects to real life situations by use of special tools. These
tools include blogs, wikis, and social networks. (EDTK2030, Unit 4, 2015) According to the
online oxford dictionaries, wiki is a website or database developed collaboratively by a
community of users, allowing any user to add and edit content. Wikipedia is an online
encyclopedia. It is free and functions by the community of users. (, 2008) Here the
creation and publication of articles are shared and edited by anyone with interest in the
information of the posted article. is a wiki programme designed to teach children
to read and write. (Lloyd & Wernham, 2015) Here children will learn the letter sounds, instead of
just the letters of the alphabet. Through several stages they will learn to blend and break up
words which will help the development of the skills in reading and writing. User friendlinessJolly phonics as it is named uses characters that work with the developmental level of children.
There is a level for those grasping the concept quickly and a level for those with initial difficulty
but who will be able to grasp. Its inherent features are that children learn the letters but not in
alphabetically order and also learn how to form letters and the blend and sounds in words. This
programme can now be improved and introduced as an online activity with a link that schools,
parents and children alike can have more access, rather than just teacher oriented and workbooks.
As an online programme, students will have more activities to interact as they can see, hear and
manipulate the letters or words using their own learning style.
EDTK 2030, (2015) Information and communication technology in education. Educational

Application of Web 2.0 Tools- Unit 4. [essential readings] UWI Open Campus
Lloyd, S. , Wernham, S. (1992) Jolly Phonics-Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Jolly Learning
Ltd. Retrieved from
Oxford Dictionaries, (n.d) Wiki. Language Matters. Retrieved
from, (2008) Definition for Wikipedia. Retrieved from


Graded Discussion 4
The focus of this discussion is to examine how ICT based instruction can be used to develop
critical thinking.

The above diagram presents differences, and commonalities between creative thinking and
critical thinking. Your goal is to examine critical thinking (concepts within the pink sphere), and

what activities or lessons you can deliver to help students develop the skill. The question and all
necessary parts are explained below:
QUESTION: Select any ONE aspect of critical thinking from the pink sphere above,
and explain using the literature (ie research), how you can use ICT to build this critical
thinking skill.
You must state which skill you are addressing, and define that skill, then clearly explain
what the research states about building this skill, using your own words; and explain the
process you will use to help students at a specified grade level develop the skill, using ICT.


Part B- Option 1
Critical Thinking Reasoning through logic
When we portray the ability to detect, solve problems, deeply reflect and evaluate, we can be
said to be involved in critical thinking. Lau, (2004) posits that critical thinking is the ability to
think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. Among several concepts of
critical thinking is reasoning through logic. Logic is to bring forth an argument or thought that
must be convincing. The reasoning to the issue must be well argued or brought forth to allow for
truth and understanding to be accepted.
Through the development of reasoning skills, children can understand every day activities.
To build this skill several activities can be structured so as children manipulate with materials
they will be stronger as they build upon each experience provided. Reasoning through logic can
be experienced through learning. An example of this is trial and error. As children use objects or
material to compare, sort, and build they can also develop this skill. Through prediction, as

during story-telling this skill can also be developed. Children can also experiment using material
to compare and contrast. (Miller & Church, n.d)
Students need to develop some basic skills and know when and how to use them in order to
reason through logic. A few of these skills are being able to identify, know how things may
relate, look for patterns and develop good thinking skills.(Cox, 2004) The processes to be used
in helping kindergarten to grade one students to develop the skills of reasoning through logic are
the use of the computer and or white board. Students can play games or use designed worksheets
for reasoning. Examples of these are completing patterns, distinguishing things that are alike or
different. These activities can be done as a whole class, in groups or as individuals

Cox, M, (2004) ICT and attainment a review of the research literature no.17. Becta. Retrieved
Lau, J. (2004) [C01] What is critical thinking? Retrieved from
Miller, S. & Church, E. (n.d) Ages and stages; Helping Children Develop Logic and Reasoning
Skills. Scholastic Early Childhood Today. Retrieved from

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