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Wisconsin Infant Toddler Professional Credential

Capstone Checklist Self Evaluation

Student Name _________Haley Jaeger___________________________

The NAEYC criteria for National Accreditation is the basis of the Capstone Checklist criteria to demonstrate alignment with the Standards and to familiarize the
student with this national accreditation process.
Complete the self-evaluation, including descriptions of behaviors and/or situations that illustrate how you meet the criteria. Give examples of
situations that illustrate you are applying each criterion, giving a thorough description of the situation and how your response meets the criterion. The
spaces will expand as you type in them. Attach documents as needed.

COMPETENCY 1. Articulate a philosophy of infant toddler care that embodies elements of quality infant toddler programs.
Daily Schedule predictable, yet flexible
1. Where is your schedule posted in room?
The schedule is posted by the door on the parent board.
2. Describe how your schedule is appropriate to the ages of children in room - different from a schedule for preschoolers.
Each child has their own individual schedule posted. The classroom does not have a general schedule as each of the children are on their own
individual schedule.
3. Explain how your schedule is followed as appropriate, but flexibly adjusted to needs of children - designed to meet needs of individual
children. Give an example of a time when you adjusted the schedule and how the adjustment was appropriate.
As state above each individual child has their own schedule. Some children are fed on-demand therefor their feeding times can vary. Also
some children eat every 2-3 hours, if their nap is longer than usual we adjust their feeding time to accommodate their nap schedule for the day.
4. Explain how your transitions are handled smoothly.
When taking a group of children outside this transition is handled smoothly, because we will ask our cook or administrative staff help us with
moving the children. This way no one is waiting and the whole group can be moved at one time. Nice for staff to help out!
5. Give examples of how you are responsive to a childs need to rest or be active - tired child is put down to sleep or provided a quiet
place to rest before scheduled nap time or allowed to be active if not tired when other children are sleeping.
If a child is sleepy I always check their diaper make sure they dont have a dirty diaper. Then for the ones that still get swaddled by parents
request I will wrap them and rock them to sleep or I let them self sooth. What their parents do at home. Then if a child isnt tired during nap
time, that considered my extra bonding time. We will work on tummy time, playing with toys. The same things that I would do when the
others would be awake.
6. Does your schedule have indoor and outdoor experiences planned and provided daily as weather permits how often do you take the

children outside? What conditions prevent you from getting the children outside?
Since I am with the infants 2months-6 months. I try very hard to at least get half of my class out for a walk. What prevents me if the children
need anything during that time. Another reason would be weather, if its too cold or to hot

Scaffolds child learning

7. Describe examples of situations where you assisted a child with a process they may not be able to complete without assistance, in a way
that encourages them to gain mastery.
I assisted them being able to hold their head up by putting them in a boppy pillow and laying on a activity mat and this helps with their neck,
shoulders, back and so many more muscle areas.
8. Describe examples of a situation where you adjusted your support to fit the skill level of each child.
Each one of my children in my class has a goal. One or two children at the same time might be working on the same things as in Head control
so thats when we would work a lot towards that goal to achieve it. Another one would be sitting up. The only time I will change the goal is if they
are achieving the one goal they had last. Or if they are getting close to achieve the goal I will have them still work one that one and add another
goal to work on.

Group Size and Ratio

9. Group size and adult to child ratio meets or exceeds licensing regulations for the age group- What is the typical group size and ratio in your
room? My room is licensed for 8 and my ratio is 4 babies to 1 person
10. Are all the children present in the room regular members of this group? Are children sometimes moved into or out of your room to meet

Additional criteria for self-assessment that are not on Observation Checklist:

Children are provided varied learning opportunities that foster positive identity and an emerging sense of self and others.
Give examples of how you promote each childs positive identity - posting family pictures, providing play props that reflect cultural backgrounds
of children, displays or posters celebrating differences, mirrors and opportunities for self-exploration, etc.
In my classroom I have posters of the babies and their families hanging up at the eye level. Either hanging on the wall next to their crib to around
the floor so for the ones that are starting to get mobile they can look at the pictures.

How do you create a climate of respect for infants? Give examples of situations where you were looking for as well as listening and responding
to verbal and nonverbal cues; and actively seek to understand infants needs and desires by recognizing and responding to their nonverbal cues
and by using simple language.
I am able to listen and respond to nonverbal cues from infants when I did the one on one observation. I took time to sit and evaluate each child
and this helped me to be able to understand what their body language was telling me
Give examples of situations where you were able to:
interact with children without using physical punishment or any form of psychological abuse
Instead of using physical punishing I use my words and say things like no thank you
recognize health and safety hazards and protect children from harm
I am up to date with my youngstar regulations and have everything safe such as covered outlets
encourage and provide children with a variety of opportunities for learning
I teach in different ways ex. for fine motor skills they paint, grabbing toys, holding bottles and etc.
encourage and provide children with a variety of social experiences
I provide social experience with teachers as well as sitting them with different babies throughout the week
adapt and respond to changing and challenging conditions in ways that enhance program quality
Adapt and respond to each childs need. Ex. When a child is sick I make sure to adapt to their new schedule like letting them sleep more often
and plan activities that dont ask for a lot of action.
communicate with children and families
I am able to communicate with children and families when the child are picked up and dropped off. This is when I talk both about how and what theyve been
doing at home. Example, if I was working on potty training a child, I would talk about how many times they went on the potty at home.

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