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THE ROLE OF ATTITUDE THEORY IN MARKETING* Richard J. Lutz he ero ats, hes many concep nthe ‘ny onc rege Tron tented bythe coh enue ofthe DEFINITION Blayersbacd aude) Yes whe th everyay . - (iothe crm ace rlahey common, the A aie can be defined a eed edi in has oe pecac meaning win the ttn 1 pond in comineny favorable eying. Asn eythemore_twnvorale manne with apes 0 4 Gen Cee eer aE ip thi efinion ear fair dc Sie, tehanine Thus, vo sy St someone ‘avi ae” nt meting seo (he term in asec or anager sere Attitudes Are Learned ‘The purpns of ths chapter ae (1) today Tis euros ti chapter are 0) © ay Wye are nt oem withthe atts that we “rowumer revere, (2) penta nf weve Nok toward rious objets in ‘tome ofthe ote important there fw Heat Rater we earn ur el ‘ade frmaton und changes and so sey lity OF unfvorlty through fo tout the stage obje (or camp, iversing), oF trough diet ere the ude ot ar example, Fo at ify ates toward their brand through the ‘ering, pertonal sling odo! npn Jearned onthe basa of information provided by ‘ation proved bythe deal permet [Aitudes Are Predspostons to Respond tude, tnd noe exer il fate ed tot even haow for sure that attces Telly fis An tude path ons whee any die something a can ver be Avec veri The existence of dee fled by theore eking to explain be Ison Toth ett tat peopl behave aif fer in ltr section of he papery me Suet in marketing deciion makin “Thon, while sites cana be dey ob served Bein of tice cover natre, they ae everest fal bec hey ae ted a te procures of bebo, In ler word a tie thers bev that an atau 2 pe Alspstion wo respond overly and that hi re ‘person is tsvorablypredpwed toward brand, that favorable pedpostin should ead fora behaviors wi espe! to he ‘ecramerdatons to enor aad or Unfavorable Responses Joule very ouch Gal romeo yo kd sorhi atitnde mara). Now the of your ‘porting events oer share cas 26, or henge in long dizumiooe abou the mesg Oo iy and yon would shoe cel do Rn be afr ke, Now thik of someone our end wl cent be fore ome iwi be unre the peo 3 beaviors wl be conatesty favorable the later, Marker stand to benefit om ‘onsitecy of commer bekavior th rps to thee brand’ sen, for example, oo red opty ee Inset coupon ot Atitade Objects ‘As noted previo, stds ae dicted toward ome oben thee jt aor trol contrac, tha an abet can be not nya tue bjt (uch ae auc ls Specie rand, os etl tr) buts per tos tine, oF herr For inane, preset ‘dates are concerned about tke aiden (har voter fold tora there Skney. we Sir whee iad evn hte de oer ne by i honed tothe set tru dec eaprence tie objec ving refs conan Wo THEORETICAL ORIENTATIONS. ston tlre onthe purr aie, Sy not that nconten h Setcther Baca wil be desed in ore deal se “The Tripartite View of ttude sesh pai ew, aid ena ens gut afc, nd cain (Fire 18), Brey epi rler al ih that ‘individ olde wath renee he aie ‘Sbjct Grn prevent oth decay Man tales cs in owe): pertains paskive or negative emosonl ferns the SEE ee Ae ne hes Cha aig re ie tude objec. ther medi Came be ewes that rand wl liver poe nets pected to like the brand alle) and etgage in Tosorablebehangetomud (onan isthat they fal to mearur all three components ‘dial at” With sv hed eeepions tude bave not been memures im empireal i Vetigatont of attude. Ts, the tparite "Sot careny a major fre in the ucy the applicant stds in makeing The Unidimensonalt View oF aude The uidienionsli conception of and an perhaps est be reper an elton of the tiperte view THe nme bt spose ofthe toparte atede appear the ieee sigan * Under the unicimensinalit appeoac, the (2) Wing one sp remover fe ss ‘his means is that i's conser esos en toa ikage sng ‘race related wo attade: The roles en efi orelaonhipe that have both theoretic an praca weg Thus, the unidimensional vie of sae if dele nl ea nw aking (ee, fr aap ° the underpinning of mach anent ait {he unidimensiwoalit perspective will be. a. oni sly ofa an wi THtomts oF arrmune FORMATION AND CHANGE ioe eee | eal wither alae bom ‘ange: the shove hel tomaton or atte ie del with oe Consistency Theory | serene | Sie Banc se | ‘et crabte 1960) Allie CopnkiveContitency Theory eal examples of tis general lel con Sine teary Ioamdaion tha am ined cds to acleve nd aftcive semen The teasing ofthis Figure 18.3. In the figure, the lnk beeen the person (2) andthe use abject (0) the ‘ihe poaive(+) or negtve (=) There ‘ote shortcoming ofthe model. "The lnk be ‘ween O ah X repent a annoition (+) or ince people, attnbucs, consequences, son, For