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Creative Revision Preface:

MWA 2, was designed to be a SWOT Analysis of a particular resource on UNM campus. The
rhetorical situation was to identify myself as a new comer to the community and provide
feedback of the resource to the resource director. The resource was looking to expand and revise
their physical documentation such as their website and brochures, but before doing so the
director wanted an outside opinion of how well the current documentation serves the
establishment. The primary audience for the assignment was of course the director of the
organization seeing that he/she was the one that asked for the information. The secondary
audience for the assignment included anyone else within the resource that would have received
the memorandum that included the research that I had conducted and the information that I had
synthesized. MWA 2- SWOT Analysis required the medium of a written interoffice
memorandum. This genre or medium was a very formal approach that was meant to be clear and
concise about the information that I had compiled. The memorandum served the purpose of
providing feedback to the director; this feedback was to include research of how well the
website, social media, brochures, menu, and/or other factors were affecting the resource. The
resource that I had chosen was UNM Satellite coffee shop located in the Student Union Building.
My creative revision allowed me to take a more comfortable approach to the topic by changing
the rhetorical situation, genre, audience and medium. I changed the rhetorical situation by taking
the angle of an experienced member of the community that had personal insight as to what
makes UNM Satellite great and not so great. The genre was changes from a SWOT Analysis to a
relatable and interactive Rave / Rant Review. The targeted audience did change as well, the
previous audience being a director of a resource to it now being fellow students, staff, faculty
and UNM new comers. The medium through which I presented my project was changed as well,
going from a formal interoffice memorandum to a public website.
Like I had said the creative revision has allowed me to take an informal and comfortable
approach to the topic. My creative revision is entitled Lobos Know. Good Coffee. Good Food.
Good Vibes. The meaning behind the major changes to my MWA can all be linked to one
another and parallels can be drawn quite clearly. The first major change was with the rhetorical
situation. I changed the rhetorical situation from speaking as a new comer to speaking as an
experienced member. This change was influenced by the fact that I am an experience member of
the UNM Satellite community and I take pride in that. The change in rhetorical situation brought
about the change in genre. A SWOT Analysis required that I compose a formal and well
researched memorandum of UNM Satellite. I chose to change this genre into that of a Rant /
Rave Review. I did this because speaking from an experienced point of view would be better
perceived through this genre. When I read a Rant / Rave Review I am able to relate to the author
and trust their opinion based of their personal experience, I am hoping to achieve the same goal
with my audience. For me to truly relate to my audience justice I felt it necessary to change
genre and angle. The new targeted audience did change as well because I was no longer seeking
to inform a director, I wanted to inform my fellow lobos. As a first semester freshman at UNM, I
made it a personal mission to get to know the campus and find out where all the hot spots were
that would help propel me through my college years. I knew that as one among many, I was not

the only one in search of a caffeine beacon, so I decided to share my personal findings with my
fellow students, staff, faculty and UNM new comers.

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