example, Michael Jordan's (X) en dorset of Nike baskebal shoce (0) ei ‘he tm the sind ofthe consumer The fina ink in he sytem, hat between P ative, toward the related obec These Irelings presumably exit poet the formation ofthe ative in questan: Continuing te pre ‘ious example, mos basketball ans mould have ‘According to Heider, the valence ofthe at: tude (P-O) can be predicted on the basis ofthe hd to the PX and OK Link talanced state, the P-O valence will be deter Mine Jordan endones (41) ike the pre Shed aad toward Nike = ponte (#1 ‘Sed Sm as Ment Sats by saying “And ok. Sim fim? Meat Staskr—you eebet Spon bering ta be ite Sh J (O-¥ (Gora Ey heath oh the marketer it Fst object (3) fr each atte abject << iy ral i ely al eee Sse oe aces pra omer ener AgectneCopiie Cansiteney Deo. The i to more specially leat the sre untive variate. Rosenberg was ptcaarty Sha? and wad bow tee wales reted to (et ori depee Table 8. shows haa nvidoas tte oma funtion of the india expecta that the objec can help ohne aaiment of tore deed vale For ample, in Rowe ‘ng frmlation, each va inated wath rpc (ots salina (0 tothe inde fay (P), thai, the exten to which he ‘the pr ofthe via abou the sore ‘Sheri relaiondhip tothe ave In ucrion TTale 102 thows the eae) mesarement procedures exployed by Reenter ro mearare porte ln thse, the ate in queston 2 that toward dying thes hous each Sted ate the dees of aiation ot ‘pti to the PX tn Heder balance theory, but he lease hy Reser ame for degree of quanienin ofthe valence me ‘ached to the alae ‘Simiaryy the persed inwrumentality termi algo tothe O-¥ Hak the balance fey configuration, Bo valves and iar tena are neured oo bipeler sales Contribution atte, ua would postive Saluc and poitve instumenaty. Note the Ui inthe receding sonence of the phase TAME 182 ene Roenog’ 839 Foreh fotrbtin «9 atiude” saber tba gly Impact of only one wld eject on tae, J sand or i festion of meaning that stud i soracow rele the rl eter cy de ule ve Y, te mec ie por Pree of aude ret yi aT wae obj wh rpc th th vale (or wT ec er a lta eer reset the summation fall Fad, Rosenberg come the tem inside the Eempparng he cooved arse Re en Equation 11, eel copie sistency theory) A ehoge nee stad that would be" pyealowely uncomfortable foe he navadal Teer, he aia ial mame” auld eck rede tn consineny by jin congenial with pervonality steory and with the iteaple, or pachogaph, view of coeamer Aeaity tothe individ > That theve basic (ne ply i that the Rosenberg ap ErRiyinvlving pie (wth, unfotenaty, product lt alsin A I avr out Evora toward deren genera) tan ‘isa the level of brand ection CA rote Wheaties") Whether that ation ve {Learing Theory Perhaps, td the grein nlnce on tat Suerte rar oer the pst ea de fds Structurally, Fabs thery He {alt Rover a shows by the lowing vans = [iso] ony ‘x ace (or cope bw god or bd J ind Shae the formulation salon gute compatible with he Sante consinency mel egal prope by polar sales ofthe eypestown in Table 18,3 The bac simian ofthe Rovenberg and Fae formlatons cat that ey bot the proposed. underlying theoretical mech ‘Sm and (he evel of etal of he cog ive strate supporting he atte prot end that eaningocar in he one of ice showt product strbues, For ame As the consumer kur thee at Brand X. dogh ering, bata pet in cogne tlemonts associated with each atribute (refer played i che nest the hat row ict Table 183), how Se Managerial Utility ofthe Leaning {Taco Aoprooch nr fo WHOA aw in 7 The notion ofits aliece has mmpor-toyon? Alt change sey ight on ‘wot implonion frat ange wan the laying more ot If you ctld cine the tin ther Since tise af viewed cniumer tha very Ul that WHOA ‘Change the bei arene (t) abcited wih an eas lots of commercials on WHOA (8, = ~3), " This woul eal os gin ten pols in over TARLE 184 Hypothetical Responses of» Consumer o Questions natively, You cul temp ea lnereing Djs are no at poive a they thought and tha, nace, Bfo eal ont ter to much 0) Fh change eae Cec io he tasted WHEE VED Wo 43 and 41 spectively. ones Wena ought Casto chang oh ing exe to WHOA I te tonne Tike he rch ne 3 lies chit either WHEE ‘tor WYED {eu ie wlpand he ste d tercase ‘The fal ow in the ae sind a, co i (oe cumple een baa | weighted by some a stein and Rosen ‘ee Wilkie Functional Theory The factional her of eiude derives bec, font leis sing te: sn se that 2 fn For tata, oe panon may He Masons tigaees bette they tate oth whe oe ‘ter peony ke Matin” tease In other word me ata oie ey the inet o oe {ary eat i mene lasunce, orerapplg. Et ere, Kats (1960) spe of ates awl oe ihe fereation and he Uitarin, Intent, or Adjust serving the utilitarian function. Kats (1960) TEs dds leaing thoy, Paes try The Vale-Esretie Benton, ‘The value Todas top he fo ally held values thie foneton ery umilar to Rosenberg (1960) ftv rake. Many produce arte a om yal prt tb crater athe seo te tries of he yp wo the cc (ap I) rapes rpertn ie Ro Jace soe Nes ja Si ed er Epitome the youbla Pep dake ad Janes Gurer ecee Mas wth hi cared would appear ha moat etude of con sem to martes fall under eter the wi crn some as any cottaes eae The Bye Defense Pca. Freuian py tology tothe before design a desual tom eters ithe Cvroenent by ese storie ote may pt expt ter ear black cee ino Conditions fr Atitude Arousal and Change, te objet the kn THRE 185m Aude oration, ‘Arousl and Change in Relaion he ibn and Rosenberg theories atuly "spur quite well the ee of te lari ‘peemtc combination ofthe Fi Sit Cereal (Lite 196) ad empire work in ushetng hav yal some promng ATTUDESEHAVIOR s focus om underying prepa variables (at cies he aimed fe Weer 100) Na tly onthe nade contr bute Of ee Dremel Studer beh lations the markepace. To the ere! shot th ree onthip doesnot hl then aude mean the matkeungdeelon maker” Nerul fesearcher in both pytholgy and marking fave tied o dcament the tude having ‘lationship leasing wore to question te tl ityofatitad in understand beaver Howe FIGURE 186 schema “Theory of Reston if aregi (6) and an ceoaive npc (0). 3. Ming seta prvi sone co saci Gp) saree a ue ee on Po He es a Sep reine ae war ea bone Sel a see incre Scat behavior is istentios, which is simply the per mi Rennie Sa ett ane Fe a me a Senden i en ‘nore meses bs by mating den ‘The “Other Variables" Approach of pare de ewer depces theuberser appec ine ae fe ate alone oot sulin for cr sng behavior Wiker (971 summations the other variables pavnch a coniting of such things ater ser hte ER may preven ou fen ering oe ew compact di ht you lie), Ala pe fe Rote stg of i) Pv par the hts mayhem fpr tantra festa yogi, importance in maay punhae eons Aa ied or unantipted taneous eves Gay fo) can she thane ra valaity of aerate: beware sg of ‘oe importance (lr cramp, you may tie Ti magatne but find your ne shat mae yoy You to mb Sem yo ot cd rip 1570) Ar town tthe gre [Exe ink "Thus the sie behavior Far’ Process Model of Attadesichavior Relations holga ull Fans rc made Over ev et slate pcg. Faia diner a Impact on te Atde havo Retonship (ee) am strong learned than other One ofthe factors ‘acl by Faso that ela to more KEtmedattades ie moo tit frat, Jove erie “he tao tin so Shamples Berger ard Mite (1989) um ‘ent choir behavior ten ey had ren fee spl f coc wo ame, at paved wih proup oa en wreaty el ase oe in ad hen the india Stace Invorble or unio Foie the procening of iormat Me ae, Ae td othe eur di ofthe Atte Beh xed aide, That, Pass model ia very pattern of rm th much aligned with he fncional pene sv alhough te de to- important insight evened y erneens [Tins te lnvduas havior with respect totes snd sane ea Prana ‘de objet wil be nce ‘fect am the ate br a infomation, tr propecia ‘hese fcr, thet ane can il cca faite behavior in quesion. To the yond the single rlunee dig ‘Fem tha te aide strong and proviger «Saar be hep eee spaced: wil carry a substantial amount Since tise inne eee ee havin ing & song corraton between catsnamue? ie hanes i in moving toward 2 dp un song Raden (1965) provides 4 hase vee of « umbee of ATTITUDES ROLE IN MABKETING srg of atnde forex DECISION MARING ample, the rine ct it whi ha yu ihe, i emi he ida, Thowbout hs ater, examples ave ben Berean hl ty dace ht on sc os ‘er atid conience delayed diferent Son making Ths see te raed by the original Fishin theory of at Mache Sepmentation places high valve (= 43) about fuel economy (4 = 9, New Product Concept Testing Based on the premise that commer asta on the bas of perce brand te bates, many maretrsotempt to apy the ‘i ites they prefer td be Uelood of tee Promotional Strategy thorough marke serves ode t deer ihre hey aod ntl an how bet arconducte se the camp sieed CoNctustoN Scingy wate cl tse a many ier deco king. Meaty ie most deal de Figure 18.2) Aiud hey ink inthe causal cher. Maree who sndastand tht cae ony 08 an Sry pe sed 91) SR Ap meyer) te yet pen ns) =o 1 tay s.Moaet) T 9 “oWsbeano seo Ham nef ee ny TREO16 1 pany anne fp aoe "RCL pat tery Gwe eg ‘moa tt arg SDNaE Ye “(9611 weais "WD Pee Ta Soe neT digs 398 wy Aa20 on me my ey oe on pee nee

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